英语流利说|英语流利说 Level5 Unit1 Part4 - Handling Office Conflicts

Handling Office Conflicts处理办公室的冲突
Excuse me, do you have a minute?对不起,你有时间吗?
I'm sorry, not right now.对不起,现在不行。
I'll be free in about 15 minutes.我大约15分钟后有空。
Could you come back then?你能回来吗?
No, I'm afraid we have an emergency upstairs.不,恐怕我们楼上有急事。
Can't you handle it?你处理不了吗?
No, I think it would be best if you were there.不,我想如果你在那里就好了。
OK, I'll finish this call and be right with you.好的,我打完这个电话马上就来。
What's the problem ? They have an emergency upstairs.有什么问题吗?楼上有急事。
OK, what is it?好的,是什么?
Kevin and Bob are shouting a teach other, and it's upsetting everyone.凯文和鲍勃互相大喊大叫,大家都很不高兴。
Oh, not again.哦,不了。
Those two have got to grow up.那两个必须长大。
Who started it?开始吗?
I'm not sure, but they were even pushing each other.我不确定,但他们甚至互相推搡。
In this case, "they have to grow up " means to act like adults and not children.在这种情况下,“他们必须长大”的意思是表现得像成年人而不是孩子。
OK, this is unacceptable.好吧,这是不能接受的。
You run on ahead and warn them that I'm coming.你跑在前面,警告他们我来了。
I want them to calm down before I get there.我希望他们在我到达之前冷静下来。
Can you do that?你能做到吗?
OK, I'll do what I can to calm them down.好吧,我会尽我所能让他们平静下来。
But you know Kevin, he is such a hot head.但是你知道凯文的,他是个很火爆的人。
Kevin is a hot head means he can't control his motions.凯文是个火爆性子,就是说他不能控制自己的动作。
OK, Kevin, I've warned you before.好的,凯文,我之前警告过你
This is got to stop.这必须停止。
Yes, I know.是的,我知道。
But Bob doesn't cooperate.但是鲍勃不合作。
He is impossible to work with.和他一起工作是不可能的。
Even so, you can't go around pushing people.即便如此,你也不能到处推搡别人。
That's no way to handle things.那不是处理事情的方法。
If you weren't doing such a good job, I'd have to let you go right now.如果你干得不好,我现在就得让你走
Your behavior just isn't acceptable.你的行为是不可接受的。
"To let him go" means to fire him.“let him go”的意思是解雇他。
Yeah, I understand and I'm sorry.是的,我理解,我很抱歉。
I just can't stand working with him.我就是受不了和他一起工作。
I'm not sure what to do.我不知道该怎么办。
What will you do if you were me.如果你是我,你会做什么?
Do you have any suggestions?你有什么建议吗?
To be honest, if I were you, I wouldn't have the two of us work in the same office.老实说,如果我是你,我就不会让我们两个在同一个办公室工作。
I know Bob has been with the company longer than I have, but he's doing a terrible job.我知道鲍勃在公司工作的时间比我长,但是他的工作做得很糟糕。
When you are not around, he just bullies people.你不在的时候,他就欺负人。
People are afraid of him.人们害怕他。
Why are people afraid of Bob? He acts like a bully.为什么人们害怕鲍勃?他表现得像个恶霸。
How does Kevin feel like working with Bob? He can't stand it.凯文觉得和鲍勃一起工作怎么样?他受不了了。
OK, I'll look into it a bit more.好的,我再仔细研究一下。
But you got to promise me to keep cool and not let this happen again.但是你得答应我保持冷静,不要再发生这种事了。
OK, I'll try to handle things differently next time.好吧,下次我会试着换一种方式来处理
He'll "look into it" a bit more means he's going to get more information.他会“调查一下”,意思是他会得到更多的信息。
【英语流利说|英语流利说 Level5 Unit1 Part4 - Handling Office Conflicts】Kevin thinks Bob doesn't cooperate and is difficult to work with.凯文认为鲍勃不合作,很难共事。
