用多媒体学vb.net 用多媒体学sql server( 三 )

8 。使用QQ聊天的语言时,MIC音量无法调整 , 请下载补丁 。
9 , 如声卡驱动安装不上的解决方法:控制面板 - 管理工具 - 服务 - Windows音频 - 启动类型设置为“自动”重新启动它 。
10 。注册表的方法:
开始 - 运行 - 输入regedit打开注册表,然后单击“打开HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \微软\的Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run在右侧窗口中新建字符串”系统托盘“点右键(在运行于新的)键(在系统托盘中双击编辑)“C:\ WINDOWS \ SYSTEM32 \ Systray.exe”win2000系统 , 或“C:\ WINNT \ SYSTEM32 \ Systray.exe”
开始 - 运行 - 输入regedit打开注册表,然后单击“打开HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \微软\ WINDOWSNT \ CURRENTVERSION \ Drivers32创建一个新的字符串值,命名为”wavemapper“值”msacm32 。DRV“ 。重新启动计算机 。
Option Explicit
'Author:Peter Wright, For BG2VB4BG2VB5
'Notes:A multimedia class, which when turned
':into an object lets you load and play
':multimedia files, such as sound and
' -=-=-=- PROPERTIES -=-=-=-
' FilenameDetermines the name of the current file
' LengthThe length of the file (Read Only)
' PositionThe current position through the file
' StatusThe current status of the object (Read Only)
' WaitTrue/False...tells VB to wait until play done
' -=-=-=- METHODS -=-=-=-=-
' mmOpen FilenameOpens the requested filename
' mmCloseCloses the current file
' mmPausePauses playback of the current file
' mmStopStops playback ready for closedown
' mmSeek PositionSeeks to a position in the file
' mmPlayPlays the open file
' -----
' Open a file, then play it. Pause it in response to a request
' from the user. Stop if you intend to seek to the start and
' play again. Close when you no longer want to play the file
Private sAlias As String' Used internally to give an alias name to
' the multimedia resource
Private sFilename As String' Holds the filename internally
Private nLength As Single' Holds the length of the filename
' internally
Private nPosition As Single' Holds the current position internally
Private sStatus As String' Holds the current status as a string
Private bWait As Boolean' Determines if VB should wait until play
' is complete before returning.
'------------ API DECLARATIONS -------------
'note that this is all one code line:
Private Declare Function mciSendString Lib "winmm.dll" _
Alias "mciSendStringA" (ByVal lpstrCommand As String, _
ByVal lpstrReturnString As String, ByVal uReturnLength As Long, _
ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long
Public Sub mmOpen(ByVal sTheFile As String)
' Declare a variable to hold the value returned by mciSendString
Dim nReturn As Long
' Declare a string variable to hold the file type
Dim sType As String
' Opens the specified multimedia file, and closes any
' other that may be open
If sAlias"" Then
End If
' Determine the type of file from the file extension
