第一步:细节题的内容通常会由一些专有名词(人/事/物/地)而展开,如果笔记包含了对话或者讲座中的举例,对比等细节,要在笔记中进行一定的备注,可以更有效地解决这个问题 。
Official 48 - Find a Job
Employee: Right, yeah.Your supervisor gave us some really great feedback at the end of the year. Oh, “he's so organized, always on time, helpful…”
Student: Really, well.. I’m glad. It was a good job.
Employee: Well, we usually try to match student's jobs with their academic interests.
Student: Yeah, um, I’m not exactly sure what career I’m headed for, but librarian is a possibility. It was a great experience to learn how it works and meet some people working in the fields. But for this year, well, that's what I wanted to ask about.
此处我们就能了解到这个校园对话的主旨就是学生想要找一份能和他的学术兴趣相匹配的工作(match student's jobs with their academic interests.
),也就说明学生是来找校内工作(on-campus job) 。
第二步:如果对正确答案有不确定,与听力对话或者讲座内容最为一致的部分优先考虑 。
Official 48 - Find a Job
Question 4: Why does the student mention his friend Suzanne?
学生说:Well, could you, could you possibly check? I know it's a long shot, but my friend Susanne,意味着后面要出现这个问题的答案了 。
学生接着说:she takes photography ... she sort of thought there might be an opening in the janitorial staff 。
说明他的朋友Susanne让他觉得可能还有其他空缺职位,对应选项D中To explain why he thinks there is a job opening 。
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