晨读DAY|晨读DAY 20 总结日志


[Day 202019-01-12]
【晨读DAY|晨读DAY 20 总结日志】This is the VOA Special English Health Report.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, can save the life of someone whose heart has stopped. The condition is called cardiac arrest. The heart stops pumping blood. The person stops breathing. Without lifesaving measures, the brain starts to die within four to six minutes. CPR combines breathing into the victim's mouth and repeated presses on the chest. CPR keeps blood and oxygen flowing to the heart and brain. However, a new Japanese study questions the usefulness of mouth-to-mouth breathing. The study was published in the British medical magazine, The Lancet. Doctors in Tokyo led the research. It examined more than four thousand people who had suffered cardiac arrest. In all the cases, witnesses saw the event happen. More than one thousand of the victims received some kind of medical assistance from witnesses. Seven hundred and twelve received CPR. Four hundred and thirty-nine received chest presses only. No mouth-to-mouth rescue breaths were given to them. The researchers say any kind of CPR improved chances of the patient's survival. But, they said those people treated with only chest presses suffered less brain damage.

1) 音标查询
e?s ?z e? vi-o?-e? ?sp???l ???gl?? h?lθ r??p?rt.
?kɑrdio??p?lm??n?ri r??s?s??te???n, ?r si-pi-ɑr, k?n se?v e? la?f ?v ?s?m?w?n huz hɑrt h?z stɑpt.
e?k?n?d???n ?z k?ld ?kɑrdi??k ??r?st. e? hɑrt stɑps ?p?mp?? bl?d. e? ?p?rs?n stɑps ?brie??.
w??θa?t?la?f?se?v?? ?m???rz, e? bre?n stɑrts tu da? w??e?n f?r tu s?ks ?m?n?ts.
si-pi-ɑr k?m?ba?nz ?brie?? ??ntu e? ?v?kt?mz ma?θ ?nd r??pit?d ?pr?s?z ɑn e? ??st.
si-pi-ɑr kips bl?d ?nd ?ɑks???n ?flo??? tu e? hɑrt ?nd bre?n.
?ha???v?r, ? nu ???p??niz ?st?di ?kw?s??nz e? ?jusf?ln?s ?v ma?θ-tu-ma?θ ?brie??.
e? ?st?di w?z ?p?bl??t ?n e? ?br?t?? ?m?d?k?l ?m?g??zin, e? ?l?ns?t. ?dɑkt?rz ?n ?to?ki?o? l?d e? ri?s?r?.
t ?g?z?m?nd m?r e?n f?r ?θa?z?nd ?pip?l hu h?d ?s?f?rd ?kɑrdi??k ??r?st. ?n ?l e??ke?s?z, ?w?tn?s?z s? ei ??v?nt ?h?p?n.
m?r e?n w?n ?θa?z?nd ?v e? ?v?kt?mz r??sivd s?m ka?nd ?v ?m?d?k?l ??s?st?ns fr?m?w?tn?s?z.
?s?v?n ?h?ndr?d ?nd tw?lv r??sivd si-pi-ɑr. f?r ?h?ndr?d ?nd ?θ?rdi-na?n r??sivd ??st?pr?s?z ?o?nli.
no? ma?θ-tu-ma?θ ?r?skju br?θs w?r ?g?v?n tu e?m. e? ?ris?r??rz se? ??ni ka?nd ?v si-pi-ɑr ?m?pruvd ???ns?z ?v e? ?pe???nts s?r?va?v?l.
b?t, ee? s?deo?z ?pip?l ?trit?d w?e ?o?nli ??st ?pr?s?z ?s?f?rd l?s bre?n ?d?m??.

练习:40 min
总结:10 min
