Day|Day 1 -Net working emails
Dear Stan:
I found your name and contact information on Likedin. I am a sales manager at Yuexing Hospitality. Yuexing Hospitaliy is the leading furniture factory in China as well as Chairman Enterprise of China Furniture & Decoration Chamber of Commerce association. We hope to pursue cooperation opportunities with your company. Given that five years of experience in this field, i would appreciate the chance to ask you a few questions about our opportunities and your experience in the hospitality field.
I realize that this time of year is likely a busy one for you. I am hopeful that you will be willing to speak with me over the phone or via email at some point during the next two weeks. Please let me know if you are able to talk with me and if so what method of communication would be preferable.
Thank you very much for your time and insight.
【Day|Day 1 -Net working emails】Sean
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