gRPC Python is supported for use with Python 2.7 or Python 3.4 or higher.
Ensure you have pip
version 9.0.1 or higher:
$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
If you cannot upgrade
due to a system-owned installation, you can run the example in a virtualenv:$ python -m pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
Install gRPC
Install gRPC:
$ python -m pip install grpcio
Or, to install it system wide:
$ sudo python -m pip install grpcio
On El Capitan OSX, you may get the following error:
$ OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/tmp/pip-qwTLbI-uninstall/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/six-1.4.1-py2.7.egg-info'
You can work around this using:
$ python -m pip install grpcio --ignore-installed
Install gRPC tools
Python’s gRPC tools include the protocol buffer compiler
and the special plugin for generating server and client code from .proto
service definitions. For the first part of our quickstart example, we’ve already generated the server and client stubs from helloworld.proto, but you’ll need the tools for the rest of our quickstart, as well as later tutorials and your own projects.【python3 grpc安装】To install gRPC tools, run:
$ python -m pip install grpcio-tools googleapis-common-protos
Download the example You’ll need a local copy of the example code to work through this quickstart. Download the example code from our Github repository (the following command clones the entire repository, but you just need the examples for this quickstart and other tutorials):
$ # Clone the repository to get the example code:
$ git clone -b v1.13.x
$ # Navigate to the "hello, world" Python example:
$ cd grpc/examples/python/helloworld
Run a gRPC application From the
directory:- Run the server
$ python
- In another terminal, run the client
$ python
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