


package com.pandacredit.administrator.customview; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.RectF; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; /** * Created by Administrator on 2016/10/26. */public class ArcShapeView4Top extends View { //startAngle:圆弧的起始角度。 sweepAngle:圆弧的角度。 private float left; private float top; private float right; private float bottom; private float storkeWidth; private float startAngle; private float sweepAngle; private float startAngle2; private float sweepAngle2; private int storkColor; private boolean isArc; private TypedArray arr; private float width; private float height; private float cx; private float cy; private RectF rect; /** * 上半弧进度改变是调用该接口方法 */ private OnPregressChangedDown pregressDown; /** * 下半弧进度改变是调用该接口方法 */ private OnPregressChangedUp pregressUp; /** * The radius of the inner circle */ private float innerRadius; /** * The X coordinate for 12 O'Clock */ private float startPointX; /** * The Y coordinate for 12 O'Clock */ private float startPointY; /** * The X coordinate for 12 O'Clock */ private float startPointX2; /** * The Y coordinate for 12 O'Clock */ private float startPointY2; /** * The X coordinate for the current position of the marker, pre adjustment * to center */ private float markPointX; /** * The Y coordinate for the current position of the marker, pre adjustment * to center */ private float markPointY; /** * The X coordinate for the current position of the marker, pre adjustment * to center */ private float markPointX2; /** * The Y coordinate for the current position of the marker, pre adjustment * to center */ private float markPointY2; /** * The adjustment factor. This adds an adjustment of the specified size to * both sides of the progress bar, allowing touch events to be processed * more user friendlily (yes, I know that's not a word) */ private float adjustmentFactor = 4; /** * The progress mark when the view isn't being progress modified */ private Bitmap progressMark; /** * The flag to see if the setProgress() method was called from our own * View's setAngle() method, or externally by a user. */ private boolean CALLED_FROM_ANGLE = false; /** * The X coordinate for the top left corner of the marking drawable */ private float dx; /** * The Y coordinate for the top left corner of the marking drawable */ private float dy; /** * The X coordinate for the top left corner of the marking drawable */ private float dx2; /** * The Y coordinate for the top left corner of the marking drawable */ private float dy2; /** * The maximum progress amount */ private int maxProgress = 100; /** * The current progress */ private int progress; /** * The progress percent */ private int progressPercent; private float padding = 20; /** * The radius of the outer circle */ private float outerRadius; /** * The listener to listen for changes */ private ArcShapeView4Top.OnSeekChangeListener mListener; /** * The progress circle ring background */ private Paint circleRing; /** * The angle of progress */ private int angle = 120; /** * The angle of progress */ private int angle2 = -30; private Context context; public ArcShapeView4Top(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); this.context = context; arr = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.ArcShapeView); inits(); }private void inits() { storkeWidth = arr.getDimension(R.styleable.ArcShapeView_storkeWidth, 1); startAngle = arr.getInt(R.styleable.ArcShapeView_startAngle, 90); sweepAngle = arr.getInt(R.styleable.ArcShapeView_sweepAngle, 90); startAngle2 = 120; sweepAngle2 = -60; storkColor = arr.getColor(R.styleable.ArcShapeView_storkeColor, Color.BLACK); isArc = arr.getBoolean(R.styleable.ArcShapeView_isArc, true); rect = new RectF(); progressMark = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), R.drawable.a30_03); mListener = new OnSeekChangeListener() { @Override public void onProgressChange(ArcShapeView4Top view, int newProgress) {} }; }protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { dx = getXFromAngle(markPointX); dy = getYFromAngle(markPointY); dx2 = getXFromAngle(markPointX2); dy2 = getYFromAngle(markPointY2); circleRing = new Paint(); circleRing.setAntiAlias(true); //设置画笔为无锯齿 circleRing.setColor(storkColor); //设置画笔颜色 //canvas.drawColor(storkColor); //白色背景 circleRing.setStrokeWidth(storkeWidth); //线宽 circleRing.