
扩展 Metric 监控信息 官方文档 Source and Scope extension for new metrics
案例:JVM Thread 增加 Metrics 修改 Thread 的定义
apm-protocol/apm-network/src/main/proto/language-agent/JVMMetric.proto 协议文件中覆盖 message Thread 的定义

message Thread { int64 liveCount = 1; int64 daemonCount = 2; int64 peakCount = 3; int64 deadlocked = 4; int64 monitorDeadlocked = 5; int64 newThreadCount = 7; int64 runnableThreadCount = 8; int64 blockedThreadCount = 9; int64 waitThreadCount = 10; int64 timeWaitThreadCount = 11; int64 terminatedThreadCount = 12; }

重新构建 apm-network 项目
cd apm-protocol/apm-network mvn clean package -DskipTests=true

PS:可以安装 Protocol Buffer Editor 插件,支持 Protocol Buffer 语法
修改 agent coreThread Metrics 的提供类
直接使用如下代码覆盖 org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.jvm.thread.ThreadProvider
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements.See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */package org.apache.skywalking.apm.agent.core.jvm.thread; import; import; import; import java.util.Optional; import; public enum ThreadProvider { INSTANCE; private final ThreadMXBean threadMXBean; private static final long [] EMPTY_DEADLOCKED_THREADS = new long[0]; ThreadProvider() { this.threadMXBean = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean(); }public Thread getThreadMetrics() { int newThreadCount = 0; int runnableThreadCount = 0; int blockedThreadCount = 0; int waitThreadCount = 0; int timeWaitThreadCount = 0; int terminatedThreadCount = 0; // 基于线程状态信息增加对应状态的线程数 ThreadInfo[] threadInfos = threadMXBean.getThreadInfo(threadMXBean.getAllThreadIds()); if (threadInfos != null) { for (ThreadInfo threadInfo : threadInfos) { if (threadInfo != null) { switch (threadInfo.getThreadState()) { case NEW: newThreadCount++; break; case RUNNABLE: runnableThreadCount++; break; case BLOCKED: blockedThreadCount++; break; case WAITING: waitThreadCount++; break; case TIMED_WAITING: timeWaitThreadCount++; break; case TERMINATED: terminatedThreadCount++; break; default: break; } } else { /* * If a thread of a given ID is not alive or does not exist, * the corresponding element in the returned array will, * contain null,because is mut exist ,so the thread is terminated */ terminatedThreadCount++; } } }// 当前存活线程数 int threadCount = threadMXBean.getThreadCount(); // deamon线程数 int daemonThreadCount = threadMXBean.getDaemonThreadCount(); // 峰值线程数 int peakThreadCount = threadMXBean.getPeakThreadCount(); int deadlocked = Optional.ofNullable(threadMXBean.findDeadlockedThreads()) .orElse(EMPTY_DEADLOCKED_THREADS).length; int monitorDeadlocked = Optional.ofNullable(threadMXBean.findMonitorDeadlockedThreads()) .orElse(EMPTY_DEADLOCKED_THREADS).length; // 构建一个Thread对象,用于发送Thread Metric信息至OAP return Thread.newBuilder().setLiveCount(threadCount) .setDaemonCount(daemonThreadCount) .setPeakCount(peakThreadCount) .setDeadlocked(deadlocked) .setMonitorDeadlocked(monitorDeadlocked) .setNewThreadCount(newThreadCount) .setRunnableThreadCount(runnableThreadCount) .setBlockedThreadCount(blockedThreadCount) .setWaitThreadCount(waitThreadCount) .setTimeWaitThreadCount(timeWaitThreadCount) .setTerminatedThreadCount(terminatedThreadCount) .build(); }}

