丝瓜的英文单词 丝瓜的英文怎么读( 二 )

砂糖 granulated sugar;红糖 brown sugar;
冰糖 sock sugar;芝麻 sesame;芝麻酱 sesame paste;
芝麻油 sesame oil;咖喱粉 curry;
番茄酱(汁)ketchup redeye;辣根 horseradish;
葱 shallot(spring onions);姜 ginger;蒜 garlic;
料酒 cooking wine;蚝油oyster sauce;
枸杞(枇杷,欧查果 )medlar;八角 aniseed;
黄油 butter;香草精 vanilla extract;(甜点必备)
面粉 flour;洋葱 onion
三文治 sandwich;米饭 rice;
粥 congee (porridge,rice soup);汤 soup;
饺子 dumpling;面条 noodle;比萨饼 pizza;
方便面 instant noodle;香肠 sausage;面包 bread;
黄油(白塔油)butter;茶叶蛋 tea eggs;油菜 rape;
饼干 cookies;咸菜(泡菜)pickle;
馒头 steamed bread;饼(蛋糕)cake;
汉堡 hamburger;火腿 ham;奶酪 cheese;
馄饨皮 wonton skin;高筋面粉 Strong flour;
小麦 wheat;大麦 barley;青稞 highland barley;
高粱 broomcorn(kaoliang );春卷 spring rolls;
芋头 taro;山药 yam;鱼翅 shark fin;黄花 daylily;
松花蛋 preserved eggs;春卷 spring roll;
肉馅饼 minced pie;糙米 brown rice;玉米 corn;
馅儿 stuffing;开胃菜 appetizer;面粉 flour;
燕麦 oat;甘薯 sweet potato;牛排 steak;
里脊肉 fillet;凉粉 bean jelly;糯米 sticky rice;
燕窝 bird's nest;粟 Chinese corn;肉丸子 meat balls;
蛋挞 egg tart

丝瓜的英文单词 丝瓜的英文怎么读

腰果 cashew nuts;花生 peanut;无花果 fig;
榛子 filbert hazel;栗子 chestnut;核桃 walnut;
杏仁 almond;果脯 preserved fruit;芋头 taro;
葡萄干 raisin cordial;开心果 pistachion;
巴西果 brazil nut
红酒 red wine;白酒 white wine;白兰地 brandy;
葡萄酒 sherry;汽水(软饮料) soda;
(盐)汽水 sparkling water;果汁 juice;冰棒 ice-lolly;
啤酒 beer;酸奶 yoghurt;伏特加酒 vodka;
鸡尾酒 cocktail;豆奶 soy milk;豆浆 soybean milk;
凉开水 cold boiled water;汉斯啤酒 Hans beer;
浓缩果汁 concentrated juice;
冰镇啤酒 iced(chilled ) beer;参水牛奶 blue milk;
日本粗茶 bancha;生啤酒 draft beer;
白啤酒 white beer;<苏格兰>大麦酒 barley-bree;
咖啡伴侣 coffee mate
薄荷糖 cracker;饼干 biscuit;棒棒糖 bonbon;
茶 tea (沏茶make the tea);
话梅 prune candied plum;锅巴 rice crust;
瓜子 melon seed;冰棒(冰果)ice(frozen)sucker ;
冰淇凌 ice cream ;圣代冰淇淋 sundae ;
巧克力豆 marble chocolate barley;布丁 pudding
烧饼 clay oven rolls;油条 fried bread stick;
韭菜盒 fried leek dumplings;水饺 boiled dumplings;
蒸饺 steamed dumplings;馒头 steamed buns;
饭团 rice and vegetable roll;蛋饼 egg cakes;
皮蛋 100-year egg;咸鸭蛋 salted duck egg;
豆浆 soybean milk;稀饭 rice porridge;
白饭 plain white rice;油饭 glutinous oil rice;
糯米饭 glutinous rice;卤肉饭 braised pork rice;
蛋炒饭 fried rice with egg;地瓜粥
sweet potato congee;咖喱饭 curry rice;
炒饭 fried rice;白饭 plain rice;
刀削面 sliced noodles;麻辣面 spicy hot noodles;
麻酱面 sesame paste noodles;
鴨肉面 duck with noodles;鱔魚面 eel noodles;
乌龙面 seafood noodles;
榨菜肉丝面 pork , pickled mustard green noodles;
牡蛎细面 oyster thin noodles;板条 flat noodles;
