NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER

Assignment #3 A primer on named entity recognition

  • 人名(PER):例如“Martha Stewart”,“Obama”,“Tim Wagner”等等,代词“he”或者“she”不考虑为命名实体。
  • 组织(ORG):例如“American Airlines”,“Goldman Sachs”,“Department of Defense”。
  • 地点(LOC):例如“Germany”,“Panama Strait”,“Brussels”,不包括未命名地点,比如“the bar”或者“the farm”。
  • 其他(MISC):例如“Japanese”,“USD”,“1000”,“Englishmen”。
我们将此定义为一个五分类问题,使用上面的四个类和一个空类(O)来表示不代表命名实体的单词(大多数单词都属于此类别)。对于跨越多个单词的实体(“Department of Defense”),每个单词都被单独标记,并且每个连续的非空标记序列都被视为一个实体。
下面是一个示例句子(NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER
),其中每个单词上面都被标记了命名实体(NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER
)以及系统生成的假设预测(NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER
NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER

在上述例子中,系统错误地预测“American”为MISC类,并且忽视了“Airlines”和“Corp”。总的来说,它预测了三个实体,“American”,“AMR”,“Tim Wagner”。为了评测NER系统输出的质量,我们关注准确率,召回率和F1值。特别地,我们会在token级别和命名实体级别都报告准确率,召回率和F1值。在之前的例子中:
  • 准确率计算为预测的正确非空标签与预测的非空标签总数之比(上述例子中,p=3/4)。
  • 召回率计算为预测的正确非空标签与正确的非空标签总数之比(上述例子中,r=3/6)。
  • F1是准确率和召回率的调和平均值(上述例子中,F1=6/10)。
  • 准确率是预测实体名称跨度的分数,与黄金标准评估数据中的跨度完全一致。在我们的示例中,“AMR”将被错误地标记,因为它不包括整个实体,即“AMR Corp.”,而“American”也一样,我们将得到1/3的准确率得分。
  • 召回率同样是黄金标准中出现在预测中完全相同位置的名称数量。在这里,我们会得到1/3分的召回率得分。
  • 最后,F1值仍然是两者的调和平均值,例子中为1/3。
1.A window into NER
NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER

图1显示了一个输入序列的例子和这个序列的第一个窗口。令NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER
为长度为T的输入序列,NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER
为长度为T的输出序列。每个元素NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER
NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER
都是代表序列中索引为t的单词的one-hot向量。在基于窗口的分类器中,每个输入序列被分割成T个新的数据点,每个点代表一个窗口及其标签。通过将NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER
的左右两侧的w个单词连在一起,从NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER
周围的窗口构造一个新的输入:NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER
,我们继续使用NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER
作为它的标签。对于在句首以标记为中心的窗口,我们在窗口的开头添加特殊的开始标记(),对于在句尾以标记为中心的窗口,我们在窗口的末尾添加特殊的结束标记()。例如,考虑在上面的句子中围绕“Jim”构建一个窗口,如果窗口大小为1,我们会在窗口中加一个start词(产生一个窗口为[, Jim, bought])。如果窗口大小为2,我们会在窗口中加两个start词(产生一个窗口为[, , Jim, bought, 300])。
有了这些,每个输入和输出都有一个统一的长度(分别为w和1),我们可以使用一个简单的前馈神经网络从NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER
预测NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER

NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER

其中NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER
是词向量,NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER
是H维的,NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER
1)"Spokesperson for Levis, Bill Murray, said...",其中Levis可能是人名也可能是组织。
2)"Heartbreak is a new virus,",其中Heartbreak可能是其他命名实体(实际上是virus的名字),也可能只是简单的名词。
i.如果窗口大小为w,则NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER
NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER

NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER

NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER

NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER

def make_windowed_data(data, start, end, window_size = 1): """Uses the input sequences in @data to construct new windowed data points.TODO: In the code below, construct a window from each word in the input sentence by concatenating the words @window_size to the left and @window_size to the right to the word. Finally, add this new window data point and its label. to windowed_data.Args: data: is a list of (sentence, labels) tuples. @sentence is a list containing the words in the sentence and @label is a list of output labels. Each word is itself a list of @n_features features. For example, the sentence "Chris Manning is amazing" and labels "PER PER O O" would become ([[1,9], [2,9], [3,8], [4,8]], [1, 1, 4, 4]). Here "Chris" the word has been featurized as "[1, 9]", and "[1, 1, 4, 4]" is the list of labels. start: the featurized `start' token to be used for windows at the very beginning of the sentence. end: the featurized `end' token to be used for windows at the very end of the sentence. window_size: the length of the window to construct. Returns: a new list of data points, corresponding to each window in the sentence. Each data point consists of a list of @n_window_features features (corresponding to words from the window) to be used in the sentence and its NER label. If start=[5,8] and end=[6,8], the above example should return the list [([5, 8, 1, 9, 2, 9], 1), ([1, 9, 2, 9, 3, 8], 1), ... ] """windowed_data = [] for sentence, labels in data: # YOUR CODE HERE (5-20 lines) T = len(labels)# 序列长度T for t in range(T):# 遍历单个序列的每个单词 sen2fea = [] for l in range(window_size, 0, -1):# 左窗口的w个单词 if t-l < 0: sen2fea.extend(start) else: sen2fea.extend(sentence[t-l]) sen2fea.extend(sentence[t]) for r in range(1, window_size+1):# 右窗口的w个单词 if t+r >= T: sen2fea.extend(end) else: sen2fea.extend(sentence[t+r]) windowed_data.append((sen2fea, labels[t])) # END YOUR CODE return windowed_data

