DevExpress GridControl 单元格添加进度条(ProgressBar)

DevExpress GridControl 单元格添加进度条(ProgressBar) 首先可以使用DevExpress GridControl 自带的进度条控件.
Devexpress How to change progress bar control color Can someone tell me that how to change backcolor of progress bar control. I am using devexpress bar control. I have searched and tried the ways which are explained on devexpress forum and this site.progress bar back color
c# devexpress progress-bar devexpress-windows-ui
If ProgressBarControl.Property.LookAndFeel.Style is set to Skin, the control's background is fully controlled by the current skin. The progress bar appearance can be customized via the Properties.StartColor and EndColor properties. Change LookAndFeel to anything except UseDefaultLookAndFeel that will work.
【DevExpress GridControl 单元格添加进度条(ProgressBar)】
DevExpress GridControl 单元格添加进度条(ProgressBar)

1 : 绘制一个单元格进度条 形状当进度小于50%时显示为红色.
DevExpress GridControl 单元格添加进度条(ProgressBar)

1public void DrawProgressBar(DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.RowCellCustomDrawEventArgs e) 2{ 3string s = e.CellValue as string; 4s = s.Substring(0, e.CellValue.ToString().Length - 1); 5decimal percent = Convert.ToDecimal(s); 6int width = (int)(100 * Math.Abs(percent /100 ) * e.Bounds.Width / 100); 7Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y, width, e.Bounds.Height); 8Brush b = Brushes.Green; 9if (percent < 50) 10{ 11b = Brushes.Red; 12} 13e.Graphics.FillRectangle(b, rect); 14}

2 :点击 GridView 展开触发事件
1private void gridView1_CustomDrawCell(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.RowCellCustomDrawEventArgs e) 2{ 3if (e.Column.FieldName == "CLASSPACE") 4{ 5DrawProgressBar(e); 6 7e.Handled = true; 8 9DrawEditor(e); 10} 11}

3 : 上面两段代码其实效果已经出来了,只不过有一些瑕疵,单元格只显示数值,而不显示进度条,(当点击单元格时数值会消失),那么需要我们再来手动的编写一段代码用来处理当单元格触发时一些操作.
1private void DrawEditor(DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.RowCellCustomDrawEventArgs e) 2{ 3GridCellInfo cell = e.Cell as GridCellInfo; 4Point offset = cell.CellValueRect.Location; 5BaseEditPainter pb = cell.ViewInfo.Painter as BaseEditPainter; 6AppearanceObject style = cell.ViewInfo.PaintAppearance; 7if (!offset.IsEmpty) 8cell.ViewInfo.Offset(offset.X, offset.Y); 9try 10{ 11pb.Draw(new ControlGraphicsInfoArgs(cell.ViewInfo, e.Cache, cell.Bounds)); 12} 13finally 14{ 15if(!offset.IsEmpty) 16{ 17cell.ViewInfo.Offset(-offset.X, -offset.Y); 18} 19} 20}

DevExpress GridControl 单元格添加进度条(ProgressBar)

同时 将 单元格设置为不可编辑状态.

附 最后显示效果 :
DevExpress GridControl 单元格添加进度条(ProgressBar)

