

ES6 P2-什么是 ES6?
P3-let 变量成名及特性
  1. 不能重复声明
  2. 块级作用域
  3. 不存在变量提升,在声明前写无用
  4. 不影响作用链
P4-let 练习
P5-const 声明常量及特点
  1. 一定要赋初始值
  2. 一般常量使用大写
  3. 常量值不能修改(一般用数组,对象)
  4. 块级作用域
// 1.数组解构 const F4 = ["小明", "小红", "小亮", "小白"]; let [mk, hs, ll, bd] = F4; // 2.对象解构 const ming = { name: "小明", age: "18", }; let { name, age } = ming;

// 1.声明 let str = `I am string`; // 2.内容可直接出现换行符 let str = `isString`; // 3.变量拼接 let lovest = "刘德华"; let out = `${lovest}是我的偶像`;

let name = '小明', let age = 18, const person={ name, age, improve(){ console.log('我能工作') } }

// 声明 let fn = function () {}; let fn = (a, b) => { return a + b; }; // 调用 fn(a, b); // 1. this始终指向所在作用域下的 this 的值// 2. 不能作为构造实例对象方法 let Person = (name, age) => { = name; this.age = age; }; let me = new Person("xiaoming", 20); // 3. 不能使用 arguments 变量 let fn = () => { console.log(arguments); }; fn(1, 2, 3); // 4. 箭头函数简写 // 形参唯一,可省略小括号 // 代码体一句,省略花括号,此时return必须省略,且语句执行结果即返回值 let pow = (n) => n * n;

P10- 箭头函数应用场景
// 1. 定时器回调,使用作用域this // 2. 从数组中返回偶数元素 const arr = [1, 5, 6, 7, 652]; const result = arr.filter((item) => item % 2 === 0); console.log(result); // 适合与this 无关回调,定时器、数组方法回调 // 不适合与 this 有关的回调,事件回调、对象的方法

P11- 函数参数默认值设置
// 1. 形参初始值,有默认值的参数,位置要靠后(潜规则) add(a,b,c=10){ return a + b + c; } let result add(1,2); // 2. 与解构赋值结合 function connect({ host = "", username, password, port }) { console.log(host); console.log(username); console.log(password); console.log(port); } connect({ username: "root", password: "root", port: 3306, });

P12- rest 参数
// ES5获取实参 function date() { console.log(arguments); } date("ming", "gavin", "lily"); // rest参数必许放到参数最后 function date(a, b, ...args) { console.log(args); //数组 } date(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);

P13-P14 扩展运算符介绍及运用
// 1. 数组合并 const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; const fh = ["增益", "零花"]; const he = [...arr, ...fh]; console.log(he); // 2. 数组的克隆 const szh = ["E", "G"]; const syc = [...szh]; console.log(syc); //3. 将伪数组转为真正数组 const divs = document.querySelectorAll("div"); const divArr = [...divs]; console.log(divArr);

P15-Symbol 的介绍与创建
js 的第七种类型,用来解决命名冲突
// 创建Symbol let s = Symbol(); let s2 = Symbol("gavin"); let s3 = Symbol("gavin"); console.log(s2 === s3); let s4 = Symbol.for("gavin"); console.log(s4, typeof s4); // 不能与其他数据进行计算 // let result = s + s; // USONB // u undefined // s String Symbol // o Object // n null Number // b Boolean

P16-Symbol 的运用
const game = { up() { console.log("up!"); }, down() { console.log("down"); }, }; // First:向一对象外部添加Symbol; let methods = { up: Symbol(), down: Symbol(), }; game[methods.up] = () => { console.log("Up To"); }; game[methods.down] = () => { console.log("Down to"); }; console.log("game对象", game); // Second:内部定义Symbol let steam = { name: "狼人杀", [Symbol("say")]: () => { console.log("I can Say!"); }, [Symbol("run")]: () => { console.log("Run to world"); }, }; console.log("steam", steam);

P17-Symbol 的内置属性(不常用)
P18-19 迭代器介绍???
// 迭代器遍历对象原理 const four = ["唐僧", "孙悟空", "沙僧"]; let iterator = four[Symbol.iterator](); // console.log(; // 声明对象 const myclass = { name: "高一一班", studensts: ["ming", "ling", "星星"], [Symbol.iterator]() { // 索引变量 let index = 0; let _this = this; return { next: function () { if (index < _this.studensts.length) { const result = { value: _this.studensts[index], done: false }; // 下标自增,返回结果 index++; return result; } else { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } }, }; }, }; //遍历对象且为students成员 for (let v of myclass) { console.log(v); }

