在命令行中sudo gedit /etc/profile
#set java environmentJAVA_HOME=/home/shidoudou/123/jdk1.7.0_45export JRE_HOME=/home/shidoudou/123/jdk1.7.0_45/jreexport CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib:$JRE_HOME/lib:$CLASSPATHexport PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$JRE_HOME/bin:$PATH
重启电脑在命令行中输入 java -version,察看安装完全不,如果别行 。
sudo gedit /etc/environment
注: Path中自带我没有粘贴上来 。
如果gedit没有安装 。sudo apt-get install gedit就好了 。
3.下载webStrom , 解压 。
就变成这样了 。
但是我刚才注释掉了,结果导致不能自定义webstrom启动时缺省目录 。
sh webstorm.sh
就跟windows界面一样了 。
后面我贴处压缩包里面的安装向导文件,给有用的人参考下 。
WebStorm INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS===============================================================================Linux Installation Instructions------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Unpack the WebStorm distribution archive that you downloaded towhere you wish to install the program. We will refer to this destinationlocation as your {installation home} below.2. Open a console and cd into "{installation home}/bin" and type:./webstorm.shto start the application.3. [OPTIONAL] Add the "{installation home}/bin" to your PATH environmentalvariable so that you may start WebStorm from any directory.4. [OPTIONAL] To adjust the value of JVM heap size open webstorm.vmoptions(webstorm64.vmoptions for 64-bit JDK), and modify the -Xms and -Xmx parameters.[OPTIONAL] Changing location of "config" and "system" directory------------------------------------------------------------------------------By default WebStorm stores all your settings under ~/.WebStorm7/config directoryand stores data cache under ~/.WebStorm7/system directory.If you want to change these settings,1. Open a console and cd into "{installation home}/bin"2. Open file "idea.properties" in an editor. You should find strings likeidea.system.path=~/.WebStorm/systemandidea.config.path=~/.WebStorm/configand change them.3. Note that we recommend to store data cache ("system" directory) at a diskwith at least 1G bytes free spaceEnjoy! -WebStorm Development Team
【linux解压命令web linux 解压文件指令】关于linux解压命令web和linux 解压文件指令的介绍到此就结束了,不知道你从中找到你需要的信息了吗 ?如果你还想了解更多这方面的信息,记得收藏关注本站 。
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