
一、视图 View
视图是一个虚拟表,是sql语句的查询结果,其内容由查询定义。同真实的表一样,视图包含一系列带有名称的列和行数据,在使用视图时动态生成。视图的数据变化会影响到基表,基表的数据变化也会影响到视图[insert update delete ] ; 创建视图需要create view 权限,并且对于查询涉及的列有select权限;使用create or replace 或者 alter修改视图,那么还需要改视图的drop权限。

select * from stu; -- 建立视图 create view v_li as select id,name,score from stu where name like '李%'-- show tables; select * from v_li limit 5; -- 建立账号,并授权 create user vu identified by 'vu'; grant select(id,name) on wxdb.v_li to vu; grant select on wxdb.v_li to vu; create view v_member as select m.nickname,,m.mobilefrom hbcf.cf_member m; grant select on v_member to vu; -- 删除视图 drop view v_member; -- 查看系统所有账号信息 select user,host,u.authentication_string,u.plugin from mysql.user u;

-- 查询视图 select * from stu01; -- create view vstu as select level 等级,count(*) 人数 from (select id,name,score, case when score>=90then '优秀' when score>=80then '良好' when score>=60then '及格' else '补考' end level from stu) as t group by t.level; select * from stu; select * from vstu; -- 查看数据库 d3 所有 view 视图 select `TABLE_NAME` from `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`TABLES` where `TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'd3' and `TABLE_TYPE` = 'VIEW'; -- 查看数据库d3的所有 base table表 select `TABLE_NAME` from `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`TABLES` where `TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'd3' and `TABLE_TYPE` = 'BASE TABLE'; -- 删除视图 drop view if exists stu01,vstu;

创建索引时,你需要确保该索引是应用在 SQL 查询语句的条件(一般作为 WHERE 子句的条件)。

-- 建立表时指定索引, create table t(t varchar(30),key(t desc)) show index from t; -- 删除索引 drop index t on t; alter table t add index index1 (t desc); alter table t drop index index1; -- 使用索引 select * from stu where name = '李丽'; -- 建立唯一索引 create unique indexname_index on stu(name asc); create index namegi on stu(name asc,gender desc); -- 删除索引 drop index name_index on stu; drop index namegi on stu; -- 查看表中所有索引 show index from stu; -- 索引缺点1 50mb 100mb 2 降低数据的插入,修改速度-- index 索引 -- 建立索引 create table t1( id int unsigned auto_increment, name varchar(30), score tinyint unsigned, primary key(id), key(name desc) ); create table t2( id int unsigned, name varchar(30), score tinyint unsigned, index iname (name(30)) ); create table t3( id int unsigned, name varchar(30), score tinyint unsigned ); -- 建立索引 create index inn on t3(name) -- 建立唯一索引 create unique index inn2 on t3(name); alter table t3 add index inn4(name asc,score desc); -- 使用索引 索引字段是不是出现在where条件中,如果在索引就起作用 select * from stu where name = '张三'; select * from t3; insert into t3 value(1,'李四1',80); insert into t3 value(2,'李四2',10); insert into t3 value(3,'李四3',50); insert into t3 value(4,'李四4',40); insert into t3 value(5,'李四5',30); insert into t3 value(6,'李四6',20); explain select * from t3 where id = 6; explain select * from t3 where name = '李四3'; -- 删除索引 drop index inn2 on t3; alter table t3 drop index inn4; -- 查看表中所有索引 show index from t3; -- 索引缺点1 50mb 100mb 2 降低数据的插入,修改速度