// 生成器是一个特殊的函数 // 异步编程、纯回调函数、node fsajaxmongodb function* gen() { yield "一只羊"; yield "两只羊"; yield "三只羊"; }// let iterator = fen(); for (let v of gen()) { console.log(v); }

function* gen(arg) { console.log(arg); let one = yield 111; console.log(one); let two = yield 222; console.log(two); let three = yield 333; console.log(three); }// 执行获取迭代器对象 let iterator = gen("AAA"); console.log(; // next方法可传实参 console.log("BBB")); console.log("CCC")); console.log("DDD"));

P22-P23 生成器函数实例
//异步编程 文件操作 网络操作 数据库操作 // 需求:1s后输出111、2s后输出222、3s后输出333 // 回调地狱 setTimeout(() => { console.log(111); setTimeout(() => { console.log(222); setTimeout(() => { console.log(333); }, 3000); }, 2000); }, 1000); function one() { setTimeout(() => { console.log(111);; }, 1000); } function two() { setTimeout(() => { console.log(222);; }, 2000); } function three() { setTimeout(() => { console.log(333);; }, 3000); } function* gen() { yield one(); yield two(); yield three(); }//第二个例子 function getUsers() { setTimeout(() => { let data = "用户数据";; }, 1000); } function getOrders() { setTimeout(() => { let data = "订单数据";; }, 1000); } function getGoods() { setTimeout(() => { let data = "商品数据";; }, 1000); } function* gen() { let user = yield getUsers(); console.log(user); let orders = yield getOrders(); console.log(orders); let goods = yield getGoods(); console.log(goods); } // 调用生成器函数 let iterator = gen();;

P24-Promise 介绍与基本使用
const p = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { setTimeout(() => { // let data = "数据库中的数据"; // resolve(data); let err = "数据读取失败"; reject(err); }, 1000); }); p.then( function (value) { console.log(value); }, function (reason) { console.log(reason); } );

P25-Promise 封装读取文件
const fs = require("fs"); const p = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { fs.readFile("./es6学习.md", (err, data) => { // 判断失败 if (err) reject(err); // 成功 resolve(data); }); }); p.then( (value) => { console.log(value.toString()); }, (err) => { console.log("失败!!!", err); } );

P26-Promise 封装 AJAX 请求
const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // 创建对象 const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // 初始化 "GET", "" ); // 发送 xhr.send(); // 绑定事件 xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState === 4) { if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) { resolve(xhr.response); } else { reject(xhr.status); } } }; }); // 指定回调 p.then( function (value) { console.log(value); }, (reason) => { console.log(reason); } );

P27-Promise.prototype.then 方法
// 创建Promise对象 const p = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { setTimeout(() => { let data = "数据库中的数据"; resolve(data); // let err = "数据读取失败"; // reject(err); }, 1000); }); // 调用then方法,then方法的返回结果是Promise对象,对象状态由回调函数的执行结果决定 // 1. 返回结果是 非promise类型的属性,状态为成功,返回值为对象成功值。 // 链式调用 p.then(function (value) { console.log(value); }).then((result) => { console.log(result); });

28-Promise 实践练习-多个文件内容读取
import fs = require('fs') fs.readFile("./resources/", (err, data) => {}); const p =new Promise((resolve,reject) => { fs.readFile('./'),(err,data) => { resolve(data); } }) p .then((value) => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { fs.readFile('./',(err,data) => { resolve([value,data]) }) }) }).then((value) => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { fs.readFile('./',(err,data) => { value.push(data); resolve(value) }) }) }).then((value) => { console.log(value) })

P29-Promise 的 catch 方法
const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { reject("err"); }, 1000); }); p.then((result) => { console.log(result); }).catch((err) => { console.log(err); });

