
function renameProperties(sourceObj, replaceList, destObj) { destObj = destObj || {}; // for each property in source object $.each(sourceObj, function(key) { // if the property really exist if(sourceObj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {// if the child key is array if(sourceObj[key] instanceof Array) { // if it in the replace List (as property) if(replaceList[key]) { var newName = replaceList[key]; destObj[newName] = []; // send it to replaceAttrNames() function (recursively) renameProperties(sourceObj[key], replaceList, destObj[newName]); // if its NOT in the replace List (as property) } else if(!replaceList[key]) { destObj[key] = []; renameProperties(sourceObj[key], replaceList, destObj[key]); }// if the child key is object } else if(typeof sourceObj[key] === 'object') { // if it in the replace List (as property) if(replaceList[key]) { var newName = replaceList[key]; // create new property in the destObj named as the new name destObj[newName] = {}; // send it to replaceAttrNames() function (recursively) renameProperties(sourceObj[key], replaceList, destObj[newName]); // if its NOT in the replace List (as property) } else if(!replaceList[key]) { destObj[key] = {}; renameProperties(sourceObj[key], replaceList, destObj[key]); }// if the child key is NOT object and NOT Array } else { // if it in the replace List (as property) if(replaceList[key]) { var newName = replaceList[key]; destObj[newName] = sourceObj[key]; // if its NOT in the replace List (as property) } else if(!replaceList[key]) { destObj[key] = sourceObj[key]; } }} }); return destObj; }// NOTE: If you are using Jquery OR underscore.js Or another library that has 'each()' function, you can use it Instead This function, // (You will need to replace the call to 'each()' in 'renameProperties()' to your 'each()', in Jquery: '$.each()', and in underscore.js: '_.each()'). // function each(objOrArr, callBack) { //// if we got Array //if(objOrArr instanceof Array) { //for(var i = 0; i < objOrArr.length; i++) { //callBack(i); //} // //// if we got an Object //} else if(typeof objOrArr === 'object') { //for(var prop in objOrArr) { //// if the property really exist //if(objOrArr.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { //callBack(prop); //} //} //} // // }/* === usage: === var obj = {foo: 'word a', bar: {some: 'word b', thing: 'word c'}}; var replacedObj = renameProperties(obj, {foo: 'baz', bar: 'qux'}); // the output will be (as JSON): {"obj": {"baz": "word a", "qux": {"some": "word b", "thing": "word c"}} } */

