Modbus软件开发实战指南 之 开发自己的Modbus Poll工具 - 4
【Modbus软件开发实战指南 之 开发自己的Modbus Poll工具 - 4】这种情况下,有很多初学者犯憷,不知道如何处理了。
发送数据,接收数据都很难办。 怎么学习modbus开发呢?除了前面推荐的清华出版的书籍之外,
Online Binary-Decimal Converter |
This converter allows you to convert numbers from decimal format to binary format and from binary format to decimal format. It supports the main variable data types used in most programming languages. It also floating point numbers (single and double precision) according to the standard IEEE754. Supported types are shown in the following table: |
How to convert from decimal to binary? |
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Enter the number in decimal form in the corresponding field. For floating-point numbers, the following formats are valid: 128001.5766 1.280015766E5 |
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The result is shown on the next page both in hexadecimal and in binary. Each bits is represented by a square (green = 1, gray = 0). The closest decimal value that can be represented by this binary expression is also shown in the field "Most accurate representation". | 文章图片 |
How to convert from binary to decimal? |
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Enter the number in hexadecimal form or in binary form in the corresponding field. | 文章图片 |
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A bit can be toggled by clicking on the corresponding square. | 文章图片 |
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The decimal value is shown. For display purpose, the number of figures is limited to 30. However, all computations are performed with full precision without any rounding. | 文章图片 |
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