春夏秋冬的英文怎么读 春夏秋冬的英文( 四 )

17浏览2535 2018-08-21
spring , summer , autumn , winter

293浏览17795 2018-03-20
春天spring 英 [spr??] 美 [spr??] 夏天summer 英 ['s?m?(r)] 美 [?s?m?] 秋天 autum 英 ['?:t?m] 美 [??t?m] 冬天 winter 英 ['w?nt?(r)] 美 [?w?nt?] 拓展资料 用地道英语生动表达春夏秋冬四季的变化 1.春天 Spring Fresh as a daisy 形容人或物精神饱满 , 面目清新 例句:After a good rest, she’s fresh as a daisy. 一段时间休息后 , 她精力饱满 。No spring chicken 意思是指“年龄大了 , 不再年轻了” 例句:He shouldn’t try these breakdance moves - he’s no spring chicken anymore. 他不应该尝试这些街舞动作 , 毕竟年纪不小了 。Spring into life 形容勃然而起 , 突然活跃了起来 例句:The parties always spring into life when Johnny arrives. 所有派对只要Johnny 一到场 , 气氛一下子就活跃起来了 。2.夏季 Summer The dog days of summer 夏季最热的一段时间 , 一般指7月到8月之间的几个星期 。例句:During the dog days of summer, the best thing to do is stay by the pool. 夏天最热的时候 , 最好的办法就是在游泳池里呆着 。Indian summer 这是汉语里常说的“秋老虎” 例句:We all enjoyed the Indian summer, because wewere able to go to the beach in October. 我们都喜欢“秋老虎” , 因为可以在10月份还能到沙滩玩 。Soak up the sun 意思是“晒太阳 , 度假休闲” 例句:Sandra went away to Spain for two weeks to soak up the sun on the beach. Sandra 去西班牙度假两周 , 好好晒晒太阳 , 休息一下 。3.秋季 Autumn To turn over a new leaf 意思是“重新开始 , 洗心革面 , 改过自新” 例句: She has learnt her lesson and turned over a new leaf in her life. 她接受教训 , 开始了生活的新篇章 。Autumn years 晚年 例句:In his autumn years, Sam had more time to spend on his garden. Sam 晚年大部分时间都在培育他原子里的花草树木 。4.冬季 Winter Snowed under 意思是“太多的工作 , 形容忙得不可开交” 例句:With the tax year ending, I’ve been snowed under with work. 眼看这个税收年就要结束 , 我的工作特别多 , 忙得不得了 。Skate on thin ice 形容“处境危险 , 如履薄冰” 例句:You should focus more on your job - you are skating on thin ice.你得好好做工作 , 否则你的情况挺危险的 。Put something on ice 意思是“暂停搁置某项目或活动” 例句:Peter decided to put the project on ice while he finishes his degree.Peter决定暂停他的项目 , 他需要先完成他的学业 。

9浏览1728 2018-07-17
Spring 春 summer 夏 autumn 秋 winter冬

2229浏览40916 2018-01-02
春夏秋冬 [电影中]Another Year 春: spring [英音][spr??] 夏:summer [英音]['s?m?] 秋:autumn [英音][??:t?m] 冬:winter [英音]['w?nt?] 拓展资料: The seasons of the year spring, s
