LintCode刷题之路(七)(Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree)

给出一个测试数据样例, 二叉树{3,9,20,#,#,15,7},表示如下的树结构:
/ \
9 20
/ \
15 7
我们的数据是进行BFS遍历得到的。当你测试结果wrong answer时,你可以作为输入调试你的代码。
/** * Definition of TreeNode: * class TreeNode { * public: *int val; *TreeNode *left, *right; *TreeNode(int val) { *this->val = val; *this->left = this->right = NULL; *} * } */class Solution { public: /** * This method will be invoked first, you should design your own algorithm * to serialize a binary tree which denote by a root node to a string which * can be easily deserialized by your own "deserialize" method later. */ string serialize(TreeNode * root) { // write your code here string data ""; if(root == NULL) { return data; }std::vector queue; queue.push_back(root); for(int i=0; ileft); queue.push_back(q->right); } for (int i = 0; ival); s = t; data += (s + ","); } else { data += "#,"; } }return data; }/** * This method will be invoked second, the argument data is what exactly * you serialized at method "serialize", that means the data is not given by * system, it's given by your own serialize method. So the format of data is * designed by yourself, and deserialize it here as you serialize it in * "serialize" method. */ TreeNode * deserialize(string &data) { // write your code here if (data ="") return NULL; vector tree = split(data, ","); //分割得到每一个节点 queue execute; //待插入子树的节点队列TreeNode * root = (TreeNode*)malloc(sizeof(TreeNode)); //创建根节点 root->left = root->right = NULL; root->val = atoi(tree[0].c_str()); tree.erase(tree.begin()); TreeNode* p = root; execute.push(p); while (execute.size() != 0) { if (tree.size()<2) break; TreeNode* cur = execute.front(); execute.pop(); if (tree[0] != "#")//处理左子树 { TreeNode* tem = (TreeNode*)malloc(sizeof(TreeNode)); tem->val = atoi(tree[0].c_str()); tem->left = tem->right = NULL; cur->left = tem; execute.push(tem); //左节点不是NULL,所以需要插入到队列中,准备插入其自己的左右子节点 tree.erase(tree.begin()); //删除tree中该节点表示该节点已经处理过了} else { tree.erase(tree.begin()); //如果cur的左节点是NULL,直接删除Tree中的该节点表示已经处理就好了。 }if (tree[0] != "#")//处理右子树 { TreeNode* tem = (TreeNode*)malloc(sizeof(TreeNode)); tem->val = atoi(tree[0].c_str()); tem->left = tem->right = NULL; cur->right = tem; execute.push(tem); tree.erase(tree.begin()); } else { tree.erase(tree.begin()); }}return root; } };

【LintCode刷题之路(七)(Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree)】Py3:
""" Definition of TreeNode: class TreeNode: def __init__(self, val): self.val = val self.left, self.right = None, None """class Solution: """ @param root: An object of TreeNode, denote the root of the binary tree. This method will be invoked first, you should design your own algorithm to serialize a binary tree which denote by a root node to a string which can be easily deserialized by your own "deserialize" method later. """def serialize(self, root): # write your code heretree,ch = [root],[] while len(tree)>0: temp = tree.pop(0) if temp is None: ch.append('#') else: ch.append(str(temp.val)) tree.append(temp.left) tree.append(temp.right)return ','.join(ch)""" @param data: A string serialized by your serialize method. This method will be invoked second, the argument data is what exactly you serialized at method "serialize", that means the data is not given by system, it's given by your own serialize method. So the format of data is designed by yourself, and deserialize it here as you serialize it in "serialize" method. """ def deserialize(self, data): # write your code here s, i = data.split(','), 0 if s[i] == '#': return None root = TreeNode(int(s[i])) tree = [root] while len(tree) > 0: te = tree.pop(0) i += 1 if s[i] != '#': k = TreeNode(int(s[i])) te.left = k tree.append(k) i += 1 if s[i] != '#': k = TreeNode(int(s[i])) te.right = k tree.append(k) return root
