英语流利说|英语流利说 Level4 Unit3 Part3 Business and Economics

Business and Economics商业与经济学
Goods and services supply what people need or want.商品和服务提供人们需要或想要的东西。
Goods are things such as food and clothing.商品是像食物和衣服这样的东西。
Servicesincludethingssuch ashealthcareand policeprotection.服务包括医疗保健和警察保护。
A country needs natural and human resources.一个国家需要自然资源和人力资源。
Natural resources include fresh water supplies, farmland and energy sources, such as oil and wind.自然资源包括淡水供应、农田和能源,如石油和风能。
Human resources include a skilled workforce that can produce goods and services.人力资源包括能够生产产品和服务的熟练劳动力。
Once we have a supply of goods or services, they need to be distributed throughout a country.一旦我们有了商品或服务的供应,就需要在全国范围内进行分配。
Highways and railways are both ways to transport things from one part of a country to another.公路和铁路都是把东西从一个国家的一个地方运输到另一个地方的方法。
Electricity is distributed through a system of transmission lines.电力是通过输电线路系统来分配的。
We live in an age of advertising.我们生活在一个广告的时代。
Advertising lets people know about goods and services.广告让人们了解商品和服务
It educates people about the product being advertised.它让人们了解正在做广告的产品。
Trade allows for the exchange of goods and services between different countries.贸易允许在不同的国家之间交换商品和服务。
Exports are goods and services that are sold to another country.出口是出售给另一个国家的商品和服务。
Imports are goods and servicesthatareboughtfromanothercountry.进口是指从另一个国家购买的商品和服务。
For example, many countries import oil from countries such as Saudi Arabia.例如,许多国家从沙特阿拉伯等国进口石油。
Advertiserstrytoincreasethedemandfor a product or service.广告商试图增加对产品或服务的需求。
【英语流利说|英语流利说 Level4 Unit3 Part3 Business and Economics】Education and training are ways to develop a skilled workforce.教育和培训是培养熟练劳动力的途径。
