我的大学生活英语作文精选10篇( 三 )

Finally,I often do other things in my spare time 。In order to alleviate parents’ burden, I often do some part-time jobs and write some articles to earn money 。It helps me to be independent and improve my social skills 。
In short ,  my life in university is busy but valuable 。You can see that study brings me knowledge,student activities improve myself,library changes my horizons ,  the others things make me independent 。They get all my abilities trained 。And I see that the chance will e only if you have a prepared mind,so I’m sure that I can achieve my dreams in college life 。
我们明白 , 很多人认为大学生活是自由、舒适的,但我想说这不是真的 。事实上 , 我的大学生活是如此的忙碌,以至于我都不明白我的能量是否足够 。至于我的大学生活,我把它分为四个部分,包括学习,学生活动,图书馆和其他的 。
首先 , 我想谈谈学习 。在我看来,学习是大学该优先研究的 。当我在夏天收到录取通知书时,我就清楚地明白我应当做什么 。所以我下定决心努力学习 , 尽可能多的追求学问 。我十分相信知识能够改变我的生活 。所以,我常常去安静的自习室学习,有很多人在那里学习 。经过努力学校,我在考试中取得了好成绩 。
其次,在我们的大学生活中学生活动中起了重要的作用 。老实说,学生会是一个很好的地方,一个能够培养社会技能的地方,一个训练自我本事的地方 。我参加了许多学生活动 。例如,我是一个志愿者,教孩子们学习舞蹈和写作 。我认为帮忙别人是有意义的 。我还能够在学生会中做一些工作,包括接收和发送快速电子邮件 , 卖报纸和杂志 。我觉得他们是我难忘的、有价值的经验 。
第三,我经常去图书馆 。据说“书架上的书,知识的海洋,所以我阅读我感兴趣的书 。这样,我能够和我的新朋友分享故事,也改变了我的视野 。在我难过,迷失或陷入困境的时候,呆在图书馆能让我感到安静和舒适 。毕竟,每个人的生活都有不好和好的时候,图书馆对我来说也是心境不好时的一种支撑 。所以对我来说呆在图书馆是明智的选择 。
最终 , 我经常在空余时光做一些其他的事情 。为了减轻父母的负担,我经常做一些兼职工作,写一些文章来赚钱 。它帮忙我变得独立,改善我的社交本事 。
总之,我的大学生活是忙碌而有价值的 。你能够看到学习带给我知识,学生活动提升我自我,图书馆改变了我的视野,其他的事情让我变得独立 。它们让我所有的本事得到训练 。我看到机会只会留给有准备的人,所以我相信在大学生活中我能实现我的梦想 。
How time flies! One month has passed before I could take any notice of it 。This is the start of my freshman year in Fudan University 。At the very beginning,everything and everyone is strange to me 。But now, everyday and in everyway,I am getting better;I am getting used to it 。
I would like to tell you two things in my university life that are of great importance and interest 。
Freedom is what I am looking forward to since the very first day of my primary school 。A lot of people said to me,"Study hard, and you will get freedom when in university 。" But when I really entered university, I find the real situation is different 。Freedom costs me a lot 。If I refuse to wash my clothes,for example,they will just lay there, unclean 。In a word ,  I have to do everything and take care of myself 。Well ,  it doesn‘t mean that I don‘t like the life style 。On the contrary, I like it very much though it is hard at the beginning 。It is really a challenge for me 。
I appreciate a famous saying from Albert Camus,"Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better 。" That‘s right 。Real freedom es with responsibility 。Some teenagers believe that freedom means doing whatever you like 。But I think that is not real freedom at all 。One can have his or her own freedom, while at the same time respect others‘ 。It is not easy to think on behalf of others 。University life provides me with this precious chance to practice it 。
Another deep impression of my university is her creativity and profundity 。As is known to all, she has a wide range and prehensive style 。No wonder I can enjoy the multi-ceolored life here 。Every school year a persity of petitions and aetivities are held and a large number of students take active part in them 。I do appreciate such a style,and in my mind"s eye,she resembles a tall tree silhouetting with all shapes of branches while stretching far into the blue sky 。