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); canvas.drawArc(rect, startAngle2, angle2, isArc, circleRing); //绘制圆弧 canvas.drawArc(rect, startAngle, angle, isArc, circleRing); //绘制圆弧 circleRing.setColor(Color.GRAY); canvas.drawArc(rect, startAngle2 + angle2, sweepAngle2 - angle2, isArc, circleRing); //绘制圆弧 canvas.drawArc(rect, startAngle + angle, sweepAngle - angle, isArc, circleRing); //绘制圆弧 canvas.drawBitmap(progressMark, dx, dy, null); canvas.drawBitmap(progressMark, dx2, dy2, null); super.onDraw(canvas); }@Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); width = getWidth(); // Get View Width height = getHeight(); // Get View Heightfloat size = (width > height) ? height : width; // Choose the smaller // between width and // height to make a // squarecx = width / 2; // Center X for circle cy = height / 2; // Center Y for circle outerRadius = size / 2 - padding; // Radius of the outer circle innerRadius = outerRadius - storkeWidth; // Radius of the inner circleleft = cx - outerRadius; // Calculate left bound of our rect right = cx + outerRadius; // Calculate right bound of our rect top = cy - outerRadius; // Calculate top bound of our rect bottom = cy + outerRadius; // Calculate bottom bound of our rect //startPointX = (float) (1-(float)Math.cos((180-startAngle)*Math.PI/180))*(outerRadius-storkeWidth/2); //startPointX =(1-(float)Math.sqrt(3)/2)*(outerRadius+storkeWidth+padding) ; // 12 O'clock X coordinate //startPointY = (float) (1+(float)Math.sin((180-startAngle)*Math.PI/180))*(outerRadius); //startPointY =(float) 1.5*(outerRadius+storkeWidth/2); // 12 O'clock Y coordinate startPointX = cx; // 12 O'clock X coordinate startPointY = cy - outerRadius; // 12 O'clock Y coordinate startPointX2 = cx; // 12 O'clock X coordinate startPointY2 = cy + outerRadius; // 12 O'clock Y coordinate markPointX = startPointX; // Initial locatino of the marker X coordinate markPointY = startPointY; // Initial locatino of the marker Y coordinate markPointX2 = startPointX2; // Initial locatino of the marker X coordinate markPointY2 = startPointY2; // Initial locatino of the marker Y coordinaterect.set(left, top, right, bottom); // assign size to rect } //float hudu = (float) Math.abs(Math.PI * currentDegreeFlag / 180) ///* // * (non-Javadoc) // * // * @see android.view.View#onDraw(android.graphics.Canvas) // */ //@Override //protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { //dx = getXFromAngle(); //dy = getYFromAngle(); // //canvas.drawCircle(cx, cy, outerRadius, circleRing); //canvas.drawArc(rect, startAngle, angle, true, circleColor); //canvas.drawCircle(cx, cy, innerRadius, innerColor); // // //super.onDraw(canvas); //}///** //* Draw marker at the current progress point onto the given canvas. //* //* @param canvas //*the canvas //*/ //public void drawMarkerAtProgress(Canvas canvas) { //if (IS_PRESSED) { //canvas.drawBitmap(progressMarkPressed, dx, dy, null); //} else { //canvas.drawBitmap(progressMark, dx, dy, null); //} //}/** * Gets the X coordinate of the arc's end arm's point of intersection with * the circle * * @return the X coordinate */ public float getXFromAngle(float markPointX) { int size1 = progressMark.getWidth(); float x = markPointX - (size1 / 2); return x; }/** * Gets the Y coordinate of the arc's end arm's point of intersection with * the circle * * @return the Y coordinate */ public float getYFromAngle(float markPointY) { int size1 = progressMark.getHeight(); float y = markPointY - (size1 / 2); return y; }/** * Get the angle. * * @return the angle */ public int getAngle() { return angle; }/** * Set the angle. * * @param angle the new angle */ public void setAngle(int angle) { this.angle = angle; float donePercent = (((float) this.angle) / 360) * 100; float progress = (donePercent / 