python|python 媒体文件播放 脚本

!/usr/local/bin/python """
Try to play an arbitrary media file. Allows for specific players instead of
always using general web browser scheme. May not work on your system as is;
audio files use filters and command lines on Unix, and filename associations
on Windows via the start command (i.e., whatever you have on your machine to
run .au files--an audio player, or perhaps a web browser). Configure and
extend as needed. playknownfile assumes you know what sort of media you wish
to open, and playfile tries to determine media type automatically using Python
mimetypes module; both try to launch a web browser with Python webbrowser module
as a last resort when mimetype or platform unknown.
import os, sys, mimetypes, webbrowser
helpmsg = """
Sorry: can't find a media player for '%s' on your system!
Add an entry for your system to the media player dictionary
for this type of file in, or play the file manually.
def trace(args): print(args) # with spaces between
player techniques: generic and otherwise: extend me ##################################################################################
class MediaTool:
def init(self, runtext=''):
self.runtext = runtext
def run(self, mediafile, **options): # most ignore options
fullpath = os.path.abspath(mediafile) # cwd may be anything, **options)
class Filter(MediaTool):
def open(self, mediafile, **ignored):
media = open(mediafile, 'rb')
player = os.popen(self.runtext, 'w') # spawn shell tool
player.write( # send to its stdin
class Cmdline(MediaTool):
def open(self, mediafile, **ignored):
cmdline = self.runtext % mediafile # run any cmd line
os.system(cmdline) # use %s for filename
class Winstart(MediaTool): # use Windows registry
def open(self, mediafile, wait=False, **other): # or os.system('start file')
if not wait: # allow wait for curr media
os.system('start /WAIT ' + mediafile)
class Webbrowser(MediaTool):
# file:// requires abs path
def open(self, mediafile, **options):
webbrowser.open_new('file://%s' % mediafile, **options)
media- and platform-specific policies: change me, or pass one in ##################################################################################
map platform to player: change me! audiotools = {
'sunos5': Filter('/usr/bin/audioplay'), # os.popen().write()
'linux2': Cmdline('cat %s > /dev/audio'), # on zaurus, at least
'sunos4': Filter('/usr/demo/SOUND/play'), # yes, this is that old!
'win32': Winstart() # startfile or system
'win32': Cmdline('start %s')


videotools = {
'linux2': Cmdline('tkcVideo_c700 %s'), # zaurus pda
'win32': Winstart(), # avoid DOS pop up
imagetools = {
'linux2': Cmdline('zimager %s'), # zaurus pda
'win32': Winstart(),
texttools = {
'linux2': Cmdline('vi %s'), # zaurus pda
'win32': Cmdline('notepad %s') # or try PyEdit?
apptools = {
'win32': Winstart() # doc, xls, etc: use at your own risk!
map mimetype of filenames to player tables mimetable = {'audio': audiotools,
'video': videotools,
'image': imagetools,
'text': texttools, # not html text: browser
'application': apptools}
top-level interfaces ##################################################################################
def trywebbrowser(filename, helpmsg=helpmsg, **options):
try to open a file in a web browser
last resort if unknown mimetype or platform, and for text/html
trace('trying browser', filename)
player = Webbrowser() # open in local browser, **options)
print(helpmsg % filename) # else nothing worked
def playknownfile(filename, playertable={}, **options):
play media file of known type: uses platform-specific
player objects, or spawns a web browser if nothing for
this platform; accepts a media-specific player table
if sys.platform in playertable:
playertable[sys.platform].run(filename, **options) # specific tool
trywebbrowser(filename, **options) # general scheme
def playfile(filename, mimetable=mimetable, **options):
play media file of any type: uses mimetypes to guess media
type and map to platform-specific player tables; spawn web
browser if text/html, media type unknown, or has no table
contenttype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(filename) # check name
if contenttype == None or encoding is not None: # can't guess
contenttype = '?/?' # poss .txt.gz
maintype, subtype = contenttype.split('/', 1) # 'image/jpeg'
if maintype == 'text' and subtype == 'html':
trywebbrowser(filename, **options) # special case
elif maintype in mimetable:
playknownfile(filename, mimetable[maintype], **options) # try table
trywebbrowser(filename, **options) # other types
self-test code ###############################################################################
【python|python 媒体文件播放 脚本】if name == 'main':
# media type known
playknownfile('', audiotools, wait=True)
playknownfile('ora-pp3e.gif', imagetools, wait=True)
playknownfile('ora-lp4e.jpg', imagetools)
# media type guessed input('Stop players and press Enter') playfile('ora-lp4e.jpg')# image/jpeg playfile('ora-pp3e.gif')# image/gif playfile('priorcalendar.html')# text/html playfile('lp4e-preface-preview.html')# text/html playfile('lp-code-readme.txt')# text/plain playfile('spam.doc')# app playfile('spreadsheet.xls')# app playfile('', wait=True)# audio/basic input('Done')# stay open if clicked
