2019年12月英语四级答案解析第一套 2019年12月英语四级答案解析( 二 )

1. D) A wandering cow was captured by the police.
2. D) It was sent to the animal control department.
3. B) It is going to be expanded
4. C) Some ancient wall paintings from Australia
5. A) Pick up trash.
6. A) They are especially intelligent.
7. B) Children may be tempted to drop litter.
Section B: 8-15
8. C) It will cover different areas of science.
9. C) It will be more entertaining.
10. A) People interested in science.
11. B) Provide financial support.
12. D) Dissatisfied
13. A) He is too concerned with being perfect 。
14. C) Miserable
15. B) Compare his present with past only.
Section C: 16-25
16. C) They are more likely to become engineers.
17. D) Respond more positively to boys’ comments.
18. A) Offer personalized teaching materials.
19. C) It does not rain as much as people think.
20. B) The rain is usually very light.
21. D) It has mild weather both in summer and in winter.
22. D) It comes from straining one's muscles in an uncommon way.
23. A) Blood flow and body heat increase in the affected area.
24. B) About two days.
25. C) Have a hot shower.
Section A: 1-7
1. D) The number of male nurses has gone down.
2. A) Cultural bias.
3. C) He was almost drowned.
4. B) The emergency services are efficient.
5. A) It became an online star.
6. B) Release it into the wild.
7. D) The raccoon did something no politician could.
Section B: 8-15
8. C) She received her first monthly salary.
9. B) Two decades ago.
10. D) He treated his parents to a nice meal.
11. C) Join her colleagues for gym exercise.
12.A)He has a difficult decision to make
13. D)Seek advice from his family and advisor.
14. D) His girlfriend does not support his decision.
15. C) They haven’t started their careers yet.

Section C: 16-25
16. B) Using information to understand and solve problems.
17. C) Playing games that challenge one’s mind.
18. D) Participate in debates or discussions.
19. A) The nature of relationships between dogs.
20. C) They can fall in love just like humans.
21. D) They stay with one partner for life.
22. A) A cow bone.
23. B) Preserving it.
24. B) The boy's family had acted correctly.
25. C) Conduct a more detailed search.

【2019年12月英语四级答案解析第一套 2019年12月英语四级答案解析】标题: When开头
26-30 BMICK 31-35 LOGEJ
26. B) admiring 羡慕,钦佩
27. M) sealed 密封的
28. I) natural 自然的,天然的,正常的
29. C) contains 包含,含有
30. K) released 发布,发表
31. L) revealing 揭示,揭露
32. O) substance 物质
33. G) liquid 液体,液态物
34. E) evidence 证据,证明
35. J) potential 潜在的,可能的
标题:The quiet heroi ***of mail delivery开头
Passage One——Professor Ashok Goel开头
46-50 BCADC
46. B) It is a course designed for students to learn online.
47. C) Students’questions were too many to handle.
48. A) She turned out to be a great success.
49. D) They could not tell her from a real person.
50. C) Assign her to answer more of students’questions.

Passage Two——Thinking*** all, being engaging开头
51-55 CBBAD
51. C)Not all of them achieved their anticipated goals
52. B)To identify reasons for their different outcomes
53. B)Its interaction with prospective donors
54. A)They should be*** all to be successful
55. D)Their feeling of connection to the scientists themselves
