
前言 这次带大家仿写个之前有段时间比较火的愤怒的小鸟小游戏呗。

开发工具 Python版本:3.6.4
环境搭建 安装Python并添加到环境变量,pip安装需要的相关模块即可。
原理简介 这里简单介绍一下游戏的实现原理呗。首先是游戏的开始界面,大概是长这样的,比较简约:


'''按钮类''' class Button(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, screen, x, y, width, height, action=None, color_not_active=(189, 195, 199), color_active=(189, 195, 199)): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.x = x self.y = y self.width = width self.height = height self.action = action self.screen = screen self.color_active = color_active self.color_not_active = color_not_active '''添加文字''' def addtext(self, text, size=20, font='Times New Roman', color=(0, 0, 0)): self.font = pygame.font.Font(font, size) self.text = self.font.render(text, True, color) self.text_pos = self.text.get_rect() = (self.x + self.width / 2, self.y + self.height / 2) '''是否被鼠标选中''' def selected(self): pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if (self.x < pos[0] < self.x + self.width) and (self.y < pos[1] < self.y + self.height): return True return False '''画到屏幕上''' def draw(self): if self.selected(): pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color_active, (self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height)) else: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color_not_active, (self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height)) if hasattr(self, 'text'): self.screen.blit(self.text, self.text_pos)'''文字标签类''' class Label(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, screen, x, y, width, height): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.x = x self.y = y self.width = width self.height = height self.screen = screen '''添加文字''' def addtext(self, text, size=20, font='Times New Roman', color=(0, 0, 0)): self.font = pygame.font.Font(font, size) self.text = self.font.render(text, True, color) self.text_pos = self.text.get_rect() = (self.x + self.width / 2, self.y + self.height / 2) '''画到屏幕上''' def draw(self): if hasattr(self, 'text'): self.screen.blit(self.text, self.text_pos)

def quitgame(): pygame.quit() sys.exit() 若点击开始游戏按钮,则开始游戏:def startgame(): game_levels = GameLevels(cfg, screen) game_levels.start()


'''游戏状态''' def status(self, pigs, birds): status_codes = { 'gaming': 0, 'failure': 1, 'victory': 2, } if len(pigs) == 0: return status_codes['victory'] elif len(birds) == 0: return status_codes['failure'] else: return status_codes['gaming']

'''小鸟''' class Bird(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, screen, imagepaths, loc_info, velocity=None, color=(255, 255, 255), **kwargs): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) assert len(loc_info) == 3 assert len(imagepaths) == 1 # 设置必要的属性常量 self.color = color self.screen = screen self.loc_info = list(loc_info) self.imagepaths = imagepaths self.velocity = VelocityVector() if velocity is None else velocity self.type = 'bird' self.fly_path = [] self.is_dead = False self.elasticity = 0.8 self.is_loaded = False self.is_selected = False self.inverse_friction = 0.99 self.gravity = VelocityVector(0.2, math.pi) # 屏幕大小 self.screen_size = screen.get_rect().size self.screen_size = (self.screen_size[0], self.screen_size[1] - 50) # 导入图像 self.image = pygame.image.load(imagepaths[0]) '''画到屏幕上''' def draw(self): if not self.is_loaded: for point in self.fly_path: pygame.draw.ellipse(self.screen, self.color, (point[0], point[1], 3, 3), 1) position = self.loc_info[0] - self.loc_info[2], self.loc_info[1] - self.loc_info[2] self.screen.blit(self.image, position) '''判断有没有被鼠标选中''' def selected(self): pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() dx, dy = pos[0] - self.loc_info[0], pos[1] - self.loc_info[1] dist = math.hypot(dy, dx) if dist < self.loc_info[2]: return True return False '''加载到弹弓上''' def load(self, slingshot): self.loc_info[0], self.loc_info[1] = slingshot.x, slingshot.y self.is_loaded = True '''重新设置位置''' def reposition(self, slingshot): pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if self.selected: self.loc_info[0], self.loc_info[1] = pos[0], pos[1] dx, dy = slingshot.x - self.loc_info[0], slingshot.y - self.loc_info[1] self.velocity.magnitude = min(int(math.hypot(dx, dy) / 2), 80) self.velocity.angle = math.pi / 2 + math.atan2(dy, dx) '''显示发射小鸟的路径''' def projectpath(self): if self.is_loaded: path = [] bird = Bird(self.screen, self.imagepaths, self.loc_info, velocity=self.velocity) for i in range(30): bird.move() if i % 5 == 0: path.append((bird.loc_info[0], bird.loc_info[1])) for point in path: pygame.draw.ellipse(self.screen, self.color, (point[0], point[1], 2, 2)) '''移动小鸟''' def move(self): # 根据重力改变小鸟的速度向量 self.velocity = VectorAddition(self.velocity, self.gravity) self.loc_info[0] += self.velocity.magnitude * math.sin(self.velocity.angle) self.loc_info[1] -= self.velocity.magnitude * math.cos(self.velocity.angle) self.velocity.magnitude *= self.inverse_friction # 宽度超出屏幕 if self.loc_info[0] > self.screen_size[0] - self.loc_info[2]: self.loc_info[0] = 2 * (self.screen_size[0] - self.loc_info[2]) - self.loc_info[0] self.velocity.angle *= -1 self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity elif self.loc_info[0] < self.loc_info[2]: self.loc_info[0] = 2 * self.loc_info[2] - self.loc_info[0] self.velocity.angle *= -1 self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity # 高度超出屏幕 if self.loc_info[1] > self.screen_size[1] - self.loc_info[2]: self.loc_info[1] = 2 * (self.screen_size[1] - self.loc_info[2]) - self.loc_info[1] self.velocity.angle = math.pi - self.velocity.angle self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity elif self.loc_info[1] < self.loc_info[2]: self.loc_info[1] = 2 * self.loc_info[2] - self.loc_info[1] self.velocity.angle = math.pi - self.velocity.angle self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity

'''猪''' class Pig(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, screen, imagepaths, loc_info, velocity=None, **kwargs): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) assert len(loc_info) == 3 assert len(imagepaths) == 3 # 设置必要的属性常量 self.screen = screen self.loc_info = list(loc_info) self.imagepaths = imagepaths self.velocity = VelocityVector() if velocity is None else velocity self.type = 'pig' self.is_dead = False self.elasticity = 0.8 self.switch_freq = 20 self.animate_count = 0 self.inverse_friction = 0.99 self.gravity = VelocityVector(0.2, math.pi) # 屏幕大小 self.screen_size = screen.get_rect().size self.screen_size = (self.screen_size[0], self.screen_size[1] - 50) # 导入图像 self.pig_images = [] for imagepath in imagepaths: self.pig_images.append(pygame.image.load(imagepath)) # 设置当前图像 self.image = random.choice(self.pig_images[:2]) '''画到屏幕上''' def draw(self): self.animate_count += 1 if (self.animate_count % self.switch_freq == 0) and (not self.is_dead): self.animate_count = 0 self.image = random.choice(self.pig_images[:2]) position = self.loc_info[0] - self.loc_info[2], self.loc_info[1] - self.loc_info[2] self.screen.blit(self.image, position) '''移动猪''' def move(self): # 根据重力改变猪的速度向量 self.velocity = VectorAddition(self.velocity, self.gravity) self.loc_info[0] += self.velocity.magnitude * math.sin(self.velocity.angle) self.loc_info[1] -= self.velocity.magnitude * math.cos(self.velocity.angle) self.velocity.magnitude *= self.inverse_friction # 宽度超出屏幕 if self.loc_info[0] > self.screen_size[0] - self.loc_info[2]: self.loc_info[0] = 2 * (self.screen_size[0] - self.loc_info[2]) - self.loc_info[0] self.velocity.angle *= -1 self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity elif self.loc_info[0] < self.loc_info[2]: self.loc_info[0] = 2 * self.loc_info[2] - self.loc_info[0] self.velocity.angle *= -1 self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity # 高度超出屏幕 if self.loc_info[1] > self.screen_size[1] - self.loc_info[2]: self.loc_info[1] = 2 * (self.screen_size[1] - self.loc_info[2]) - self.loc_info[1] self.velocity.angle = math.pi - self.velocity.angle self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity elif self.loc_info[1] < self.loc_info[2]: self.loc_info[1] = 2 * self.loc_info[2] - self.loc_info[1] self.velocity.angle = math.pi - self.velocity.angle self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity '''猪死掉了''' def setdead(self): self.is_dead = True self.image = self.pig_images[-1]

