英语流利说|英语流利说 Level4 Unit3 Part1- Time Distribution

Time Distribution
Look at these two pie graphs.看这两个饼图。
They show how these two people spend their days, not including weekends.它们显示了这两个人如何度过他们的日子,不包括周末。
The one on the top shows how Emma devides up her days.上面的这张图显示了艾玛是如何分配她的日子的。
She is a designer who works for a large company.她是一家大公司的设计师
As Emma's graph shows, the biggest portion of her day is spent working.正如Emma的图表所示,她一天中大部分时间都花在了工作上。
【英语流利说|英语流利说 Level4 Unit3 Part1- Time Distribution】She works an average of 8 hours a day, which is one third of her day.她平均每天工作8小时,占她一天的三分之一。
She gets an average of 6 hoursofsleep, which is 25% of her day.她平均睡眠6小时,占一天的25%。
That's less sleep than Martin gets.那比马丁睡得少。
According to his graph, he gets an average of 7 hoursofsleep, which is about 29% of his day.根据他的图表,他平均睡7小时,占他一天的29%。
On the other hand, Martin who is an engineer, works more hours than Emma does.另一方面,马丁是个工程师,工作时间比艾玛长。
Martin averages9 hours a day at work, comparedto Emma's 8.马丁平均每天工作9小时,而艾玛是8小时
That's thirty-seven point five percent comparedto thirty-three percent.这是37.5%相比之下是33%。
Other factors shown in the graphs include time for meals and commuting to work.图表中显示的其他因素包括用餐时间和通勤时间。
Other activities include getting dressed and householdchores, such as doinglaundryand paying bills.其他活动包括穿衣服和做家务,如洗衣服和付账单。
As you can see, for Martin, commuting is taking a largeamountof his time.正如你所看到的,对于马丁来说,上下班花费了他大量的时间。
If he could reduce his commute time he would have more time for other things.如果他能减少上下班的时间,他就会有更多的时间做其他事情。
And it isn't just the time.这不仅仅是时间的问题。
When thetrafficis really heavy, his commute is stressful.当交通真的很拥挤时,他的通勤压力很大。
It would be great if he could work from home one or two days a week.如果他能一周在家工作一两天就太好了
His life would be more enjoyable.他的生活将会更愉快。
As looking at Emma's graph, we see that she probably needs more sleep.从Emma的图表中,我们可以看出她可能需要更多的睡眠。
Perhaps she should spend a bit less time socializing with her friends.也许她应该少花点时间和朋友们交际。
On the other hand, socializing with her friends is something she really values.另一方面,与朋友交往是她真正看重的
As for putting on makeup, she isn't willing to change that.至于化妆,她不愿意改变这一点。
For her, exercising, socializing and staying beautiful help her deal with the stress of work.对她来说,锻炼、社交和保持美丽有助于她应对工作压力。
In conclusion, Emma and Martin both wish that there were more hours in a day.最后,艾玛和马丁都希望一天有更多的时间。
