Day1—Trust|Day1—Trust your intuition
Let me tell you a story.
It's a story about life, a story about what is likely coming your way.
If you don't know understand the power of human life,then human life will be hard.
If you do understand how great you can be,your life will be whatever you want to be.
When you grow up,it's likely many will encourage you down paths you don't want to go.
Paths never meant for you.Many will believe they know what is best for you.
How can anyone else know what is best for you?They can't.
Only you know what is best for you.
Let me make it clear. No one,not even your mom,your dad,no one,knows what is best for you,except you.
Always be gracious enough to listen to others' opinions,but be strong enough to know they are just opinions.You decide what is your truth.
How do you know what is your truth?
Your feeling in your heart.That is called your intuition.
It never lies,it always knows the right path to choose.
Just make sure you get still,quiet and listen.
You can't hear your intuition when it is clouded by noise.
When life is loud,and the noise is deafening,take a moment,be still and be alone,you will hear the answers.
【Day1—Trust|Day1—Trust your intuition】You will hear the truth.
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