'''地图里的木块''' class Block(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, screen, imagepaths, loc_info, velocity=None, **kwargs): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) assert len(loc_info) == 3 assert len(imagepaths) == 2 # 设置必要的属性常量 self.type = 'block' self.screen = screen self.loc_info = list(loc_info) self.imagepaths = imagepaths self.velocity = VelocityVector() if velocity is None else velocity self.elasticity = 0.7 self.is_destroyed = False self.inverse_friction = 0.99 self.gravity = VelocityVector(0.2, math.pi) # 导入图像 self.block_images = [] for imagepath in imagepaths: self.block_images.append(pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load(imagepath), (100, 100))) # 屏幕大小 self.screen_size = screen.get_rect().size self.screen_size = (self.screen_size[0], self.screen_size[1] - 50) # 设置当前图像 self.image = self.block_images[0] self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rotate_angle = math.radians(0) '''画到屏幕上''' def draw(self): pygame.transform.rotate(self.image, self.rotate_angle) self.screen.blit(self.image, (self.loc_info[0] - self.rect.width // 2, self.loc_info[1])) '''设置为损坏状态''' def setdestroy(self): self.is_destroyed = True self.image = self.block_images[1] '''移动木块''' def move(self): # 根据重力改变木块的速度向量 self.velocity = VectorAddition(self.velocity, self.gravity) self.loc_info[0] += self.velocity.magnitude * math.sin(self.velocity.angle) self.loc_info[1] -= self.velocity.magnitude * math.cos(self.velocity.angle) self.velocity.magnitude *= self.inverse_friction # 宽度超出屏幕 if self.loc_info[0] > self.screen_size[0] - self.rect.width: self.loc_info[0] = 2 * (self.screen_size[0] - self.rect.width) - self.loc_info[0] self.velocity.angle *= -1 self.rotate_angle = -self.velocity.angle self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity elif self.loc_info[0] < self.rect.width: self.loc_info[0] = 2 * self.rect.width - self.loc_info[0] self.velocity.angle *= -1 self.rotate_angle = -self.velocity.angle self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity # 高度超出屏幕 if self.loc_info[1] > self.screen_size[1] - self.rect.height: self.loc_info[1] = 2 * (self.screen_size[1] - self.rect.height) - self.loc_info[1] self.velocity.angle = math.pi - self.velocity.angle self.rotate_angle = math.pi - self.velocity.angle self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity elif self.loc_info[1] < self.rect.height: self.loc_info[1] = 2 * self.rect.height - self.loc_info[1] self.velocity.angle = math.pi - self.velocity.angle self.rotate_angle = math.pi - self.velocity.angle self.velocity.magnitude *= self.elasticity

'''弹弓''' class Slingshot(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, screen, x, y, width, height, color=(66, 73, 73), line_color=(100, 30, 22), **kwargs): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.x = x self.y = y self.color = color self.width = width self.height = height self.screen = screen self.line_color = line_color self.type = 'slingshot' '''画到屏幕上''' def draw(self, bird=None): pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color, (self.x, self.y + self.height * 1 / 3, self.width, self.height * 2 / 3)) if bird is not None and bird.is_loaded: pygame.draw.line(self.screen, self.line_color, (self.x, self.y + self.height / 6), (bird.loc_info[0], bird.loc_info[1] + bird.loc_info[2] / 2), 10) pygame.draw.line(self.screen, self.line_color, (self.x + self.width, self.y + self.height / 6), (bird.loc_info[0] + bird.loc_info[2], bird.loc_info[1] + bird.loc_info[2] / 2), 10) pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color, (self.x - self.width / 4, self.y, self.width / 2, self.height / 3), 5) pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.color, (self.x + self.width * 3 / 4, self.y, self.width / 2, self.height / 3), 5)'''墙''' class Slab(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, screen, imagepaths, x, y, width, height, color=(255, 255, 255)): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.x = x self.y = y self.color = color self.width = width self.height = height self.screen = screen self.imagepaths = imagepaths if self.width > self.height: self.image = pygame.image.load(self.imagepaths[0]) else: self.image = pygame.image.load(self.imagepaths[1]) self.image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, (self.width, self.height)) self.type = 'wall' '''画到屏幕上''' def draw(self): self.screen.blit(self.image, (self.x, self.y))

