super|super woman

Everywhere I’m turning,当我放眼看去,Nothing seems complete,满目苍夷,I stand up and I’m searching,我站起来寻找,For the better part of me,为了更好的自己,I hang my head from sorrow,垂头丧气,Slave to humanity,成为人性的奴隶,I wear it on my shoulders,我将困难抗在肩头,Gotta find the strength in me,我想我必须唤醒体内的力量,Cause I am a Superwoman,因为我是女超人,Yes I am,是的,我就是,Yes she is,是的,她也是,Even when I’m a mess,就算生活艰难穷困,I still put on a vest,我也不换下这一身,With an S on my chest,胸前写着字母S的外衣,Oh yes,哦,是的,I’m a Superwoman,我就是女超人,For all the mothers fighting,所有和困难斗争的母亲们,For better days to come,为了将来更好的生计,And all my women, all my women sitting here trying,所有女人,努力工作的女人们,To come home before the sun,为了在太阳落山之前赶回家里,And all my sisters,所有的姐妹们,Coming together,让我们一起,Say yes I will,说我们能,Yes I can,我们可以,
Cause I am a Superwoman,因为我是女超人,Yes I am,是的,我就是,Yes she is,是的,她也是,Even when I’m a mess,就算生活艰难穷困,I still put on a vest,我也不换下这一身,With an S on my chest,胸前写着字母S的外衣,Oh yes,是的,I’m a Superwoman,我就是女超人,When I’m breaking down,当我濒临崩溃,And I can’t be found,当我迷失方向,And I start to get weak,当我开始变得弱小,Cause no one knows,因为没有人知道我,Me underneath these clothes,坚强的外衣下脆弱的内心,But I can fly,但是我仍然可以飞翔,We can fly, Oooohh,我们都可以飞翔,Cause I am a Superwoman,因为我就是女超人,Yes I am,是的,我就是,Yes she is,是的,她也是,Even when I’m a mess,就算生活艰难穷困,I still put on a vest,我也不换下这一身,With an S on my chest,胸前写着字母S的外衣,Oh yes,哦,是的,I’m a Superwoman,我就是女超人。
【super|super woman】 再次回顾Alicia Keys的单曲《Superwoman》 ,我是神贫的。pa pa方济各,你的邀请,一起变得贫穷,我答应了。请给我勇气和力量,Lord Jesus(yesus),进入人生的荒野。