class WindowModel(NERModel): """ Implements a feedforward neural network with an embedding layer and single hidden layer. This network will predict what label (e.g. PER) should be given to a given token (e.g. Manning) byusing a featurized window around the token. """def add_placeholders(self): """Generates placeholder variables to represent the input tensorsThese placeholders are used as inputs by the rest of the model building and will be fed data during training.Note that when "None" is in a placeholder's shape, it's flexible (so we can use different batch sizes without rebuilding the model).Adds following nodes to the computational graphinput_placeholder: Input placeholder tensor ofshape (None, n_window_features), type tf.int32 labels_placeholder: Labels placeholder tensor of shape (None,), type tf.int32 dropout_placeholder: Dropout value placeholder (scalar), type tf.float32Add these placeholders to self as the instance variables self.input_placeholder self.labels_placeholder self.dropout_placeholder(Don't change the variable names) """ # YOUR CODE HERE (~3-5 lines) self.input_placeholder = tf.placeholder(shape=[None, Config.n_window_features], dtype=tf.int32) self.labels_placeholder = tf.placeholder(shape=[None, ], dtype=tf.int32) self.dropout_placeholder = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32) # END YOUR CODEdef create_feed_dict(self, inputs_batch, labels_batch=None, dropout=1): """Creates the feed_dict for the model. A feed_dict takes the form of: feed_dict = {: , .... }Hint: The keys for the feed_dict should be a subset of the placeholder tensors created in add_placeholders. Hint: When an argument is None, don't add it to the feed_dict.Args: inputs_batch: A batch of input data. labels_batch: A batch of label data. dropout: The dropout rate. Returns: feed_dict: The feed dictionary mapping from placeholders to values. """ # YOUR CODE HERE (~5-10 lines) if labels_batch is None: feed_dict = {self.input_placeholder: inputs_batch, self.dropout_placeholder: dropout} else: feed_dict = {self.input_placeholder: inputs_batch, self.labels_placeholder: labels_batch, self.dropout_placeholder: dropout} # END YOUR CODE return feed_dictdef add_embedding(self): """Adds an embedding layer that maps from input tokens (integers) to vectors and then concatenates those vectors: - Creates an embedding tensor and initializes it with self.pretrained_embeddings. - Uses the input_placeholder to index into the embeddings tensor, resulting in a tensor of shape (None, n_window_features, embedding_size). - Concatenates the embeddings by reshaping the embeddings tensor to shape (None, n_window_features * embedding_size).Hint: You might find tf.nn.embedding_lookup useful. Hint: You can use tf.reshape to concatenate the vectors. See following link to understand what -1 in a shape means. Returns: embeddings: tf.Tensor of shape (None, n_window_features*embed_size) """ # YOUR CODE HERE (!3-5 lines) embedding = tf.Variable(self.pretrained_embeddings, name='embedding') embeddings_3d = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, self.input_placeholder) embeddings = tf.reshape(embeddings_3d, shape=[-1, Config.n_window_features*Config.embed_size]) # END YOUR CODE return embeddingsdef add_prediction_op(self): """Adds the 1-hidden-layer NN: h = Relu(xW + b1) h_drop = Dropout(h, dropout_rate) pred = h_dropU + b2Recall that we are not applying a softmax to pred. The softmax will instead be done in the add_loss_op function, which improves efficiency because we can use tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logitsWhen creating a new variable, use the tf.get_variable function because it lets us specify an initializer.Use tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer to initialize matrices. This is TensorFlow's implementation of the Xavier initialization trick we used in last assignment.Note: tf.nn.dropout takes the keep probability (1 - p_drop) as an argument. The keep probability should be set to the value of dropout_rate.Returns: pred: tf.Tensor of shape (batch_size, n_classes) """x = self.add_embedding() dropout_rate = self.dropout_placeholder # YOUR CODE HERE (~10-20 lines) W = tf.get_variable(initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(), shape=[Config.n_window_features*Config.embed_size, Config.hidden_size], name='W') b1 = tf.get_variable(initializer=tf.zeros(Config.hidden_size), name='b1') h = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(x, W) + b1) h_drop = tf.nn.dropout(h, keep_prob=dropout_rate) U = tf.get_variable(initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(), shape=[Config.hidden_size, Config.n_classes], name='U') b2 = tf.get_variable(initializer=tf.zeros(Config.n_classes), name='b2') pred = tf.matmul(h_drop, U) + b2 # END YOUR CODE return preddef add_loss_op(self, pred): """Adds Ops for the loss function to the computational graph. In this case we are using cross entropy loss. The loss should be averaged over all examples in the current minibatch.Remember that you can use tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits to simplify your implementation. You might find tf.reduce_mean useful. Args: pred: A tensor of shape (batch_size, n_classes) containing the output of the neural network before the softmax layer. Returns: loss: A 0-d tensor (scalar) """ # YOUR CODE HERE (~2-5 lines) loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=pred, labels=self.labels_placeholder)) # END YOUR CODE return lossdef add_training_op(self, loss): """Sets up the training Ops.Creates an optimizer and applies the gradients to all trainable variables. The Op returned by this function is what must be passed to the `` call to cause the model to train. See more information.Use tf.train.AdamOptimizer for this model. Calling optimizer.minimize() will return a train_op object.Args: loss: Loss tensor, from cross_entropy_loss. Returns: train_op: The Op for training. """ # YOUR CODE HERE (~1-2 lines) train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( # END YOUR CODE return train_opdef preprocess_sequence_data(self, examples): return make_windowed_data(examples, start=self.helper.START, end=self.helper.END, window_size=self.config.window_size)def consolidate_predictions(self, examples_raw, examples, preds): """Batch the predictions into groups of sentence length. """ ret = [] #pdb.set_trace() i = 0 for sentence, labels in examples_raw: labels_ = preds[i:i+len(sentence)] i += len(sentence) ret.append([sentence, labels, labels_]) return retdef predict_on_batch(self, sess, inputs_batch): """Make predictions for the provided batch of dataArgs: sess: tf.Session() input_batch: np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features) Returns: predictions: np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes) """ feed = self.create_feed_dict(inputs_batch) predictions =, axis=1), feed_dict=feed) return predictionsdef train_on_batch(self, sess, inputs_batch, labels_batch): feed = self.create_feed_dict(inputs_batch, labels_batch=labels_batch, dropout=self.config.dropout) _, loss =[self.train_op, self.loss], feed_dict=feed) return lossdef __init__(self, helper, config, pretrained_embeddings, report=None): super(WindowModel, self).__init__(helper, config, report) self.pretrained_embeddings = pretrained_embeddings# Defining placeholders. self.input_placeholder = None self.labels_placeholder = None self.dropout_placeholder =

NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER

NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER

【NLP|CS224N刷题——Assignment3.1_A window into NER】ii.描述基于窗口的模型的至少2个建模限制。

