notify() 和 notifyAll() 有什么区别?
- 等待池:假设一个线程A调用了某个对象的wait()方法,线程A就会释放该对象的锁后,进入到了该对象的等待池,等待池中的线程不会去竞争该对象的锁。
- 锁池:只有获取了对象的锁,线程才能执行对象的 synchronized 代码,对象的锁每次只有一个线程可以获得,其他线程只能在锁池中等待
- 如果线程调用了对象的 wait()方法,那么线程便会处于该对象的等待池中,等待池中的线程不会去竞争该对象的锁。
- 当有线程调用了对象的 notifyAll()方法(唤醒所有 wait 线程)或 notify()方法(只随机唤醒一个 wait 线程),被唤醒的的线程便会进入该对象的锁池中,锁池中的线程会去竞争该对象锁。也就是说,调用了notify后只要一个线程会由等待池进入锁池,而notifyAll会将该对象等待池内的所有线程移动到锁池中,等待锁竞争
- 优先级高的线程竞争到对象锁的概率大,假若某线程没有竞争到该对象锁,它还会留在锁池中,唯有线程再次调用 wait()方法,它才会重新回到等待池中。而竞争到对象锁的线程则继续往下执行,直到执行完了 synchronized 代码块,它会释放掉该对象锁,这时锁池中的线程会继续竞争该对象锁。
public class TestNotifyNotifyAll { private static Object obj = new Object(); public static void main(String[] args) {//测试 RunnableImplA wait()Thread t1 = new Thread(new RunnableImplA(obj)); Thread t2 = new Thread(new RunnableImplA(obj)); t1.start(); t2.start(); //RunnableImplB notify()Thread t3 = new Thread(new RunnableImplB(obj)); t3.start(); ////RunnableImplC notifyAll()//Thread t4 = new Thread(new RunnableImplC(obj)); //t4.start(); } } class RunnableImplA implements Runnable { private Object obj; public RunnableImplA(Object obj) {this.obj = obj; } public void run() {System.out.println("run on RunnableImplA"); synchronized (obj) {System.out.println("obj to wait on RunnableImplA"); try {obj.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace(); }System.out.println("obj continue to run on RunnableImplA"); } }} class RunnableImplB implements Runnable { private Object obj; public RunnableImplB(Object obj) {this.obj = obj; } public void run() {System.out.println("run on RunnableImplB"); System.out.println("睡眠3秒..."); try {Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace(); }synchronized (obj) {System.out.println("notify obj on RunnableImplB"); obj.notify(); } }} class RunnableImplC implements Runnable { private Object obj; public RunnableImplC(Object obj) {this.obj = obj; } public void run() {System.out.println("run on RunnableImplC"); System.out.println("睡眠3秒..."); try {Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace(); }synchronized (obj) {System.out.println("notifyAll obj on RunnableImplC"); obj.notifyAll(); } }}
【Java中notify()和notifyAll()的使用区别】结果:仅调用一次 obj.notify(),线程 t1 或 t2 中的一个始终在等待被唤醒,程序不终止
run on RunnableImplA把 t3 注掉,启动 t4 线程。调用 obj.notifyAll() 方法
obj to wait on RunnableImplA
run on RunnableImplA
obj to wait on RunnableImplA
run on RunnableImplB
notify obj on RunnableImplB
obj continue to run on RunnableImplA
public class TestNotifyNotifyAll { private static Object obj = new Object(); public static void main(String[] args) {//测试 RunnableImplA wait()Thread t1 = new Thread(new RunnableImplA(obj)); Thread t2 = new Thread(new RunnableImplA(obj)); t1.start(); t2.start(); ////RunnableImplB notify()//Thread t3 = new Thread(new RunnableImplB(obj)); //t3.start(); //RunnableImplC notifyAll()Thread t4 = new Thread(new RunnableImplC(obj)); t4.start(); } }
run on RunnableImplA到此这篇关于Java中notify()和notifyAll()的使用区别的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关Java notify()和notifyAll()内容请搜索脚本之家以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持脚本之家!
obj to wait on RunnableImplA
run on RunnableImplA
obj to wait on RunnableImplA
run on RunnableImplC
notifyAll obj on RunnableImplC
obj continue to run on RunnableImplA
obj continue to run on RunnableImplA
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