英语流利说|英语流利说 Level 4 Unit2 Part2 Missing Aircraft

Missing Aircraft
Do you have any more information about the location of the missing aircraft?你有关于失踪飞机位置的更多信息吗?
No, we don’t. The only information we have is that it disappeared.不,我们没有。我们得到的唯一信息是它消失了。
What about the last communication with the aircraft.那和飞机的最后一次通讯呢。
The last communication was about 15 minutes before it disappeared.最后一次通话是在它消失前15分钟。
Was there anything unusual in the communication?沟通中有什么不寻常的地方吗?
No, there wasn't anything unusual.没有,没有什么不寻常的事。
Nothing pointed to any kind of problem.没有任何东西指向任何问题。
Anyway, we areconfidentthat wewill findit.不管怎样,我们有信心找到它。
It’s a large aircraft so it shouldn’t be difficult to find.这架飞机很大,所以应该不难找到。
How many countries are helping with the search.有多少国家在协助搜寻
Right now, we have search teams from 3 countries starting the search.目前,我们有来自3个国家的搜索团队开始搜索。
It’s a bigareatosearch, so can yougiveus anestimateabout how long it will take.这是一个很大的搜索区域,你能给我们一个大概的时间吗?
Yes, it’s a big area so it might take a long time.是的,这是一个很大的区域,可能需要很长时间。
But we won’t give up.但我们不会放弃
We will search until we find it.我们会一直寻找,直到找到为止。
Do you have any more information about the location of the missing aircraft?你有关于失踪飞机位置的更多信息吗?
No, we don’t. The only information we have is that it disappeared.不,我们没有。我们得到的唯一信息是它消失了
What about the last communication with the aircraft.那和飞机的最后一次通讯呢
The last communication was about 15 minutes before it disappeared.最后一次通话是在它消失前15分钟。
Was there anything unusual in the communication?沟通中有什么不寻常的地方吗?
No, there wasn't anything unusual.没有,没有什么不寻常的事。
Nothing pointed to any kind of problem.没有任何东西指向任何问题
Have they found the wreckage yet?他们找到飞机残骸了吗?
What are you talking about?你在说什么?
You know, the airplane that disappeared last year.去年失踪的那架飞机。
【英语流利说|英语流利说 Level 4 Unit2 Part2 Missing Aircraft】Oh, yes, now I know what you are referring to.哦,是的,现在我知道你指的是什么了。
Yes, they found some pieces of it.是的,他们找到了一些碎片。
What about the black boxes.那黑匣子呢。
No, they still haven’t found the black boxes.没有,他们还没有找到黑匣子。
It’s hard to believe they still don’t know what happened.很难相信他们还不知道发生了什么事。
Perhaps they’ll never know, especially if they don’t find the black boxes.也许他们永远不会知道,尤其是如果他们找不到黑匣子的话。
Whateverhappenedto it, there is no goodreasonwhy amodernairline isallowedto disappear.不管发生了什么,现代航空公司没有理由被允许消失。
I agree with you.我同意你的看法