P30-集合介绍与 API
// 声明一个set let s = new Set(); let s2 = new Set(["123", "456", "789", "123"]); // 元素个数 console.log(s2.size); // 添加新的元素 s2.add("000"); // 删除元素 s2.delete("111"); // 检测 console.log(s2.has("789")); // 清空 s2.clear(s2); console.log(s2); // forof遍历 for (let v of s2) { console.log(v); }

let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3]; // 数组去重 let result = [ Set(arr)]; console.log(result); // 交集 let arr2 = [4, 5, 6, 7]; // result = result.filter((item) => { //let s2 = new Set(arr2); //if (s2.has(item)) { //return true; //} else { //return false; //} // }); result = [ Set(arr)].filter((item) => new Set(arr2).has(item)); console.log(result); // 并集 let union = [ Set([...arr, ...arr2])]; console.log(union); // 差集 let diff = [ Set(arr)].filter((item) => !new Set(arr2).has(item)); console.log(diff);

P32-Map 的介绍与 API
// 声明Map let m = new Map(); // 添加元素 m.set("name", "gavin"); m.set("change", () => { console.log("We can change!"); }); let key = { school: "SCHOOL", }; m.set(key, ["北京", "上海", "广州"]); // size console.log(m.size); // 删除 m.delete("name"); // 获取 console.log(m.get("change")); console.log(m.get(key)); // 清空 m.clear(); // 遍历 for (const v of m) { console.log(v); }

P33-class 认识
// ES5函数工厂 function Phone(brand, price) { this.brand = brand; this.price = price; } = function () { console.log("我可打电话!"); }; // 实例化对象 let Huawei = new Phone("华为", 666);; console.log(Huawei); // ES6类 class shouji { // 构造方法 constructor(brand, price) { this.brand = brand; this.price = price; } call() { "我可Call you!"; } } let oppo = new shouji("oppo", 9999); console.log(oppo);

P34-class 静态成员
// ES5 function Phone() {} ( = "手机"), (Phone.change = function () { console.log("我可改变世界"); }); Phone.prototype.size = "5英尺"; let nokia = new Phone(); console.log(; console.log(nokia.size); // ES6 class Phone { // 静态成员 static name = "手记"; static change() { console.log("you cab change world!"); } } let nokia = new Phone(); console.log(; console.log(;

P35-ES5 构造函数继承
// 手机 function Phone(brand, price) { this.brand = brand; this.price = price; } = function () { console.log("我可Call you!"); }; // 智能手机 function SmartPhone(brand, price, color, size) {, brand, price); this.color = color; this.size = size; } // 设置构造函数的原型 SmartPhone.prototype = new Phone(); SmartPhone.prototype.constructor = SmartPhone; // 声明子类方法 SmartPhone.prototype.playGame = function () { console.log("我可打游戏"); }; const oppo = new SmartPhone("OPPO", 1234, "White", "6inch"); console.log(oppo);

P36-class 的类继承 P37-子类对父类方法的重写
class Phone { constructor(brand, price) { this.brand = brand; this.price = price; } call() { console.log("我可打电话"); } } class SmartPhone extends Phone { constructor(brand, price, color, size) { super(brand, price); this.color = color; this.size = size; } photo() { console.log("我可拍照!"); } playGame() { console.log("我可打游戏"); } call() { console.log("我可视频通话!!!"); } } const xiaomi = new SmartPhone("小米", 1221, "粉色", "6英寸"); console.log(xiaomi);;; xiaomi.playGame();

P38-getter 和 setter 的设置
class Phone { get price() { console.log("价格属性被读取"); return "isme"; } get price() { console.log("价格属性被修改"); } } let s = new Phone(); console.log(s); s.price = "free";

P39-40-ES6 的数值扩展&&对象方法扩展
// Object.assign 对象合并 const config1 = { host: "localhost3000", prot: 3306, name: "root", test: "2", }; const config2 = { host: "localhost5000", prot: 3307, name: "gavin", }; console.log(Object.assign(config1, config2)); // {host: 'localhost5000', prot: 3307, nam: 'gavin'}

ES6 之前的模块化规范有:
  1. CommonJS => NodeJS、Browserify
  2. AMD => requireJS
  3. CMD => seaJS
模块功能主要由两个命令构成:export 和 import。
  • export 命令用于规定模块的对外接口
  • import 命令用于输入其他模块提供的功能
// 1. 通用导入方式 import * as m1 from "./a.js"; // 2.解构赋值形式 import { school, teacher } from "./a.js"; import { school as guigu, teacher } from "./a.js"; // 3.简便形式(针对默认暴露) import A from "./a.js";

