linux中fstp命令的简单介绍( 六 )

after converting the integer source operand into floating–point value, they
have the same rules for operands as fiadd instruction.
fsqrt computes the square root of the value in st0 register, fsin computes
the sine of that value, fcos computes the cosine of that value, fchs
complements its sign bit, fabs clears its sign to create the absolute value,
frndint rounds it to the nearest integral value, depending on the current
rounding mode. f2xm1 computes the exponential value of 2 to the power of
st0 and substracts the 1.0 from it, the value of st0 must lie in the range ?1.0
to +1.0. All these instruction store the result in st0 and have no operands.
fsincos computes both the sine and the cosine of the value in st0 register,
stores the sine in st0 and pushes the cosine on the top of FPU register
stack. fptan computes the tangent of the value in st0, stores the result in
st0 and pushes a 1.0 onto the FPU register stack. fpatan computes the
arctangent of the value in st1 divided by the value in st0, stores the result
in st1 and pops the FPU register stack. fyl2x computes the binary logarithm
of st0, multiplies it by st1, stores the result in st1 and pop the FPU
register stack; fyl2xp1 performs the same operation but it adds 1.0 to st0
before computing the logarithm. fprem computes the remainder obtained
from dividing the
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