
2.1 创建和删除

# 删除日志 $ rm *log $ find ./ -name "*log" -exec rm {}; # 查看当前目录下文件个数 $ find ./ | wc -l

2.2 目录切换 【linux编程向(chap2-文件及目录管理)】这部分都比较简单跳过
2.3 列出目录项
$ ls # 显示当前目录下的文件 $ ls -lrt # 按时间顺序,以列表的方式显示目录项 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root3204 Jan 28 13:19 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root1063 Jan 28 13:19 LICENSE drwxr-xr-x 2 root root4096 Jan 28 13:19 doc -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 325978726 Jan 28 13:30 deeplab-drn.pth drwxr-xr-x 3 root root4096 Jan 28 15:10 utils -rw-r--r-- 1 root root189 Jan 28 15:14 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root665 Jan 28 16:26 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root4096 Jan 29 10:12 run drwxr-xr-x 6 root root4096 Jan 29 10:25 modeling$ ls | cat -n # 给每个文件前面增加一个id编号(看上去更整洁)

2.4 查找目录及文件
$ find ./ -name "train*" | xargs file # 搜寻文件或目录 ./train-190129.log:UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines ./ text ./train-190131.log:C source, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines ./ text ./ script, ASCII text executable ./train-190304.log:UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines ./coco/annotations/train_ids_2017.pth:8086 relocatable (Microsoft) ./coco/images/train2017:directory ./.ipynb_checkpoints/ ./.ipynb_checkpoints/train-190129-checkpoint.log: UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines, with CR, LF line terminators ./.ipynb_checkpoints/train-190304-checkpoint.log: ASCII text, with very long lines, with CR, LF line terminators ./.ipynb_checkpoints/train-190131-checkpoint.log: C source, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines, with CR, LF line terminators$ find ./ -name "*.log" # 查找目标文件夹中是否有log文件 ./train-190129.log ./train-190131.log ./train-190304.log ./.ipynb_checkpoints/train-190129-checkpoint.log ./.ipynb_checkpoints/train-190304-checkpoint.log ./.ipynb_checkpoints/train-190131-checkpoint.log$ find ./ -name "*.o" -exec rm {} \; #递归当前目录及子目录删除所有.o文件

2.5 查看文件 关键字:cat vi head tail more
# 句法: $ cat -n #显示文件内容的同时显示行号 # 举例子: $ cat -n train-190129.log# 句法: $ ls -al|more #按页显示列表内容 # 举例子: $ ls -al|more train-190129.log# 句法: $ head -n #只看前面n行 # 举例子: $ head -10 train-190129.log# 句法: $ tail -n #显示文件倒数第n行 # 举例子: $ tail -10 train-190129.log# 句法: $ diff file1 file2 #查看两个文件的差别 # 举例子: $ diff < python3 --backbone resnet --lr 0.01 \ < --workers 4 --epochs 1000 --batch-size 4 \ < --gpu-ids 0 --checkname deeplab-resnet \ < --eval-interval 1 --dataset coco --- > python3 --backbone resnet --lr 0.007 \ > --workers 4 --epochs 50 --batch-size 16 \ > --gpu-ids 0 --checkname deeplab-resnet --eval-interval 1 --dataset pascal# 句法: $ tail -f file1 #动态显示文本最新信息 # 举例子: $ tail -f train-190129.log

2.6 查找文件内容 使用egrep查询文件内容
# 句法: $ egrep file # 查询文件内容,返回到屏幕上 # 举例子: $ egrep 'Train' train-190131.log# 句法: $ egrep file > co.out # 查询文件内容,返回到文件中去 # 举例子: $ egrep 'Train' train-190131.log > co.out

2.7 文件与目录权限修改
$ chown runoob:runoobgroup file1 # 将文件 file1 的拥有者设为 runoob 群体的使用者 runoobgroup $ chmod