修改 ServiceInstanceJVMThread
【Skywalking-04(扩展Metric监控信息)】直接使用如下代码覆盖 org.apache.skywalking.oap.server.core.source.ServiceInstanceJVMThread 类,
ServiceInstanceJVMThread继承了 Source 抽象类, Source 类是 Skywalking 中 oal 体系,资源及范围的定义。
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements.See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */package org.apache.skywalking.oap.server.core.source; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import static org.apache.skywalking.oap.server.core.source.DefaultScopeDefine.SERVICE_INSTANCE_CATALOG_NAME; import static org.apache.skywalking.oap.server.core.source.DefaultScopeDefine.SERVICE_INSTANCE_JVM_THREAD; @ScopeDeclaration(id = SERVICE_INSTANCE_JVM_THREAD, name = "ServiceInstanceJVMThread", catalog = SERVICE_INSTANCE_CATALOG_NAME) @ScopeDefaultColumn.VirtualColumnDefinition(fieldName = "entityId", columnName = "entity_id", isID = true, type = String.class) public class ServiceInstanceJVMThread extends Source { @Override public int scope() { return SERVICE_INSTANCE_JVM_THREAD; }@Override public String getEntityId() { return String.valueOf(id); }@Getter @Setter private String id; @Getter @Setter @ScopeDefaultColumn.DefinedByField(columnName = "name", requireDynamicActive = true) private String name; @Getter @Setter @ScopeDefaultColumn.DefinedByField(columnName = "service_name", requireDynamicActive = true) private String serviceName; @Getter @Setter @ScopeDefaultColumn.DefinedByField(columnName = "service_id") private String serviceId; @Getter @Setter private long liveCount; @Getter @Setter private long daemonCount; @Getter @Setter private long peakCount; @Getter @Setter private long deadlocked; @Getter @Setter private long monitorDeadlocked; @Getter @Setter private long newThreadCount; @Getter @Setter private long runnableThreadCount; @Getter @Setter private long blockedThreadCount; @Getter @Setter private long waitThreadCount; @Getter @Setter private long timeWaitThreadCount; @Getter @Setter private long terminatedThreadCount; }

修改 JVMSourceDispatcher
org.apache.skywalking.oap.server.analyzer.provider.jvm.JVMSourceDispatcher 是一个 Source 分发类,将从 agent 接收到的 JVM 相关 Metrics 拆分成对应的 Source 。例如: ServiceInstanceJVMMemoryServiceInstanceJVMThread
修改方法org.apache.skywalking.oap.server.analyzer.provider.jvm.JVMSourceDispatcher#sendToThreadMetricProcess 为如下代码:
private void sendToThreadMetricProcess(String service, String serviceId, String serviceInstance, String serviceInstanceId, long timeBucket, Thread thread) { ServiceInstanceJVMThread serviceInstanceJVMThread = new ServiceInstanceJVMThread(); serviceInstanceJVMThread.setId(serviceInstanceId); serviceInstanceJVMThread.setName(serviceInstance); serviceInstanceJVMThread.setServiceId(serviceId); serviceInstanceJVMThread.setServiceName(service); serviceInstanceJVMThread.setLiveCount(thread.getLiveCount()); serviceInstanceJVMThread.setDaemonCount(thread.getDaemonCount()); serviceInstanceJVMThread.setPeakCount(thread.getPeakCount()); serviceInstanceJVMThread.setTimeBucket(timeBucket); serviceInstanceJVMThread.setDeadlocked(thread.getDeadlocked()); serviceInstanceJVMThread.setMonitorDeadlocked(thread.getMonitorDeadlocked()); serviceInstanceJVMThread.setNewThreadCount(thread.getNewThreadCount()); serviceInstanceJVMThread.setRunnableThreadCount(thread.getRunnableThreadCount()); serviceInstanceJVMThread.setBlockedThreadCount(thread.getBlockedThreadCount()); serviceInstanceJVMThread.setWaitThreadCount(thread.getWaitThreadCount()); serviceInstanceJVMThread.setTimeWaitThreadCount(thread.getTimeWaitThreadCount()); serviceInstanceJVMThread.setTerminatedThreadCount(thread.getTerminatedThreadCount()); sourceReceiver.receive(serviceInstanceJVMThread); }

java-agent.oal 增加相关指标
oap-server/server-bootstrap/src/main/resources/oal/java-agent.oal 添加如下语句
// 参考oal语法 instance_jvm_thread_deadlocked = from(ServiceInstanceJVMThread.deadlocked).longAvg(); instance_jvm_thread_monitor_deadlocked = from(ServiceInstanceJVMThread.monitorDeadlocked).longAvg(); instance_jvm_thread_new_thread_count = from(ServiceInstanceJVMThread.newThreadCount).longAvg(); instance_jvm_thread_runnable_thread_count = from(ServiceInstanceJVMThread.runnableThreadCount).longAvg(); instance_jvm_thread_blocked_thread_count = from(ServiceInstanceJVMThread.blockedThreadCount).longAvg(); instance_jvm_thread_wait_thread_count = from(ServiceInstanceJVMThread.waitThreadCount).longAvg(); instance_jvm_thread_time_wait_thread_count = from(ServiceInstanceJVMThread.timeWaitThreadCount).longAvg(); instance_jvm_thread_terminated_thread_count = from(ServiceInstanceJVMThread.terminatedThreadCount).longAvg();

