[第78次听写]饥饿游戏|[第78次听写]饥饿游戏 燃烧的女孩

[第78次听写]饥饿游戏|[第78次听写]饥饿游戏 燃烧的女孩
78.jpg 小调查 最近2周, 我每天发布的听写不像以前那样直接把答案贴在下边, 而是改为第二天再公布答案. 这样做的初衷是希望鼓励大家听写, 避免看完视频偷懒, 直接去对答案. 但有多位童鞋跟我讲希望改回以前的模式, 因为现在这样很不方便. 所以今天做一个小调查, 看一下大部分童鞋的preference是怎样, 扫下边二维码做调查.
【[第78次听写]饥饿游戏|[第78次听写]饥饿游戏 燃烧的女孩】点击这里查看视频
我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写1分钟电影, 已经坚持2个月了. 把你听懂的句子写在评论里, 和我一起坚持听写, 早日甩掉字幕吧~
昨日答案 Okay.
Here’s something that you wrote last week.
Roses are red. Violets are blue.
Fuck you, whore.
Now most shoppers on(at) Valentine’s day.
Mr. Vanson(Vance), are you firing me?
No, no, relax. Hanson.
You’re one of the good ones.
Okay. Yeah, I’m sorry.
Things have been a little difficult.
That’s ok.
I completely understand that.
I’m just saying that perhaps you could channel those energies um, into something like this.
Funerals and sympathy.
Misery, sadness, loss of faith, no reason to live.
This is perfect for you.
Good, okay.
Now back to work you go.
Thank you.
Thank you.
我的心得 1 这篇不难, 听写+对答案20分钟
2 violet=紫罗兰 violent=暴力的.
3 at Valentine's day, at Christmas, 美国人太喜欢他们这个at了, 到处用
