Zookeeper 集群4字命令白名单 stat is not executed because it is not in the whitelist.

今天搭建Hbase集群过程中,在页面http://hadoop01:16010/zk.jsp发现zk 通讯统计节(Quorum Server Statistics)存在提示stat is not executed because it is not in the whitelist.

[root@hadoop01 bigdata]# echo conf|nc hadoop01 2181 conf is not executed because it is not in the whitelist.


// specify all of the commands that are available static { cmd2String.put(confCmd, "conf"); cmd2String.put(consCmd, "cons"); cmd2String.put(crstCmd, "crst"); cmd2String.put(dirsCmd, "dirs"); cmd2String.put(dumpCmd, "dump"); cmd2String.put(enviCmd, "envi"); cmd2String.put(getTraceMaskCmd, "gtmk"); cmd2String.put(ruokCmd, "ruok"); cmd2String.put(setTraceMaskCmd, "stmk"); cmd2String.put(srstCmd, "srst"); cmd2String.put(srvrCmd, "srvr"); cmd2String.put(statCmd, "stat"); cmd2String.put(wchcCmd, "wchc"); cmd2String.put(wchpCmd, "wchp"); cmd2String.put(wchsCmd, "wchs"); cmd2String.put(mntrCmd, "mntr"); cmd2String.put(isroCmd, "isro"); cmd2String.put(telnetCloseCmd, "telnet close"); }

搜索源码is not executed because it is not in the whitelist.
/** Return if four letter word found and responded to, otw false **/ private boolean checkFourLetterWord(final Channel channel, ChannelBuffer message, final int len) throws IOException { // We take advantage of the limited size of the length to look // for cmds. They are all 4-bytes which fits inside of an int if (!FourLetterCommands.isKnown(len)) { return false; } String cmd = FourLetterCommands.getCommandString(len); channel.setInterestOps(0).awaitUninterruptibly(); packetReceived(); final PrintWriter pwriter = new PrintWriter( new BufferedWriter(new SendBufferWriter())); // ZOOKEEPER-2693: don't execute 4lw if it's not enabled. // 注意此处命令是否允许执行,isEnabled方法用于判断 if (!FourLetterCommands.isEnabled(cmd)) { LOG.debug("Command {} is not executed because it is not in the whitelist.", cmd); NopCommand nopCmd = new NopCommand(pwriter, this, cmd + " is not executed because it is not in the whitelist."); nopCmd.start(); return true; } LOG.info("Processing " + cmd + " command from " + channel.getRemoteAddress()); if (len == FourLetterCommands.setTraceMaskCmd) { ByteBuffer mask = ByteBuffer.allocate(8); message.readBytes(mask); mask.flip(); long traceMask = mask.getLong(); ZooTrace.setTextTraceLevel(traceMask); SetTraceMaskCommand setMask = new SetTraceMaskCommand(pwriter, this, traceMask); setMask.start(); return true; } else { CommandExecutor commandExecutor = new CommandExecutor(); return commandExecutor.execute(this, pwriter, len, zkServer,factory); } }

/** * Check if the specified command is enabled. * * In ZOOKEEPER-2693 we introduce a configuration option to only * allow a specific set of white listed commands to execute. * A command will only be executed if it is also configured * in the white list. * * @param command The command string. * @return true if the specified command is enabled */ public synchronized static boolean isEnabled(String command) { // whiteListInitialized是否初始化过的标记,默认是false,whiteListedCommands相关命令加载完成后,就为true了 if (whiteListInitialized) { return whiteListedCommands.contains(command); } // 参数key名称zookeeper.4lw.commands.whitelist的值直接用*,则会把cmd2String里已经缓存的所有指令放到这个白名单里 String commands = System.getProperty(ZOOKEEPER_4LW_COMMANDS_WHITELIST); if (commands != null) { String[] list = commands.split(","); for (String cmd : list) { if (cmd.trim().equals("*")) { for (Map.Entry entry : cmd2String.entrySet()) { whiteListedCommands.add(entry.getValue()); } break; } if (!cmd.trim().isEmpty()) { whiteListedCommands.add(cmd.trim()); } } } // It is sad that isro and srvr are used by ZooKeeper itself. Need fix this // before deprecating 4lw. if (System.getProperty("readonlymode.enabled", "false").equals("true")) { whiteListedCommands.add("isro"); } // zkServer.sh depends on "srvr". whiteListedCommands.add("srvr"); whiteListInitialized = true; LOG.info("The list of known four letter word commands is : {}", Arrays.asList(cmd2String)); LOG.info("The list of enabled four letter word commands is : {}", Arrays.asList(whiteListedCommands)); return whiteListedCommands.contains(command); }

1、在zoo.cfg 文件里加入配置项让这些指令放行
#开启四字命令 4lw.commands.whitelist=*

ZOOMAIN="-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=$JMXPORT -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=$JMXAUTH -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=$JMXSSL -Dzookeeper.jmx.log4j.disable=$JMXLOG4J org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain" fi else echo "JMX disabled by user request" >&2 ZOOMAIN="org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain" fi#添加VM环境变量-Dzookeeper.4lw.commands.whitelist=* ZOOMAIN="-Dzookeeper.4lw.commands.whitelist=* ${ZOOMAIN}"if [ "x$SERVER_JVMFLAGS" != "x" ] then JVMFLAGS="$SERVER_JVMFLAGS $JVMFLAGS" fi

【Zookeeper 集群4字命令白名单 stat is not executed because it is not in the whitelist.】注:配置完毕后,记得重启集群。./zkServer.sh restart
