多雨的英文 多余的英文单词是什么

多余的英文单词指的是句子或语言中不必要的或不恰当的单词 。这些单词可能出现在句子中,但没有贡献到意思的表达或传达过程中 。多余的单词可能是过度修饰的形容词或副词,重复使用的单词或表述,或者不必要的介词或连词 。消除多余的单词可以使语言更清晰、简单、直接,并提高沟通效率 。

多雨的英文 多余的英文单词是什么

1. alluring [ ??l?r?? ] 诱惑的,诱人的;迷人的,吸引人的
英文释义:Someone or something that isalluring is very attractive.
例句:Was it her alluring, powder-blue eyes?
It's*** luring*** ogy, if you look at the Numbers.
如果你关注的是数字,那么这是一个富有吸引力的类比 。
2. superfluity [?sju:p??flu:?ti] 奢侈品;额外;过剩
英文释义:If there is a superfluity of something, there is more of it than is needed.
例句:The city has asuperfluity of five-star hotels.
这个城市的五星级宾馆太多了 。
Wealth is simply asuperfluity of what we don't need.
财富只是我们并不需要的多余之物 。
3. recombine [ri:k?m?bain] 调配;重新结合
英文释义:to join together again
用法:recombined milk 再制奶 ; 复原乳 ; 重配牛奶
recombined vaccine 重组疫苗
recombined human growth hormone 重组人生长激素
recombined products 调制产品
例句:It is now recombined in its very atoms, not merely in its visible and superficial parts.
它的每一个原子都重新组合,而非仅仅进行了表面的,可见的改变 。
Fragments of memories could berecombined inaccurately and thus lead to false memories.
记忆碎片在重组过程中可能发生混淆,于是记忆就不那么准确了 。
4. nip [n?p] 轻咬; 轻捏一小口一小口地抿酒;(以微弱优势)小胜
英文释义:If an animal or personnips you, they bite you lightly or squeeze a piece of your skin between their finger and thumb.
Anip is a*** all amount of a strong alcoholic drink.
用法:nip and tuck 势均力敌
nip in the bud 防患未然 ;
例句:There was a realnip in the air.
空中有一股刺骨的寒气 。
The presidential contest isnip and tuck.
总统竞选势均力敌 。
5. impenitent [?m?pen?t?nt] 不知悔改的,顽固的
英文释义:not penitent or remorseful;impervious to moral persuasion
例句:Endless, of theimpenitent and unbelieving.
无止境的,对不知悔改的和不信 。
Throughout his entire life Rizal was nothing but animpenitent dreamer, a poet.
【多雨的英文 多余的英文单词是什么】里泽尔一生就是一个从不后悔的梦想家,一个诗人 。
