英语爱情签名怎么写?爱情英文签名( 三 )

55、永远太长,爱你到我离开世界的这一天 。

Forever too long, love you to the day I leave the world.

56、我这一生要走多远的路程,什么时候才能停下 。

How far is my life to go, when to stop.

57、你不想接我 *** 就直说,别老让中国移动替你说对不起 。

You don't want to answer my phone just say, don't let China Mobile for you to say sorry.

58、俄依旧可以高傲,不在乎?扪的心跳 。

I can still be proud, you don't care about children's heart.

59、我们都是好孩子,没有道理不幸福 。

We are all good children, there is no reason not to be happy.

60、就这样安静的生活着,就算再艰难都请不要忘记曾经 。

In such a quiet life, even if it is difficult to please do not forget once.

61、别人一个小小动作就让我想起你很久很久 。

Someone else a little action reminds me of you for a long time.

62、我总是沉浸在自己的思想里,听不见别人的话语 。

I am always immersed in my own thoughts, and I can't hear the words of others.

63、除了喜欢,懂与陪伴更重要 。

In addition to like, understand and accompany more important.

64、过去的不再回来,回来的不再完美 。

The past is no longer come back, come back no longer perfect.

65、你若不离,我永相随 。

If you do not leave, I will always be with you.

66、心里有就有,心里没有就没有 。

There is a heart, there is no heart.

67、时间仍在,是我们在飞逝 。

Time is still, we are flying.

68、不要分开就说对对错错,不要死皮脸皮情绪有多难过 。

Don't leave that for right and wrong, don't have much sad mood of dead skin.

69、爱没有聪不聪明只有愿不愿意 。

Love is not*** art or not only willing to do.

70、摇曳在笔尖的舞姿、是聚光灯下最浓烈的一抹艳红 。

Swaying dance in nib, is the most strong touch of red spotlight.

71、总觉得你的名字和我的名字写在一起才般配 。

Thought your name and my name together.

72、过去的畅想有多快乐,现世的遗憾就有多悠长 。

Think of the past how happy, secular regret are long.

73、爱情,是我玩腻了的游戏 。孤单,是我尝惯了的滋味 。

Love, is I tired of the game. Lonely, is the taste which I have been used to.

74、如果你忘了苏醒,那我宁愿先闭上眼睛 。

If you forget to wake up, then I would rather close my eyes.


Baby, can you keep on like this now, let me,

76、别站在你的角度看我,你看不懂 。

Don't stand on your point of view, you can't understand.

77、你曾经有没有,把某人的说说全部看完,却从不评论 。

Have you ever had, all of a person's talk, but never comment.

78、对你的思念还在,对我的爱恋却已经消失 。

Missing you still, my love has disappeared.

79、完美的幸福,始终需要两个人来争取 。

Perfect happiness, always need two people to fight for.

80、也许因为太过孤独,就连爱你也是我一意孤行 。

Maybe because too lonely, even I also love you persist in wilfully and arbitrarily.二:爱情英文签名"Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop."
Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.
Give her two red roses, each with a note. The first note says For the woman I love and the second, For my best friend.
No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.没有人值得你为之流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣 。


