FCS五色石|FCS五色石 | 项目半月报(2020.3.16-2020.3.31)

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FCS五色石|FCS五色石 | 项目半月报(2020.3.16-2020.3.31)
FCS五色石三月下旬半月报(英文版) Technical Updates
BTchat l The core services and performance optimization of BTchat-IM5.0 have been completed.
l The development progress of BTchat Android and IOS version hot update mode is 70%.
l The revision of ecology module has been completed by 70%. The newly added "National Treasure Hunt" function has been completed by 60%.
l Optimization of Asset module transfer process has been completed by 75%.
l The core framework of IMServer 1.0 is completed, and the development of ServerAPI has been completed by 50%.
l Block Browser requirements analysis is completed, and the development progress is 80%.
Rise of Heroes l The art team is optimizing the scene and characters. At this stage, the characters Cai Wenji and Xia Houjuan were drawn.
l The art team modified some UI details, remade buttons such as stores, friends, and maps, and is redesigning the UI for treasure hunting.
l The art team remade Cai Wenji's skills special effects.
l The game official website has added audio-visual, information and other contents and is currently under development.
l The back end has fixed bugs such as the completion time of task activities.
l The front end has fixed known bugs in Legion News and Hero Store.
Marketing and Operations Updates
1. The second event of "Participate in BTchat Topic to Win the Prize" has started. 【FCS五色石|FCS五色石 | 项目半月报(2020.3.16-2020.3.31)】Participate in the topic and win the prize! The first topic event organized by BTchat has been successfully concluded. At present, the second topic activity has started, the topic is "Days at Home with Parents", the activity time is from March 20 to April 10. Download BTchat and you will have a chance to win big prizes.
2. Rise of Heroes "Show Game Magical Operation Contest" was successfully concluded. On March 31, The "Show Game Magical Operation Contest", hosted by the role-playing games Rise of Heroes, was successfully concluded. The event was welcomed by a large number of players, and relevant rewards will be distributed in early April.
3、BTchat will launch new functions such as "National Treasure Hunt" and "Social Mining". In order to meet the diversified needs of users, BTchat will launch a new version in mid-April. The new version adds functions such as "national treasure hunt" and "social mining". Regarding the national treasure hunt function, users need to find treasure chests on the map, and then invite friends to unpack and collect the prizes inside. The prizes are worth up to 100,000 yuan. The social mining function encourages users to chat, post, comment, and like on BTchat in the form of rewards.
中文 FCS五色石|FCS五色石 | 项目半月报(2020.3.16-2020.3.31)
FCS五色石三月下旬半月报(中文版) 研发进展
BTchat链语(基于FCS生态链的加密社交平台) 1、BTchat-IM5.0版本核心服务和性能优化已完成,下个版本上线;
矿世三国(基于FCS生态链的大型角色扮演类游戏) 1、美术组正在优化场景和武将,本阶段完成武将蔡文姬、夏侯涓;
1、参与BTchat链语话题赢千元现金大奖第二期活动已开启 参与话题赢千元现金大奖!由BTchat链语(http://btchat.one/m.html#/download)举办的第一期话题活动已经圆满结束,最终奖励已经发放到位。目前,第二期话题活动正式拉开序幕,话题为#与爸妈隔离在家的日子#,活动时间为3月20日至4月10日(应用户要求本期活动延长10日)。用户登录BTchat链语,在动态板块发布带话题动态即视为参与活动,活动规则与奖励不变,具体情况查看官方动态。赶快下载BTchat链语(App Store搜索BTchat,应用宝和安卓市场搜索链语),参与你就有机会获得千元现金奖励。
2、“矿世三国神操作大赏”活动圆满落幕 3月31日,由大型角色扮演类游戏矿世三国举办的“矿世三国神操作大赏”活动圆满落幕。本次活动启动以来受到广大玩家的欢迎,玩家通过关注FCS全球粉丝社区微博点赞、评论、转发以及晒图互动活动微博等方式展示了自己在玩《矿世三国》中的各种神操作,目前参与即有礼相关奖励已发放到位,打卡享好礼也已将兑换码发放给获奖者,晒图赢豪礼结果正在统计中,相关奖励将在4月初发放。
3、BTchat链语新功能全民探宝、“社交即挖矿、聊天即赚钱”等即将上线 为满足用户多样化需求,BTchat链语将于四月中旬上线新版本,包含全新改版的全民探宝板块以及社交即挖矿新功能板块。全新改版的全民探宝,在用户运动签到获宝箱的基础上设置了更多玩法,用户可邀请好友一起开宝箱赢实物奖品,奖品价值从上千元到数十万,玩法更有趣、奖励更丰富。社交即挖矿、聊天即赚钱功能,则鼓励用户通过BTchat链语聊天、发布动态、评论、点赞以及进行社交行为,社交越频繁越活跃,挖矿奖励越丰厚,真正实现“社交即挖矿,聊天即赚钱”。