100) * getMaxProgress(); setProgressPercent(Math.round(donePercent)); CALLED_FROM_ANGLE = true; setProgress(Math.round(progress)); }/** * Get the angle. * * @return the angle */ public int getAngle2() { return angle2; }/** * Set the angle. * * @param angle the new angle */ public void setAngle2(int angle) { this.angle2 = angle; float donePercent = (((float) this.angle2) / 360) * 100; float progress = (donePercent / 100) * getMaxProgress(); setProgressPercent(Math.round(donePercent)); CALLED_FROM_ANGLE = true; setProgress(Math.round(progress)); }/** * Sets the seek bar change listener. * * @param listener the new seek bar change listener */ public void setSeekBarChangeListener(ArcShapeView4Top.OnSeekChangeListener listener) { mListener = listener; }/** * Gets the seek bar change listener. * * @return the seek bar change listener */ public ArcShapeView4Top.OnSeekChangeListener getSeekBarChangeListener() { return mListener; }///** //* Gets the bar width. //* //* @return the bar width //*/ //public int getBarWidth() { //return barWidth; //} // ///** //* Sets the bar width. //* //* @param barWidth //*the new bar width //*/ //public void setBarWidth(int barWidth) { //this.barWidth = barWidth; //}/** * The listener interface for receiving onSeekChange events. The class that * is interested in processing a onSeekChange event implements this * interface, and the object created with that class is registered with a * component using the component's * setSeekBarChangeListener(OnSeekChangeListener) method. When * the onSeekChange event occurs, that object's appropriate * method is invoked. */ public interface OnSeekChangeListener {/** * On progress change. * * @param viewthe view * @param newProgress the new progress */ public void onProgressChange(ArcShapeView4Top view, int newProgress); }/** * Gets the max progress. * * @return the max progress */ public int getMaxProgress() { return maxProgress; }/** * Sets the max progress. * * @param maxProgress the new max progress */ public void setMaxProgress(int maxProgress) { this.maxProgress = maxProgress; }/** * Gets the progress. * * @return the progress */ public int getProgress() { return progress; }/** * Sets the progress. * * @param progress the new progress */ public void setProgress(int progress) { if (this.progress != progress) { this.progress = progress; if (!CALLED_FROM_ANGLE) { int newPercent = (this.progress / this.maxProgress) * 100; int newAngle = (newPercent / 100) * 360; this.setAngle(newAngle); this.setProgressPercent(newPercent); } mListener.onProgressChange(this, this.getProgress()); CALLED_FROM_ANGLE = false; } }/** * Gets the progress percent. * * @return the progress percent */ public int getProgressPercent() { return progressPercent; }/** * Sets the progress percent. * * @param progressPercent the new progress percent */ public void setProgressPercent(int progressPercent) { this.progressPercent = progressPercent; }/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see android.view.View#onTouchEvent(android.view.MotionEvent) */ @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { float x = event.getX(); float y = event.getY(); boolean up = false; switch (event.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: moved(x, y, up); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: moved(x, y, up); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: up = true; moved(x, y, up); break; } return true; }/** * Moved. * * @param xthe x * @param ythe y * @param up the up */ private void moved(float x, float y, boolean up) { float distance = (float) Math.sqrt(Math.pow((x - cx), 2) + Math.pow((y - cy), 2)); if (distance < outerRadius + DisplayUtil.dip2px(context, adjustmentFactor) && distance > innerRadius - DisplayUtil.dip2px(context, adjustmentFactor) && !up) {//Log.d("120", "moved:calculate4Y(120)========== "+calculate4Y(120)+":cx===="+cx); //Log.d("150", "moved:calculate4Y(150)========== "+calculate4Y(150)+":cy===="+cy); //Log.d("y,x", "moved: y=========="+y+":x============"+x); if (y >= calculate4Y(120)) { float degrees1 = 0.0f; //degrees = (float) ((float) ((Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(x - cx, cy - y)) + 270 - startAngle)) % 360.0); if (x >= cx) { degrees1 = ((float) (30 + 180 * (Math.atan2(x - cx, y - cy)) / Math.PI)); //Log.d("degrees2", "moved: degrees2="+degrees1); //Log.d("x,y", "moved:x - cx= "+(x - cx)+":y-cy="+(y-cy)+":atan="+Math.atan2(x - cx, y-cy)*180/3.14); } if (x < cx) { degrees1 = ((float) (30 - 180 * (Math.atan2(cx - x, y - cy)) / Math.PI)); //Log.d("degrees1", "moved: degrees1="+degrees1); //Log.d("x,y", "moved:cx-x= "+(cx-x)+":y-cy="+(y-cy)+":atan="+Math.atan2(cx-x, y-cy)*180/3.14); } markPointX2 = calculate4X(startAngle2 - degrees1); markPointY2 = calculate4Y(startAngle2 - degrees1); setAngle2((int) (0 - degrees1)); if (pregressDown != null) { pregressDown.onPregressChangedDown(Math.abs(degrees1 / sweepAngle2)); } //if (degrees>0 ) { //degrees -= 2 * Math.PI; // //} //angle2=Math.round(degrees); } else if (y <= calculate4Y(150)) { //degrees = (float) ((float) ((Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(x - cx, cy - y)) + 270 - startAngle)) % 360.0); float degrees = 0.0f; if (y >= cy && x < cx) { degrees = ((float) (180 * (Math.atan2(cx - x, y - cy)) / Math.PI) - 60); //Log.d("degrees1", "moved: degrees1="+degrees); //Log.d("x,y", "moved:cx-x= "+(cx-x)+":y-cy="+(y-cy)+":atan="+Math.atan2(cx-x, y-cy)*180/3.14); } if (y >= cy && x >= cx) { degrees = ((float) (300 - 180 * (Math.atan2(x - cx, y - cy)) / Math.PI)); //Log.d("degrees2", "moved: degrees2="+degrees); //Log.d("x,y", "moved:x - cx= "+(x - cx)+":y-cy="+(y-cy)+":atan="+Math.atan2(x - cx, y-cy)); } if (y < cy && x >= cx) { degrees = ((float) (180 * (Math.atan2(x - cx, cy - y)) / Math.PI + 120)); //Log.d("degrees3", "moved: degrees3="+degrees); //Log.d("x,y", "moved:x - cx= "+(x - cx)+":cy-y="+(cy-y)+":atan="+Math.atan2(x - cx, cy-y)); } if (y < cy && x < cx) { degrees = ((float) (90 - 180 * (Math.atan2(cx - x, cy - y)) / Math.PI + 30)); //Log.d("degrees4", "moved: degrees4="+degrees); //Log.d("x,y", "moved:cx-x= "+(cx-x)+":cy-y="+(cy-y)+":atan="+Math.atan2(cx-x, cy-y)); } markPointX = calculate4X(startAngle + degrees); markPointY = calculate4Y(startAngle + degrees); setAngle((int)(degrees)); if (pregressUp != null) { pregressUp.onPregressChangedUp(degrees / sweepAngle); } } invalidate(); } else{ invalidate(); } }/** * Gets the adjustment factor. * * @return the adjustment factor */ public float getAdjustmentFactor() { return adjustmentFactor; }/** * Sets the adjustment factor. * * @param adjustmentFactor the new adjustment factor */ public void setAdjustmentFactor(float adjustmentFactor) { this.adjustmentFactor = adjustmentFactor; }/** * 根据半径和角度计算x坐标 */ private float calculateX(float r, double angle) { angle = angle * ((2 * Math.PI) / 360); double x = r * Math.sin(angle); double xFinal = cx + x; return (float) xFinal; }/** * 根据半径和角度计算y坐标 */ private float calculateY(float r, double angle) { angle = angle * ((2 * Math.PI) / 360); double y = r * Math.cos(angle); double yFinal = cy - y; return (float) yFinal; }/** * 根据半径和角度计算x坐标 */ private float calculate4X(double angle) { angle = angle * Math.PI / 180; double x = (innerRadius + storkeWidth) * Math.cos(angle); double xFinal = cx + x; return (float) xFinal; }/** * 根据半径和角度计算y坐标 */ private float calculate4Y(double angle) { angle = angle * Math.PI / 180; double y = (innerRadius + storkeWidth) * Math.sin(angle); double yFinal = cy + y; return (float) yFinal; }public void setLeft(float left) { this.left = left; }/** * 但进度发送改变的时候调用该方法(下半弧) * * @param pregressDown (0.0~1.0) */ public void setPregressDown(OnPregressChangedDown pregressDown) { this.pregressDown = pregressDown; }/** * 但进度发送改变的时候调用该方法(上半弧) * * @param pregressUp (0.0~1.0) */ public void setPregressUp(OnPregressChangedUp pregressUp) { this.pregressUp = pregressUp; }public interface OnPregressChangedUp { /** * 但进度发送改变的时候调用该方法(上半弧) * * @param progress (0.0~1.0) */ public void onPregressChangedUp(double progress); }public interface OnPregressChangedDown { /** * 但进度发送改变的时候调用该方法(下半弧) * * @param progress (0.0~1.0) */ public void onPregressChangedDown(double progress); } }


