
Source files (always under source control)

*.bdf Schematic
*.bsf Symbols
*.inc AHDL include
*.lai Logic analyzer interface
*.mif Memory init
*.ptf SOPC file (old but recommended)
*.qip MegaWizard IP
*.sopc SOPC file
*.tcl Scripts
*.tdf AHDL source
*.v Verilog source
*.vhd VHDL source
*.vwf Simulation stimuli

Assignments & settings (always under source control)

Name.cdf Programming chain settings
Name.qdf Default assignments
Name.qpf Project file
Name.qsf Assignments (except timing)
Name.sdc Timing constrains. This file should never be written directly by TimeQuest, since it might get randomly rearranged. Write to a separate file and copy-paste into main file.
Name.srf Message supressions

Output files (normally under source control)

NOTE: Do not generate rbf or ttf files unless they are used
Name.pof Programming file
Name.rbf Programming file (normally not present)
Name.sof Programming file
Name.ttf Output in text format (normally not present)

Special cases (consider source control)

db*.* Improves quartus compilation time. Lots of files. If and only if incremental compilation will be used this should be under source control.
simulation*.* This folder is for ModelSim. Quartus Simulator works without this folder. If ModelSim is used this should be under source control.

Report files (normally not under source control)

*.done Date
*.qarlog Log of project archiving
*.rpt Reports
*.summary Report summaries

Generated files (never under source control)

timing*.* No settings, just generated timing stuff
Name.qws GUI settings (window positions is a user rather than project option)
*.cmp Component declarations
*.dpf -
*.eqn Equations
*.html -
*.jpg Images generated by some megawizards?
*.pin -
*.ppf -

Backup files (never under source control)

*.bak Backup of single files
*.qar Quartus archive

