6分的作文:能够使用主题和符合作文题目的词汇,但是会使用不正确并且拼写错误 。
7分的作文:能够使用一些少见的词汇和比较复杂的词汇,如不再使用小朋友用的bad,easy等词汇了,会使用indecent,simple等词汇 。并且会转换词汇的形式 。
这里就是给那些对词汇很焦虑的同学了 。雅思作文里面如果不会使用其他的词来替换表达的话,那么就努力转换词汇的词性来进行表达了 。如你可以使用把名词转换成形容词,动词,副词来使用 。
最后一点就是语法,Grammatical accuracy,除了没有语法错误,6分和7分的作文就在于你能否使用不同的语法知识点了 。
7分的作文:能够使用多样的语法知识和句子结构,如倒装句,伴随状语,定语从句,同位语从句,主语从句等语法知识点 。太傻教育助您突破雅思写作考试瓶颈,短期备考拿高分 。
但是也有很多同学有这样一个误区就是写的句子越长越高分,越复杂越高分 。其实并不是这样的 。我们写的作文应该讲究清晰和容易明白,写的句子一定是能够长短句间隔使用,过长的句子只是会显示你的水平不足而已 。
关于个性和时尚的雅思英语作文?Fashion usually refers to the trend of outfit and accessories preferred by most.
However, different age groups, cultures, have a range of ideas over the latest fashions. It is a difficult task to determine what is In and what is Out as a phenomena. One can, however, suggest certain familiar trends to be a representation of the latest and most popular amongst asians over the years.
Looking back, a fashion statement in the 60s will the well known Agogo style with there retro outfits and oversized accessories. Today, we only know too well the korean and japanese hotties that every asian seems to attempt at copying.
【雅思写作评分标准英文 雅思写作评分标准细则英文】In conlcusion, fashion is no doubt what everyone aims to achieve but can never define. Afterall, its everchanging and repeats itself every now and then.
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