
链表(Linked list)是一种常见的基础数据结构,是一种线性表,但是并不会按线性的顺序存储数据,而是在每一个节点里存到下一个节点的指针(Pointer)。由于不必须按顺序存储,链表在插入的时候可以达到O(1)的复杂度,比另一种线性表顺序表快得多,但是查找一个节点或者访问特定编号的节点则需要O(n)的时间,而顺序表相应的时间复杂度分别是O(logn)和O(1)。

#include using namespace std; typedef struct Node {//定义结构体Node int data; struct Node* next; }* LinkedList,LNode; //别名void CreateLinkedList(LinkedList &L, int &length) {/*创建链表 注意此处LinkedList &L为引用, 引用在C++里面是确保传入的参数可以被修改。形参是无关的单引用可以使其修改*/ L = (LinkedList)malloc(sizeof(LNode)); //初始化,头节点创建 L->data = https://www.it610.com/article/0; L->next = NULL; LinkedList tail = L; //尾节点 cout << "The length of the LinkedList is" <> temp->data; tail->next= temp; tail = temp; temp = NULL; L->data++; } tail->next = NULL; } bool getElem(int &e, int i, LinkedList L){//判断元素是否在相应围殴之 while (L !=NULL && i>0){ i--; L = L->next; } if (i == 0 && L !=NULL){ e = L->data; return true; } else return false; } bool insertElem(int e, int i, LinkedList L) {//插入数据 if (i > L->data || i <= 0) return false; else { L->data++; while (i > 1) { i--; L = L->next; } LinkedList temp = (LinkedList)malloc(sizeof(LNode)); temp->data = https://www.it610.com/article/e; temp->next = L->next; L->next = temp; return true; } }bool DeleteElem(int i, LinkedList L) {//删除 if (i > L->data || i < 1) return false; else { L->data--; while (i > 1) { i--; L = L->next; } LinkedList temp = (LinkedList)malloc(sizeof(LNode)); temp = L ->next; L->next = temp->next; free(temp); return true; } } bool destoryLinkedList(LinkedList &L) {//销毁链表 if (L->next != NULL) destoryLinkedList(L->next); free(L); return true; } bool clearLinkedList(LinkedList &L) {//清空链表 destoryLinkedList(L->next); L->data = https://www.it610.com/article/0; L->next = NULL; return true; } void printLinkedList(LinkedList L) {//打印输出 LinkedList head = L->next; cout << "\n\t"; while (head != NULL) { cout << "[" << head->data << "]"; if(head->next)cout<< "-->"; head = head->next; } cout << "\n"<> ListSize; CreateLinkedList(L, ListSize); next: cout << "(1)打印链表(2)插入元素\n" << "(3)删除元素(4)清空链表\n" << "(5)销毁链表(6)存在元素\n"; cin >> choice; switch (choice) {//switch选择判断 ,goto循环指向 case 1: cout << "these are elements you input \n"; printLinkedList(L); goto next; case 2: cout << "input num and location\n"; cin >> i; cin >> Elem; insertElem(Elem, i, L); goto next; case 3: cout << "input location\n"; cin >> i; DeleteElem(i, L); goto next; case 4: clearLinkedList(L); goto next; case 5: destoryLinkedList(L); cout << "you destory the list!create it(1) OR withdraw it " << endl; cin >> choice; cin >> Elem; if (choice == 1) { (*p)(L, Elem); //函数指针的使用 goto next; } else return 0; case 6: cin >> Elem; cin >> i; cout<

#include using namespace std; typedef struct node {//定义单链表的节点 int data; struct node *next; }*NodePointer, CirNode; NodePointer head, rear; //声明一个表头和尾指针 class CircularList { public : NodePointer createList()//初始化一个循环链表 { head = new CirNode; rear = head; rear->next = head; return head; } NodePointer createList(int n)//创建一个循环链表 { NodePointer p; head = new CirNode; rear = head; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { p = new CirNode; p->next = rear->next; rear->next = p; rear = p; cin >> p->data; } rear->next = head; return head; } int insertList(NodePointer head, int i, int x) { NodePointer p, q; int j = 0; p = head->next; while (p != head) { j++; p = p->next; } p = head; for (int j = 1; j < i; j++) p = p->next; if (i > j + 1 || i < 1) { printf("插入位置出错\n"); return -1; } q = new CirNode; q->data = https://www.it610.com/article/x; q->next = p->next; p->next = q; return 0; } int deleteList(NodePointer head, int i)//删除位置i处的节点 { NodePointer p, q; p = head->next; int j = 0; while (p != head) { j++; p = p->next; } if (i<1 || i>j) { printf("删除位置出错\n"); return -1; } p = head; for (j = 1; j < i; j++) p = p->next; q = p->next; p->next = p->next->next; free(q); return 0; } void printList(NodePointer head)//输出循环链表的所有元素 { int cal = 0; NodePointer p; p = head->next; while (cal < 5) { printf(" %d ", p->data); p = p->next; if (p->next == head) p->next = head->next; cal++; } } }; int main() { CircularList* c = new CircularList; c->createList(2); c->printList(head); system("pause"); return 0; }

