In 1974, Jobs was a college student who quit, but didn't stop studying. He still played as a geek on campusand even sat in on courses he wasinterested in, such as spirituallessonstaught by Indian teacher or calligraphy.(1974年,乔布斯是一个休学的大学生,虽然休学了,但没有停止学习,他仍以怪咖的身份在校园中活动,甚至去旁听各种他有兴趣的课程,像是印度老师教的灵修课,或者是书法课)
His accumulation, his preparation ahead of time is admirable.
The one thing that touched me the most was that your time is limited, so don't waste your time repeating the lives of others;
don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your inner voice.The most important thing is to have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, and everything else is likely to be secondary.
As aresult,like him, listening to the inner voice was the biggest inspiration I got.
- 宋仲基&宋慧乔(我们不公布恋情,我们直接结婚。)
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- 找寻那一颗同频的心灵
- 给你乔布斯你能接得住吗()
- 找到你的意义感
- 不一样的复活
- 失落在岁月中的青春(十五)
- (日更挑战第23天)怀念乔丹