美的空调stp战略,看我们如何解决的( 二 )

(二) 战略选择…………………………………………………………30
Joel Ross once said “Without a strategy the organization is like a ship without a rudder, going around in circles.” Strategy-making benefits organizational internal environment is in line with its External environment, and benefits to realize organizational direction and objectives. Any organizations cannot exit after separating from external industry environment, so industry environment becomes premise, basis and restricting condition of strategy-making. Namely, the first step of strategy-making is that analyses external industry environment.
The essay, with regard to present conditions and development tendency of air-conditioning industry Mei Di Group mainly deals in, carries out delicate analysis. On basis of the analysis, combined with present conditions of Mei Di Group, the essay further offers three feasible strategy choices and corresponding strategy implementation suggestions with SWOT analysis for strategy-making of Mei Di Group, in order to consolidate owned competitive advantages and to build competitive advantages in the future.
论 文 摘 要
美国管理学家乔尔?罗斯曾说:“没有战略的企业,就像没有舵的船一样只会在原地转圈 。”企业战略的制定 , 有利于企业内部环境与外部环境的协调,有利于明确企业发展的方向和目标 。同时,任何一个企业都是不可能脱离其外部行业环境而独立存在的 , 这样行业环境便成了企业战略制定的依据、出发点和限制条件,因而企业战略的制定首先要进行外部行业环境分析 。
本文就美的集团主营空调行业的现状及发展趋势,进行了深入细致的分析 。并在此分析基础上 , 结合美的企业现状 , 采用斯渥特矩阵(SWOT matrix)分析工具对其企业战略的制定 , 提出了三种可行的战略选择及相应的战略实施建议,以巩固和加强美的集团现有的竞争优势,建立企业未来的竞争优势 。
[关键词] 空调行业分析 战略选择 战略实施建议
~希望本文所介绍的空调故障排查和修理方法 , 可以让您更加了解和掌握如何维护和保养您的空调设备,为您的生活带来更多便利 。