修改 apm.yml
oap-server/server-bootstrap/src/main/resources/ui-initialized-templates/apm.yml 文件的 APM 面板下的 Instance 项增加如下配置
{ "width": 3, "title": "JVM Thread Count (Java Service)", "height": "250", "entityType": "ServiceInstance", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartLine", "metricName": "instance_jvm_thread_live_count, instance_jvm_thread_daemon_count, instance_jvm_thread_peak_count,instance_jvm_thread_deadlocked,instance_jvm_thread_monitor_deadlocked" }, { "width": 3, "title": "JVM Thread State Count (Java Service)", "height": "250", "entityType": "ServiceInstance", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "instance_jvm_thread_new_thread_count,instance_jvm_thread_runnable_thread_count,instance_jvm_thread_blocked_thread_count,instance_jvm_thread_wait_thread_count,instance_jvm_thread_time_wait_thread_count,instance_jvm_thread_terminated_thread_count", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartBar" }

如果不清楚添加位置,可以直接使用如下配置,覆盖 oap-server/server-bootstrap/src/main/resources/ui-initialized-templates/apm.yml
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements.See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License.# UI templates initialized file includes the default template when the SkyWalking OAP starts up at the first time. # # Also, SkyWalking would detect the existing templates in the database, once they are missing, all templates in this file # could be added automatically.templates: - name: "APM" # The type includes DASHBOARD, TOPOLOGY_INSTANCE, TOPOLOGY_ENDPOINT. # DASHBOARD type templates could have multiple definitions, by using different names. # TOPOLOGY_INSTANCE, TOPOLOGY_ENDPOINT type templates should be defined once, as they are used in the topology page only. type: "DASHBOARD" # Configuration could be defined through UI, and use `export` to format in the standard JSON. configuration: |- [ { "name": "APM", "type": "service", "children": [ { "name": "Global", "children": [ { "width": 3, "title": "Services Load", "height": "300", "entityType": "Service", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "service_cpm", "queryMetricType": "sortMetrics", "chartType": "ChartSlow", "parentService": false, "unit": "CPM - calls per minute" }, { "width": 3, "title": "Slow Services", "height": "300", "entityType": "Service", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "service_resp_time", "queryMetricType": "sortMetrics", "chartType": "ChartSlow", "parentService": false, "unit": "ms" }, { "width": 3, "title": "Un-Health Services (Apdex)", "height": "300", "entityType": "Service", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "service_apdex", "queryMetricType": "sortMetrics", "chartType": "ChartSlow", "parentService": false, "aggregation": "/", "aggregationNum": "10000", "sortOrder": "ASC" }, { "width": 3, "title": "Slow Endpoints", "height": "300", "entityType": "Endpoint", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "endpoint_avg", "queryMetricType": "sortMetrics", "chartType": "ChartSlow", "parentService": false, "unit": "ms" }, { "width": "6", "title": "Global Response Latency", "height": "280", "entityType": "All", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "LABELED_VALUE", "metricName": "all_percentile", "queryMetricType": "readLabeledMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartLine", "metricLabels": "P50, P75, P90, P95, P99", "labelsIndex": "0, 1, 2, 3, 4", "unit": "percentile in ms" }, { "width": "6", "title": "Global Heatmap", "height": "280", "entityType": "All", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "HEATMAP", "unit": "ms", "queryMetricType": "readHeatMap", "chartType": "ChartHeatmap", "metricName": "all_heatmap" } ] }, { "name": "Service", "children": [ { "width": 3, "title": "Service Apdex", "height": "200", "entityType": "Service", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "service_apdex", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValue", "chartType": "ChartNum", "aggregation": "/", "aggregationNum": "10000" }, { "width": 3, "title": "Service Avg Response Time", "height": "200", "entityType": "Service", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "service_resp_time", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartLine", "unit": "ms" }, { "width": 3, "title": "Successful Rate", "height": "200", "entityType": "Service", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "service_sla", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValue", "chartType": "ChartNum", "unit": "%", "aggregation": "/", "aggregationNum": "100" }, { "width": 3, "title": "Service Load", "height": "200", "entityType": "Service", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "service_cpm", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValue", "chartType": "ChartNum", "unit": "CPM - calls per minute" }, { "width": 3, "title": "Service Apdex", "height": "200", "entityType": "Service", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "service_apdex", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartLine", "aggregation": "/", "aggregationNum": "10000" }, { "width": 3, "title": "Service Response Time Percentile", "height": "200", "entityType": "Service", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "LABELED_VALUE", "metricName": "service_percentile", "queryMetricType": "readLabeledMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartLine", "unit": "ms", "metricLabels": "P50, P75, P90, P95, P99", "labelsIndex": "0, 1, 2, 3, 4" }, { "width": 3, "title": "Successful Rate", "height": "200", "entityType": "Service", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "service_sla", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartLine", "unit": "%", "aggregation": "/", "aggregationNum": "100" }, { "width": 3, "title": "Service Load", "height": "200", "entityType": "Service", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "service_cpm", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartLine", "unit": "CPM - calls per minute" }, { "width": "4", "title": "Service Instances Load", "height": "280", "entityType": "ServiceInstance", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "service_instance_cpm", "queryMetricType": "sortMetrics", "chartType": "ChartSlow", "parentService": true, "unit": "CPM - calls per minute" }, { "width": "4", "title": "Slow Service Instance", "height": "280", "entityType": "ServiceInstance", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "service_instance_resp_time", "queryMetricType": "sortMetrics", "chartType": "ChartSlow", "parentService": true, "unit": "ms" }, { "width": "4", "title": "Service Instance Successful Rate", "height": "280", "entityType": "ServiceInstance", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "service_instance_sla", "queryMetricType": "sortMetrics", "chartType": "ChartSlow", "parentService": true, "unit": "%", "aggregation": "/", "aggregationNum": "100", "sortOrder": "ASC" } ] }, { "name": "Instance", "children": [ { "width": "3", "title": "Service Instance Load", "height": "250", "entityType": "ServiceInstance", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "service_instance_cpm", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartLine", "unit": "CPM - calls per minute" }, { "width": 3, "title": "Service Instance Throughput", "height": "250", "entityType": "ServiceInstance", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "service_instance_throughput_received,service_instance_throughput_sent", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartLine", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "width": "3", "title": "Service Instance Successful Rate", "height": "250", "entityType": "ServiceInstance", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "service_instance_sla", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartLine", "unit": "%", "aggregation": "/", "aggregationNum": "100" }, { "width": "3", "title": "Service Instance Latency", "height": "250", "entityType": "ServiceInstance", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "service_instance_resp_time", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartLine", "unit": "ms" }, { "width": 3, "title": "JVM CPU (Java Service)", "height": "250", "entityType": "ServiceInstance", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "instance_jvm_cpu", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartLine", "unit": "%", "aggregation": "+", "aggregationNum": "" }, { "width": 3, "title": "JVM Memory (Java Service)", "height": "250", "entityType": "ServiceInstance", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "instance_jvm_memory_heap, instance_jvm_memory_heap_max,instance_jvm_memory_noheap, instance_jvm_memory_noheap_max", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartLine", "unit": "MB", "aggregation": "/", "aggregationNum": "1048576" }, { "width": 3, "title": "JVM GC Time", "height": "250", "entityType": "ServiceInstance", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "instance_jvm_young_gc_time, instance_jvm_old_gc_time", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartLine", "unit": "ms" }, { "width": 3, "title": "JVM GC Count", "height": "250", "entityType": "ServiceInstance", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartBar", "metricName": "instance_jvm_young_gc_count, instance_jvm_old_gc_count" }, { "width": 3, "title": "JVM Thread Count (Java