小程序java后台代码 微信小程序java后端( 七 )

windowJPanel.add( fourJLabel );
// set up fiveIconJLabel
fiveIconJLabel = new JLabel();
fiveIconJLabel.setBounds( 120, 100, 100, 65 );
fiveIconJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon(
"images/劳斯莱斯.jpg" ) );
windowJPanel.add( fiveIconJLabel );
// set up fiveJLabel
fiveJLabel = new JLabel();
fiveJLabel.setBounds( 110, 150, 100, 70 );
fiveJLabel.setText( "劳斯莱斯" );
fiveJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
windowJPanel.add( fiveJLabel );
// set up sixIconJLabel
sixIconJLabel = new JLabel();
sixIconJLabel.setBounds( 230, 100, 100, 65 );
sixIconJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "images/别克.jpg" ) );
windowJPanel.add( sixIconJLabel );
// set up sixJLabel
sixJLabel = new JLabel();
sixJLabel.setBounds( 230, 150, 100, 70 );
sixJLabel.setText( "别克" );
sixJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
windowJPanel.add( sixJLabel );
//set up enterJButton
enterJButton = new JButton();
enterJButton.setBounds( 390, 160, 135, 30 );
enterJButton.setText( "Enter" );
contentPane.add( enterJButton );
new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class
// event handler called when enterJButton is clicked
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
enterJButtonActionPerformed( event );
} // end anonymous inner class
); // end call to addActionListener
//set up clearJButton
clearJButton = new JButton();
clearJButton.setBounds( 390, 200, 135, 30 );
clearJButton.setText( "Clear" );
contentPane.add( clearJButton );
// set up inputJLabel
inputJLabel = new JLabel();
inputJLabel.setBounds( 390, 25, 135, 25 );
inputJLabel.setText( "Please make selection:" );
contentPane.add( inputJLabel );
【小程序java后台代码 微信小程序java后端】selectCountryJComboBox = new JComboBox( cars );
selectCountryJComboBox.setBounds( 390, 50, 135, 21 );
selectCountryJComboBox.setMaximumRowCount( 3 );
contentPane.add( selectCountryJComboBox );
// set up inputJTextField
inputJLabel2 = new JLabel();
inputJLabel2.setBounds( 390, 80, 150, 20 );
inputJLabel2.setText( "Input the Numble:" );
contentPane.add( inputJLabel2 );
// set up inputJTextField
inputJTextField2 = new JTextField();
inputJTextField2.setBounds( 390, 100, 135, 25 );
inputJTextField2.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.RIGHT );
contentPane.add( inputJTextField2 );
new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class
// event handler called when clearJButton is clicked
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
clearJButtonActionPerformed( event );
} // end anonymous inner class
// set up displayJTextField
displayJTextArea = new JTextArea();
displayJTextArea.setBounds( 10, 237,515, 70 );
displayJTextArea.setEditable( false );
contentPane.add( displayJTextArea );
// set properties of application's window
setTitle( "My car Shop" ); // set title bar string
setSize( 550, 360 );// set window size
setVisible( true );// display window
} // end method createUserInterface
private void clearJButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
// clear the JTextFields
inputJTextField2.setText( "" );
} // end method clearJButtonActionPerformed
private void enterJButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
double z;
double c;
int x;
int y;
double discountRate;
int amount = Integer.parseInt( inputJTextField2.getText());
