【已解决gnoring transform for child_frame_id left_Link from authority unknown_publisher】现象:
[WARN] [1592353543.062910]: The 'use_gui' parameter was specified, which is deprecated.We'll attempt to find and run the GUI, but if this fails you should install the 'joint_state_publisher_gui' package instead and run that.This backwards compatibility option will be removed in Noetic.
[ERROR] [1592353543.399317901]: Ignoring transform for child_frame_id "left_Link" from authority "unknown_publisher" because of a nan value in the transform (-nan -nan -nan) (-nan -nan -nan -nan)
[ERROR] [1592353543.399366930]: Ignoring transform for child_frame_id "left_Link" from authority "unknown_publisher" because of an invalid quaternion in the transform (-nan -nan -nan -nan)
[ERROR] [1592353543.399415786]: Ignoring transform for child_frame_id "right_Link" from authority "unknown_publisher" because of a nan value in the transform (-nan -nan -nan) (-nan -nan -nan -nan)
[ERROR] [1592353543.399446316]: Ignoring transform for child_frame_id "right_Link" from authority "unknown_publisher" because of an invalid quaternion in the transform (-nan -nan -nan -nan)
在rviz中也遇到no transform from [left_link] to [base_link]问题,是由于.yaml中没有此关节的配置
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