
public void Pause(int seconds) { // this.Update_Log("Wating " + secondes + " seconds for page to load."); DateTime returnTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds((double) seconds); while(DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Now, returnTime) < 0) { Application.DoEvents(); Thread.Sleep(100); } }



private void log_in_user(string facebook_user, string facebook_password, int row_count) { this.tabControl1.SelectedIndex = 1; this.Update_Log("Trying to navigate to facebook.com login page"); this.webBrowser1.Navigate("http://facebook.com/login page."); this.Update_Log("Successfully navigate to facebook.com login page"); this.Update_Log("Checking to see if user account is already logged in."); this.Pause(); try { HtmlElementCollection links = this.webBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("input"); foreach(HtmlElement link in links) { if (((link.GetAttribute("value") == "Logout") | (link.GetAttribute("value") == "Log out")) | (link.GetAttribute("value") == "Log Out")) { this.Update_Log("User alrady logged into facebook, logging user out of facebook."); link.InvokeMember("click"); this.Update_Log("Sucesfully logged user out of facebook."); }if ((facebook_password == "") | (facebook_user == "")) { this.Update_Log("Enter username and password, or click on a saved user in your user saved list."); this.Update_Log("Waiting for program to start."); } else { try { this.Update_Log("Try to navigate to facebook.com login page"); this.Pause(); this.webBrowser1.Navigate("http://facebook.com/login.php"); this.Update_Log("Sucessfully navigated to facebook.com login page."); this.Pause(); this.webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("email").SetAttribute("value",facebook_user); this.webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("pass").SetAttribute("value", facebook_password); this.webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("Login").InvokeMember("Click"); this.Pause(); } catch (System.Exception exception1) { Exception ex = exception1; this.Update_Log("Error trying to log into facebook.com" + ex.Message.ToString()); this.Update_Log("Login stopped."); this.Update_Log("Waiting for program to start."); } }} } catch (System.Exception exception2) { Exception ex = exception2; this.Update_Log("Error trying to log into facebook.com" + ex.Message.ToString()); this.Update_Log("Login stopped."); this.Update_Log("Waiting for program to start."); } }
