塞尔达传说荒野之息全支线任务一览 支线任务是什么( 二 )

60.A Wife Washed Away:Zora's domain - Fronk
61.A Gift from the Monks:Ancient Shrine - Monk,全神庙完成后自动触发
62.The Hero’s Cache:Kitano Bay - Kass,Hateno Village南边海岸
63.Misko, the Great Bandit:Dueling Peaks Stable - Domidak,双子峰东边马厩
64.Wild Horses:Dueling Peaks Stable - Rensa
65.A gift of Nightshade:Yambi Lake- Wabbin, Lurelin Village西南的山顶
66.Hunt for the Giant Horse:Mounted Archery Camp - Straia,Lake Tower南部
67.The horseback Hoodlums:Highland Stable - Perosa
68.Thunder Magnet:Lakeside Stable - Cima,奖励橡胶腿甲
69.A Gift for the Great Fairy:Tabantha Bridge Stable - Toren , Tabantha Tower东南马厩,不需要这个任务也可以去开启那个Fairy Fountain
70.Leviathan Bones:Serenne Stable - Akrah,Ridgeland Tower北边马厩
71.The Royal Guard’s Gear:Riverside Sable - Parcy,Central Hyrule东南马厩
72.A Royal Recipe:Riverside Sable - Gotter
73.Riverbed Reward:Wetland Stable - Izra,Central Hyrule东部马厩
74.My Hero:Outskirt Stable - Aliza,Central Hyrule西南马厩
75.A Rare Find:Outskirt Stable - Trott
76.The Royal White Stallion Outskirt Stable:OutSkirt Stable - Toffa
【塞尔达传说荒野之息全支线任务一览 支线任务是什么】
