x, y, z = event.xdata, event.ydata, event.zdataprint('x={}, y={}, z={}'.format(x, y, z))# 将事件监听器绑定到当前坐标系cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick)# 显示图像窗口plt.show()
如果你运行上面的代码 , 它会打开一个三维坐标系的图形窗口 , 当你在图形窗口中点击时,会在控制台中输出鼠标点击的三维坐标 。
注意:如果你没有安装 matplotlib 库,可以使用 'pip install matplotlib
从Python调用CAPL函数问题 , 怎么解决python事件处理函数你没有说具体问题是什么,以下介绍一下capl常见问题
–you declare variables that can be read or changed by any part of your CAPL program.
在程序的任何部分都可以读取和修改 。
–It is a good idea to declare messages and timers in this section.
适合定义messages和timers 。
–Event procedures are blocks of code that are executed when an event occurs.
事件发生时执行 。
–CAPL allows you to define event procedures for several different kinds of events.
–Most of your program code will be in event procedures, since most actions are performed after an event, such as a message being received on the CAN bus.
大多数代码都写在事件处理中 。
–Event procedures cannot return a value.
事件处理不能有返回值 。
–Your programs can contain procedures that can be used to complement CAPL’s built-in functions.
–These procedures can contain any legal CAPL code and are globally accessible.
–Putting frequently-used code in a procedure makes programs more efficient.
–User-defined functions can return a value of any simple type.
可以有返回值 。
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