'''开始游戏''' def start(self): # 导入所有游戏精灵 game_sprites = self.loadlevelmap() birds, pigs, blocks, walls = game_sprites['birds'], game_sprites['pigs'], game_sprites['blocks'], game_sprites['walls'] slingshot = Slingshot(self.screen, 200, self.screen_size[1] - 200, 30, 200) birds[0].load(slingshot) score_label = Label(self.screen, 50, 10, 100, 50) score_label.addtext(f'SCORE: {self.score}', 25, self.cfg.FONTPATH['Comic_Kings'], (236, 240, 241)) birds_remaining_label = Label(self.screen, 120, 50, 100, 50) birds_remaining_label.addtext(f"BIRDS REMAINING: {len(birds)}", 25, self.cfg.FONTPATH['Comic_Kings'], (236, 240, 241)) pigs_remaining_label = Label(self.screen, 110, 90, 100, 50) pigs_remaining_label.addtext(f"PIGS REMAINING: {len(pigs)}", 25, self.cfg.FONTPATH['Comic_Kings'], (236, 240, 241)) carles_label = Label(self.screen, self.screen_size[0] - 270, self.screen_size[1] - 20, 300, 100) carles_label.addtext('CARLES', 60, self.cfg.FONTPATH['arfmoochikncheez'], (113, 125, 126)) # 游戏主循环 clock = pygame.time.Clock() blocks_to_remove, pigs_to_remove = [], [] while True: # --按键检测 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.quitgame() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_q: self.quitgame() elif event.key == pygame.K_r: self.start() elif event.key == pygame.K_p or event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: self.pauseinterface() elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if birds[0].selected(): birds[0].is_selected = True elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: if birds[0].is_selected: birds[0].is_selected = False birds[0].start_flying = True # --背景颜色填充 color = self.cfg.BACKGROUND_COLOR for i in range(3): color = (color[0] + 5, color[1] + 5, color[2] + 5) pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, color, (0, i * 300, self.screen_size[0], 300)) pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (77, 86, 86), (0, self.screen_size[1], self.screen_size[0], 50)) # --判断游戏是否结束,若没有则导入新的小鸟 if (not birds[0].is_loaded) and self.still(pigs + birds + blocks): birds.pop(0) if self.status(pigs, birds) == 2: self.score += len(birds) * 100 self.switchlevelinterface() elif self.status(pigs, birds) == 1: self.failureinterface() birds[0].load(slingshot) birds[0].start_flying = False # --重置小鸟的位置 if birds[0].is_selected: birds[0].reposition(slingshot) if hasattr(birds[0], 'start_flying') and birds[0].start_flying: birds[0].is_loaded = False # --弹弓 slingshot.draw(birds[0]) # --判断猪是否撞上木桩 for i in range(len(pigs)): for j in range(len(blocks)): pig_magnitude_1, block_magnitude_1 = pigs[i].velocity.magnitude, blocks[j].velocity.magnitude pigs[i], blocks[j], is_collision = self.collision(pigs[i], blocks[j]) pig_magnitude_2, block_magnitude_2 = pigs[i].velocity.magnitude, blocks[j].velocity.magnitude if is_collision: if abs(pig_magnitude_2 - pig_magnitude_2) > 2: blocks_to_remove.append(blocks[j]) blocks[j].setdestroy() if abs(block_magnitude_2 - block_magnitude_1) > 2: pigs_to_remove.append(pigs[i]) pigs[i].setdead() # --判断鸟是否撞上木桩 for i in range(len(birds)): if not (birds[i].is_loaded or birds[i].velocity.magnitude == 0): for j in range(len(blocks)): bird_magnitude_1, block_magnitude_1 = birds[i].velocity.magnitude, blocks[j].velocity.magnitude