P45-浏览器使用 ES6 的另一种方式
P46-babel 对 ES6 模块化代码转换
  1. 安装工具 babel-cli babel-preset-env browerify(webpack)
  2. 转译 npx babel src/js -d dist/js
  3. 打包 npx browserify dist/js/app.js -o dist/bundle.js
P47-ES6 模块化引入 NPM 包
P48-ES7 新特性
  • includes 判断数组是否含有某元素
  • 2 ** 10 (2 的 10 次方)
P49-ES8 async 函数
async function fn() { // 1.返回一个字符串 // return "硅谷"; // 只要不回调reject,就是成功Promise对象 // return; // 2.抛出错误,返回结果为一个失败的Promise对象 // return new Error("出错了"); // 3. 返回的结果为Promise对象 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // resolve("成功"); reject("失败"); }); } const result = fn(); console.log(result); // 调用then方法 result.then( (value) => { console.log(value); }, (err) => { console.warn(err); } );

P50-P51-ES8-async 与 await 读取文件内容
function study() { fs.readFile("../es6学习.md", (err, data) => { if (err) reject(err); resolve(data); }); } async function main() { let study = await study(); console.log(study.toString()); } main();

P52-async 与 await 结合发请求
用同步的方法写异步请求,await 等待后能收到具体值,非 Promise 对象
// 请求封装 function sendAJAX() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { //1.创建对象 const x = new XMLHttpRequest(); // 2.初始化"GET", url); // 3.发送 x.send(); // 4.事件绑定 x.onreadystatechange = function () { if (x.readyState === 4) { if (x.status >= 200 && x.status < 300) { resolve(x.response); } else { reject(x.status); } } }; }); } // promise then 方法测试 // sendAJAX("") //.then((value) => { //console.log(value); //}) //.catch((err) => { //console.log(err); //}); // async与await测试 async function main() { let result = await sendAJAX( "" ); console.log(result); }

P53-ES8 对象方法扩展
const school = { name: "硅谷", subject: ["web", "JAVA", "大数据"], }; //获取对象所有键 console.log(Object.keys(school)); // 获取对象所有值 console.log(Object.values(school)); // 获取entries对象 console.log(Object.entries(school)); // ★ 多用来创建Map const m = new Map(Object.entries(school)); console.log(m); // 创建属性的描述对象 console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(school));

P54-ES9 扩展运算符与 rest 参数
// ES9中为对象提供了和数组一样的rest参数和扩展运算符 function connect({ host, port, ...user }) { console.log(host), console.log(port), console.log(user); } connect({ host: "localhost", port: "3306", username: "gavin", password: "12345", }); const skillOne = { q: "吃饭", }; const skillTwo = { w: "睡觉", e: "打游戏", }; const gavin = { ...skillOne, ...skillTwo }; console.log(gavin);

P55-ES9 正则扩展-命名捕获分组
// 声明字符串 let str = "b站"; // 提取url和[标签文本] // const reg = /(.*)<\/a>/; // 命名捕获分组 const reg = /.*)'>(?.*)<\/a>/; // 执行 const result = reg.exec(str); console.log(result); // console.log(result[1]); // console.log(result[2]); console.log(result.groups.url); console.log(result.groups.text);

P56-ES9 正则扩展-反向断言
// 声明字符串 let str = "JS12345你知道么555啦啦啦"; // 正向断言 // const reg = /\d+(?=啦)/; // const result = reg.exec(str); // 反向断言 const reg = /(?<=么)\d+/; const result = reg.exec(str); console.log(result);

