English|Online Courses in China Touting Fast Professional Success Prove to be Ripoffs( 三 )

E-commerce livestream courses do teach their trainees at actual livestream rooms about how to sell and promote products. But they mention very little about the low success rate in the industry and how lots of small and mid-sized livestreamers only have dozens of people watching their livestreaming channels.
The e-commerce livestream industry has become incredibly competitive, requiring the livestreamers to not only be good at talking but also have good products. E-commerce livestream courses that focus on training trainees on how to sell and promote products are far from enough to ensure success for new livestreamers.
Falling for scams
There are lots of consumers who were scammed by such courses. Their complaints can be found on different Internet platforms.
People that are taking professional skill courses would gradually realize that the skills they are learning are in fact difficult to master in a short time and it is difficult to make money out of them. They would also find that it is not easy to ask for a refund. All these problematic situations and relevant complaints have not prevented other people from being scammed. Such courses just keep drawing people in.
These scammy course providers purposefully target white collars who are struggling to pay their everyday bills, stay-at-home moms and retirees that are looking for ways to earn some extra cash. They promise potential customers that they can work remotely from home and make money out of professional skills.
In fact, these online professional courses do cater to people’s pain points. The increasingly competitive job market has created a sense of insecurity for white collars, which pressures white collars to build up their competitive advantages somehow. Stay-at-home moms and retirees who face financial pressure would naturally want to find jobs that have low thresholds and bring some extra cash.
This is why there are always people falling for such scams when there are lots of complaints already on the Internet. The urge to make money leads to opportunistic investment in professional skill learning, creating cash incentives for course providers to continue their scammy behaviors.
What’s worse, these scammers have come up with innovative ways to trick potential customers.
Online professional learning service providers would appeal to potential customers with insanely cheap livestreaming sessions since nobody would want to pay thousands of yuan up-front immediately for some courses.
After luring potential customers in, the presenter in the livestreaming channel would tell people that there is an exclusive discount with a limited quota during the livestream session, which creates a sense of urgency for people to place their order right away. Then the presenter would move on to talk about the career prospect of the professional skill that they will be teaching, painting a beautiful picture for the audience. This is usually how people would fall for such scams.
(The article is translated and edited with authorization from the author @锌刻度. please note source and hyperlink when reproduce. The original article can be found here.)
Translator: Garrett Li