birds[i], blocks[j], is_collision = self.collision(birds[i], blocks[j]) bird_magnitude_2, block_magnitude_2 = birds[i].velocity.magnitude, blocks[j].velocity.magnitude if is_collision: if abs(bird_magnitude_1 - bird_magnitude_2) > 2: if blocks[j] not in blocks_to_remove: blocks_to_remove.append(blocks[j]) blocks[j].setdestroy() # --判断猪是否撞上猪或者猪撞墙 for i in range(len(pigs)): pigs[i].move() for j in range(i+1, len(pigs)): pig1_magnitude_1, pig2_magnitude_1 = pigs[i].velocity.magnitude, pigs[j].velocity.magnitude pigs[i], pigs[j], is_collision = self.collision(pigs[i], pigs[j]) pig1_magnitude_2, pig2_magnitude_2 = pigs[i].velocity.magnitude, pigs[j].velocity.magnitude if abs(pig1_magnitude_1 - pig1_magnitude_2) > 2: if pigs[j] not in pigs_to_remove: pigs_to_remove.append(pigs[j]) pigs[j].setdead() if abs(pig2_magnitude_1 - pig2_magnitude_2) > 2: if pigs[i] not in pigs_to_remove: pigs_to_remove.append(pigs[i]) pigs[i].setdead() for wall in walls: pigs[i] = self.collision(pigs[i], wall)[0] pigs[i].draw() # --判断鸟是否撞到猪或者鸟是否撞到墙 for i in range(len(birds)): if (not birds[i].is_loaded) and (birds[i].velocity.magnitude): birds[i].move() for j in range(len(pigs)): bird_magnitude_1, pig_magnitude_1 = birds[i].velocity.magnitude, pigs[j].velocity.magnitude birds[i], pigs[j], is_collision = self.collision(birds[i], pigs[j]) bird_magnitude_2, pig_magnitude_2 = birds[i].velocity.magnitude, pigs[j].velocity.magnitude if is_collision: if abs(bird_magnitude_2 - bird_magnitude_1) > 2: if pigs[j] not in pigs_to_remove: pigs_to_remove.append(pigs[j]) pigs[j].setdead() if birds[i].is_loaded: birds[i].projectpath() for wall in walls: birds[i] = self.collision(birds[i], wall)[0] birds[i].draw() # --判断木桩是否撞到了木桩或者木桩撞到墙 for i in range(len(blocks)): for j in range(i+1, len(blocks)): block1_magnitude_1, block2_magnitude_1 = blocks[i].velocity.magnitude, blocks[j].velocity.magnitude blocks[i], blocks[j], is_collision = self.collision(blocks[i], blocks[j]) block1_magnitude_2, block2_magnitude_2 = blocks[i].velocity.magnitude, blocks[j].velocity.magnitude if is_collision: if abs(block1_magnitude_2 - block1_magnitude_1) > 2: if blocks[j] not in blocks_to_remove: blocks_to_remove.append(blocks[j]) blocks[j].setdestroy() if abs(block2_magnitude_2 - block2_magnitude_1) > 2: if blocks[i] not in blocks_to_remove: blocks_to_remove.append(blocks[i]) blocks[i].setdestroy() blocks[i].move() for wall in walls: blocks[i] = self.collision(blocks[i], wall)[0] blocks[i].draw() # --墙 for wall in walls: wall.draw() # --显示文字 score_label.addtext(f'SCORE: {self.score}', 25, self.cfg.FONTPATH['Comic_Kings'], (236, 240, 241)) score_label.draw() birds_remaining_label.addtext(f"BIRDS REMAINING: {len(birds)}", 25, self.cfg.FONTPATH['Comic_Kings'], (236, 240, 241)) birds_remaining_label.draw() pigs_remaining_label.addtext(f"PIGS REMAINING: {len(pigs)}", 25, self.cfg.FONTPATH['Comic_Kings'], (236, 240, 241)) pigs_remaining_label.draw() carles_label.draw() # --画面刷新 pygame.display.update() clock.tick(self.cfg.FPS) # --删除无效的元素 if self.still(birds + pigs + blocks): for pig in pigs_to_remove: if pig in pigs: pigs.remove(pig) self.score += 100 for block in blocks_to_remove: if block in blocks: blocks.remove(block) self.score += 50 pigs_to_remove = [] blocks_to_remove = []

往期回看 Python实现炸弹人小游戏
