
每一个defi项目几乎都需要在合约上获取外部数据。Decentralized Blockchain Oracle就是用来获取外部数据的。
Witnet是一个Decentralized Blockchain Oracle。最近Witnet在conlux社区做宣传,准备登陆conflux,我也顺便试了一下。

Witnet is a next-gen oracle solution 9 that enables smart contracts to securely access all kind of data with full integrity guarantees (crypto prices, stock prices, weather data, any API, etc.)
Witnet runs on its own single-purpose oracle chain, but it can be side-chained / bridged to multiple smart contract plarforms.
Over the last weeks, several members of the Witnet development community have been collaborating with the Conflux team on making this oracle solution available on Conflux Network.
pragma solidity >=0.5.0 <0.9.0; import "ado-contracts/contracts/interfaces/IERC2362.sol"; contract MyContract {function readFromPriceFeed() external view returns(int256) { IERC2362 priceFeed = IERC2362(""); bytes32 assetID = bytes32(hex("")); int256 value = https://www.it610.com/article/priceFeed.valueFor(assetID); return value; }}

interface IERC2362 { /** * @dev Exposed function pertaining to EIP standards * @param _id bytes32 ID of the query * @return int,uint,uint returns the value, timestamp, and status code of query */ function valueFor(bytes32 _id) external view returns(int256,uint256,uint256); }

import "ado-contracts/contracts/interfaces/IERC2362.sol"; import "witnet-solidity-bridge/contracts/UsingWitnet.sol"; import "witnet-solidity-bridge/contracts/patterns/Payable.sol"; import "witnet-solidity-bridge/contracts/requests/WitnetRequestInitializableBase.sol"; // Your contract needs to inherit from UsingWitnet contract ERC2362PriceFeed is IERC2362, Payable, UsingWitnet, WitnetRequestInitializableBase

/// Constructor. /// @param _wrb WitnetRequestBoard instance, or proxy, address. /// @param _erc2362str Price feed denomination, according to ERC2362 specs. /// @param _decimals Fixed number of decimals. constructor ( WitnetRequestBoard _wrb, string memory _erc2362str, uint8 _decimals ) Payable(address(0)) UsingWitnet(_wrb) { creator = msg.sender; decimals = _decimals; literal = _erc2362str; erc2362ID = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_erc2362str)); }

/// @notice Exposes the public data point in an ERC2362 compliant way. /// @dev Returns error `400` if queried for an unknown data point, and `404` if `completeUpdate` has never been called /// @dev successfully before. function valueFor(bytes32 _erc2362id) external view override returns (int256, uint256 _timestamp, uint256) { // Unsupported data point ID if(_erc2362id != erc2362ID) return(0, 0, 400); _timestamp = lastResponse.timestamp; return ( int256(uint256(lastPrice)), _timestamp, _timestamp == 0 ? 404 : 200 ); }

migration同样不太好写,这里有2个概念容易混淆。一个是deployed contract/一个是wrb contract。具体的migrated 代码如下:
/* * @Author: your name * @Date: 2021-10-15 14:45:44 * @LastEditTime: 2021-10-18 14:50:58 * @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors * @Description: In User Settings Edit */const fs = require("fs")const { Conflux } = require('js-conflux-sdk'); const conflux = new Conflux({url: 'http://test.confluxrpc.com', networkId: 1}); const ERC2362PriceFeed = artifacts.require("ERC2362PriceFeed")TokenName = "CfxUsdtPrice"; TokenByteDecimals = 6; ERC2362ID = "Price-CFX/USDT-6"; // WitnetParserLib = "0x8d683e88E85f785180c68953933bA7752d1b1Dd3"; WitnetRequestBoard = "0x89e0b86eec97bc24f44e3eb206b22b235db58c1e"; // 0x89e0b86eec97bc24f44e3eb206b22b235db58c1emodule.exports = async function (deployer) {await deployer.deploy( ERC2362PriceFeed, WitnetRequestBoard, ERC2362ID, TokenByteDecimals )let priceFeedContract = await ERC2362PriceFeed.deployed()console.log("> Artifact name:\t\"#artifact\"") console.log("> Contract name:\t\"" + ERC2362PriceFeed.contractName + "\"") console.log("> Contract address:\t\"" + ERC2362PriceFeed.address + "\"") console.log("> ERC2362 ID:\t\"" + await priceFeedContract.erc2362ID.call() + "\"") console.log("> ERC2362 literal:\t\"" + await priceFeedContract.literal.call() + "\"") console.log("> WRB address:\t ", await priceFeedContract.witnet.call()) console.log("> Bytecode:\t\t ", await priceFeedContract.bytecode.call())// cfxtest:ace8bsds7wn52khyk29nebzwfpvz5rppd28kcxetj8 const WERAddress = await priceFeedContract.witnet.call(); const byteCode =await conflux.getCode(WERAddress); const assertID = await priceFeedContract.erc2362ID.call(); const ContractInfo = { "contractName": "CFXPriceFeedContract", "contractAddress": WERAddress, "byteCode": byteCode, "assertID": assertID }// 写入 fs.writeFileSync("./migrations/contractInfo.json", JSON.stringify(ContractInfo), { flag: 'w+'}) };

/* * @Author: your name * @Date: 2021-10-17 04:31:22 * @LastEditTime: 2021-10-18 18:11:51 * @LastEditors: Please set LastEditors * @Description: In User Settings Edit * @FilePath: /pricefeedtest/test/pricefeedTest.js */const fs = require("fs") const ERC2362PriceFeed = artifacts.require("ERC2362PriceFeed") const WitnetRequestBoard = artifacts.require("WitnetRequestBoard") const WitnetRequestBoardTestHelper = artifacts.require("WitnetRequestBoardTestHelper")const decimals = 6; const ERC2362ID = "Price-CFX/USDT-6"; let wrbInstance let ContractInfo ContractInfo = fs.readFileSync("./migrations/contractInfo.json",{ flag: 'r'}) ContractInfo = JSON.parse(ContractInfo)console.log(ContractInfo) const bytecode =ContractInfo.byteCodecontract(ERC2362PriceFeed.contractName, accounts => { describe("WRB test suite", () => { let feed, maxReward let wrbInstancebefore(async () => { const helper = await WitnetRequestBoardTestHelper.new() wrbInstance = await WitnetRequestBoard.at(helper.address) })beforeEach(async () => { maxReward = web3.utils.toWei("0.1", "ether") feed = await ERC2362PriceFeed.new( wrbInstance.address, ERC2362ID, decimals ) await feed.initialize(bytecode) })it("check price update", async () => {await feed.requestUpdate({ value: maxReward }) const id = await feed.requestId() await wrbInstance.reportResult(id, "0xAA", "0x1b0020000000000000") await feed.completeUpdate() const value = https://www.it610.com/article/await feed.valueFor(await feed.erc2362ID.call())assert.equal(await feed.pending(), false) assert.equal(value[0], 0x3f2) assert.notEqual(value[1], 0) assert.equal(value[2], 200)})}) })

