English|The Crazy Hair Removal Device Market in China( 二 )

At beauty salons, different prices are set for hair removal based on the body area. The prices for removing hair on the face, arms, armpits and thighs are different from one another. In general, the bigger the area and the more difficult to remove hairs in that area, the higher the price will be. Laser hair removal services would cost even more. At most beauty salons, full-body hair removal would cost between 5000-10,000 yuan.
“I tried cryotherapy for armpit hair removal before. Full-body hair removal is too expensive. I could remove the hair on many areas of my body anyway,” Wang Jingjing said, who purchased a hair removal device from Silk’n in 2018. “The device cost around 700-900 yuan at that time. It worked well. But you need to use it regularly. I was more up for it in the beginning and would use it once a week. Now I use it once a month. My hair does become softer.”
It is apparent that people purchase hair removal devices in hopes of becoming more beautiful.
“Now I don’t have any hair on my arms and legs. My skin looks smooth and radiant. The body hair that later grew out became thinner as well,” Liu Qian said, who started to pay more attention to her appearance after entering college. She noticed that her peers in college would wear miniskirts and look so much more beautiful than her classmates back in high school. “Then I started to pay attention to my image as well. I started to wear miniskirts and tank top crops. But I figured it didn’t look very good when I had body hair on my legs,” Liu recalled.
Liu felt embarrassed by her body hair. “My boyfriend also talked about it sometimes. I was mad. So I took my boyfriend’s shaver and shaved my legs,” Liu said, who quickly found that the hair on her legs would grow back looking even thicker. She then used her red packet money to purchase a 1,500-yuan hair removal device recommended by her friend.
“Hair removal device has the most long-lasting effect. After using it for a while, you would find that your hair would grow back slower. You need to form a routine and reinforce the results,” Liu explained. “Having a hair removal device allows me to remove my hair at my dorm. It’s totally worth the money.”
Hair removal device has become an essential beauty tool for Gen Z girls.
The hair removal market has witnessed some exponential growth, hair removal device brand SILKPRO’s founder Yang Lin said. “Consumers couldn’t go to beauty salons during the pandemic. Hair removal devices were all sold out like crazy,” Yang commented.
During the 2021 Double Eleven Shopping Festival, vendors sold more hair removal devices than shavers, registering compound growth of over 40% in sales. SILKPRO started selling hair removal devices in 2017. Every year, the company has been able to achieve a growth rate of 100%. “And we didn’t even do commercials,” Yang said.
The growing popularity of hair removal devices is jaw-dropping. According to sales statistics from Chinese e-commerce platform Tmall, 4.151-billion-yuan worth of hair removal devices were sold between April 2020 to March 2021, showing significant growth. Chinese hair removal device brand Ulike, for instance, sold over 80,000 products in less than one hour during the first day of this year’s Tmall presale event, accumulating a sales volume of 100 million yuan in 40 minutes.
Hair removal device users in China are predominantly female. According to the 2020 Online Consumption of Beauty Devices Report released by CBNData and Tmall Global, female consumers that were born between the 80s and 2000s accounted for 73% of the total consumers of beauty devices for home use. Hair removal devices were one of the top beauty device choices for consumers, the report shows.
Evidence shows that hair removal devices for home use have become more popular in the Chinese market due to the increasing influence of beauty standards and the fact that people tend to stay at home more.
