
我想断言全局变量foo的值为'foo'。当我尝试foo.should.equal('foo')时,我得到了ReferenceError: foo is not defined at Context.< anonymous> (testspec.js:63:28)

const Application = require('spectron').Application const assert = require('assert') const electronPath = require('electron') // Require Electron from the binaries included in node_modules. const path = require('path') const chai = require('chai'); const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised'); const should = require('chai').should(); describe('Isolated testbeds house independent suites of tests.', function() { this.timeout(30000); before(function() { this.app = new Application({ path: electronPath,// directory structure://|__ myProject //|__ ... //|__ main.js //|__ package.json //|__ index.html //|__ ... //|__ test //|__ spec.js< - You are here! ~ Well you should be.args: [path.join(__dirname, '..')] }) return this.app.start() }); after(function() { if (this.app & & this.app.isRunning()) { return this.app.stop() } }); /* BELOW IS THE TEST IN QUESTION */ it('should have a given value', function() { return Promise.resolve(foo).should.eventually.equal('foo'); // HERE IS THE LINE IN QUESTION }); })

如果foo在你的Electron前端,你可以使用this.app.client访问它,如果它在DOM中。 this.app.browserWindowthis.app.webContents可能能够访问全局?
(我知道executejavaScript()不起作用 - 任何返回承诺的函数,基本上都不会起作用。)
如果foo在你的后端,我在我的问题中显示了一个解决方法:Can Spectron call a function in back-end directly?(但我仍在寻找一种方法,不需要我修改代码来测试)