Service)", "height": "250", "entityType": "ServiceInstance", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartLine", "metricName": "instance_jvm_thread_live_count, instance_jvm_thread_daemon_count, instance_jvm_thread_peak_count,instance_jvm_thread_deadlocked,instance_jvm_thread_monitor_deadlocked" }, { "width": 3, "title": "JVM Thread State Count (Java Service)", "height": "250", "entityType": "ServiceInstance", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "instance_jvm_thread_new_thread_count,instance_jvm_thread_runnable_thread_count,instance_jvm_thread_blocked_thread_count,instance_jvm_thread_wait_thread_count,instance_jvm_thread_time_wait_thread_count,instance_jvm_thread_terminated_thread_count", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartBar" }, { "width": 3, "title": "CLR CPU(.NET Service)", "height": "250", "entityType": "ServiceInstance", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "instance_clr_cpu", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartLine", "unit": "%" }, { "width": 3, "title": "CLR GC (.NET Service)", "height": "250", "entityType": "ServiceInstance", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "instance_clr_gen0_collect_count, instance_clr_gen1_collect_count, instance_clr_gen2_collect_count", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartBar" }, { "width": 3, "title": "CLR Heap Memory (.NET Service)", "height": "250", "entityType": "ServiceInstance", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "instance_clr_heap_memory", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartLine", "unit": "MB", "aggregation": "/", "aggregationNum": "1048576" }, { "width": 3, "title": "CLR Thread (.NET Service)", "height": "250", "entityType": "ServiceInstance", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartLine", "metricName": "instance_clr_available_completion_port_threads,instance_clr_available_worker_threads,instance_clr_max_completion_port_threads,instance_clr_max_worker_threads" } ] }, { "name": "Endpoint", "children": [ { "width": "4", "title": "Endpoint Load in Current Service", "height": "280", "entityType": "Endpoint", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "endpoint_cpm", "queryMetricType": "sortMetrics", "chartType": "ChartSlow", "parentService": true, "unit": "CPM - calls per minute" }, { "width": "4", "title": "Slow Endpoints in Current Service", "height": "280", "entityType": "Endpoint", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "queryMetricType": "sortMetrics", "chartType": "ChartSlow", "metricName": "endpoint_avg", "unit": "ms", "parentService": true }, { "width": "4", "title": "Successful Rate in Current Service", "height": "280", "entityType": "Endpoint", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "endpoint_sla", "queryMetricType": "sortMetrics", "chartType": "ChartSlow", "aggregation": "/", "aggregationNum": "100", "parentService": true, "unit": "%", "sortOrder": "ASC" }, { "width": 3, "title": "Endpoint Load", "height": 350, "entityType": "Endpoint", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "endpoint_cpm", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartLine" }, { "width": 3, "title": "Endpoint Avg Response Time", "height": 350, "entityType": "Endpoint", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "endpoint_avg", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartLine", "unit": "ms" }, { "width": 3, "title": "Endpoint Response Time Percentile", "height": 350, "entityType": "Endpoint", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "LABELED_VALUE", "metricName": "endpoint_percentile", "queryMetricType": "readLabeledMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartLine", "metricLabels": "P50, P75, P90, P95, P99", "labelsIndex": "0, 1, 2, 3, 4", "unit": "ms" }, { "width": 3, "title": "Endpoint Successful Rate", "height": 350, "entityType": "Endpoint", "independentSelector": false, "metricType": "REGULAR_VALUE", "metricName": "endpoint_sla", "queryMetricType": "readMetricsValues", "chartType": "ChartLine", "unit": "%", "aggregation": "/", "aggregationNum": "100" } ] } ] } ] # Activated as the DASHBOARD type, makes this templates added into the UI page automatically. # False means providing a basic template, user needs to add it manually. activated: true # True means wouldn't show up on the dashboard. Only keeps the definition in the storage. disabled: false



  • Add some new thread metric and class metric to JVMMetric #7230
  • add some new thread metric and class metric to JVMMetric #52
  • Remove Terminated State and New State in JVMMetric (#7230) #53
  • Add some new thread metric and class metric to JVMMetric (#7230) #7243
总结 Metric 如何扩展,网上基本上没案例,都是看官方文档和源码了解。对应这种非常热门的开源项目,还是看官方文档和源码更稳。
  • Java ManagementFactory解析
  • 编程中使用ThreadMXBean类来检测死锁
  • Source and Scope extension for new metrics
  • Observability Analysis Language
