texstudio|texstudio shortcuts

【texstudio|texstudio shortcuts】"File" menu :
New : Ctrl+N
Open : Ctrl+O
Save : Ctrl+S
Save as: Ctrl+Alt+S
Save all: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S
Close : Ctrl+W
Print Source Code : Ctrl+P
Exit : Ctrl+Q
"Edit" menu :
Undo : Ctrl+Z
Redo : Ctrl+Y
Copy : Ctrl+C
Cut : Ctrl+X
Paste : Ctrl+V
Select All : Ctrl+A
Expand Selection to Word : Ctrl+D
Expand Selection to Line : Ctrl+L
Delete Line : Ctrl+K
Delete to End of Line : Alt+K
Find : Ctrl+F
Find next : F3 / Ctrl+G
Find prev : Shift+F3 / Ctrl+Shift+G
Replace : CTrl+R
Go to line : Ctrl+G
Go to previous change: Ctrl+H
Go to to next change: Ctrl+Shift+H
Go to Bookmark 0..9: Ctrl+0..9
Set Bookmark 0..9: Ctrl+Shift+0..9
Set Unnamed Bookmark: Ctrl+Shift+B
Next Marker: Ctrl+Down
Previous Marker: Ctrl+Up
Go Back : Alt+Left
Go Forward : Alt+Right
Insert Unicode Character : Ctrl+Alt+U
"Idefix" menu :
Erase Word/Cmd/Env: Alt+Del
Paste as LaTeX: Ctrl+Shift+V
Show preview : Alt+P
Comment : Ctrl+T
Uncomment : Ctrl+U
Next Latex Error: Ctrl+Shift+Down
Previous Latex Error: Ctrl+Shift+Up
Next Latex Bad Box: Shift+Alt+Down
Previous Latex Bad Box: Shift+Alt+Up
Go to definition: Ctrl+Alt+F
Normal Completion: Ctrl+Space
\begin Completion: Ctrl+Alt+Space
Normal Text Completion: Alt+Shift+Space
Close Last Open Environment: Alt+Return
Remove Placeholders: Ctrl+Shift+K
"Tools" menu :
Build & View : F5
Compile : F6
View : F7
Bibliography : F8
Glossary : F9
Check spelling : Ctrl+:
Thesaurus : Ctrl+Shift+F8
"LaTeX" menu :
item : Ctrl+Shift+I
Italic : Ctrl+I
Slanted : Ctrl+Shift+S
Bold : Ctrl+B
Typewriter : Ctrl+Shift+T
Small caps : Ctrl+Shift+C
Emphasis : Ctrl+Shift+E
New line : Ctrl+Return
begin{environment} : Ctrl+E
Insert reference to next label : Ctrl+Alt+R
"Math" menu :
Inline math mode : Ctrl+Shift+M
Display math mode : Alt+Shift+M
Numbered equations : Ctrl+Shift+N
Subscript : Ctrl+Shift+D
Superscript : CTrl+Shift+U
Frac : Alt+Shift+F
Dfrac : Ctrl+Shift+F
Sqrt : Ctrl+Shift+Q
Left : Ctrl+Shift+L
Right : Ctrl+Shift+R
"User" menu :
User tags : Shift+F1...Shift+F10
User commands : Shift+Alt+F1...Shift+Alt+F10
"View" menu :
Previous Document : Ctrl+PgDown
Next Document : Ctrl+PgUp
Focus Editor : Ctrl+Alt+Left
Focus Viewer : Ctrl+Alt+Right
Close Something : Esc
Editor Zoom In : Ctrl++
Editor Zoom Out : Ctrl+-
Fullscreeen Mode : F11