P57-ES9 正则扩展-dotAll 模式
// dot . 元字符,代表除换行符以外的的任意单个字符 let str = `
  • 肖申克救赎日期:1998-1-1
  • 阿甘正传日期:1998-1-1
`; // 声明正则 // const reg = /
  • \s+(.*?)<\/a>\s+(.*?)<\/p>/; const reg = /
  • .*?(?.*?)<\/a>.*?(?<time>.*?)<\/p>/gs; // 执行匹配 // const result = reg.exec(str); // console.log(result); let result; let data =[]; while ((result = reg.exec(str))) { data.push({ title: result.groups.title, time: result.groups.time }); } // 输出结果 console.log(data); </code></blockquote><br /> P58-ES10 对象扩展方法 Object.fromEntries<br /> 将二维数组变成对象<br /> <blockquote><code>// 二维数组 数组变对象 // const result = Object.fromEntries([ //["name", "gavin"], //["object", "Java,大数据,前端"], // ]); // console.log(result); // Map // const m = new Map(); // m.set("name", "GVIGU"); // const result = Object.fromEntries(m); // console.log(result); // Object.entries ES8 对象变数组 const school = { name: "尚硅谷", Object: "java", }; const arr = Object.entries(school); console.log(arr); </code></blockquote><br /> P59-ES10-字符串方法扩展<br /> trim 清空格<br /> <blockquote><code>let str = "i am gavin"; console.log(str); console.log(str.trim()); console.log(str.trimStart()); console.log(str.trimEnd()); </code></blockquote><br /> P60-ES10 数组方法扩展 flat 和 flatMap<br /> 将数组扁平化,脱壳<br /> <blockquote><code>// flat 参数为深度,是个数字 // const arr = [1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6, [7, 8, 9]]]; // console.log(arr.flat(1)); // flatMap 相当于先Map后flat const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; const result = arr.flatMap((item) => [item * 10]); console.log(result); </code></blockquote><br /> P61-创建 Symbol 的 description<br /> 创建 Symbol 描述<br /> <blockquote><code>// 创建Symbol let s = Symbol("尚硅谷"); console.log(s.description); </code></blockquote><br /> P62-ES11-class 私有属性<br /> <blockquote><code>class Person { name; // 私有属性 #age; #weight; constructor(name, age, weight) { = name; this.#age = age; this.#weight = weight; } intro() { console.log(this.#age); console.log(this.#weight); } } const girl = new Person("小绿", 12, "50kg"); console.log(girl); // console.log(girl.#age); girl.intro(); </code></blockquote><br /> P63-ES11-Promise.allSettled 方法<br /> <blockquote><code>// 声明两个promise const p1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve("少了p1"); }, 1000); }); const p2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { // resolve("少了p2"); reject("error"); }, 1000); }); // 调用allSettled方法,返回详细Promise对象 const result = Promise.allSettled([p1, p2]); console.log(result); // all只在都成功后返回 const res = Promise.all([p1, p2]); console.log(res); </code></blockquote><br /> P64-ES11-String.matchAll<br /> ★ 非常实用,用来得到正则批量匹配结果<br /> <blockquote><code>let str = ` <ul> <li> 肖申克救赎日期:1998-1-1<br /> </li> <li> 阿甘正传日期:1965-1-1<br /> </li> </ul> `; const reg = /<li>.*?(?<title>.*?)<\/a>.*?(?<time>.*?)<\/p>/gs; const result = str.matchAll(reg); // console.log(result); // for (let v of result) { //console.log(v); // } const arr = [...result]; console.log(arr); </code></blockquote><br /> P65-ES11-可选链操作符<br /> ★ 实用,可用来简化判断<br /> <blockquote><code>// ?. function main(config) { // const dbHost = config && config.db &&; const dbHost = config?.db?.host; console.log(dbHost); } main({ db: { host: "localhost:3000", username: "root", }, }); </code></blockquote><br /> P66-ES11-动态 import<br /> 动态引入,懒加载<br /> <blockquote><code>// 返回值为promise对象,懒加载 import("./hello.js").then((module) => { module.hello(); }); </code></blockquote><br /> P67-ES11-BigInt 类型<br /> 用来超大数值运算<br /> <blockquote><code>// 大数值运算 let max = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; console.log(max); console.log(max + 1); console.log(max + 2); console.log(BigInt(max)); console.log(BigInt(max) + BigInt(1)); console.log(BigInt(max) + BigInt(2)); </code></blockquote><br /> P68-绝对全局对象 globalThis<br /> 始终指向全局对象<br /> </p> <div class="dede_pages"><ul></ul></div> <div class="pcd_ad"> <center><div class="_ahwullr0ac"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> (window.slotbydup = window.slotbydup || []).push({ id: "u6834461", container: "_ahwullr0ac", async: true }); </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//" async="async" defer="defer" > </script></center> </div> <div class="mbd_ad"> <div style=margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;> <div class="_i7aftr79jl"></div> <script 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